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The OTHER CAPTalk....

Started by Greg, August 21, 2005, 12:36:07 AM

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C/Maj Greg(ory) Boyajian, CAP
Air Victory Museum Composite Squadron


hehe yeah.. saw that on google earlier today, actually.

there's another CAPTalk that's actually CAP related. It's an old email list (used to be, now moved to It doesn't have a very good reputation, though... some former members griping and making accusations about other members without proof.  So, when we were trying to pick a name for this forum, we liked CAPTalk, but because of the reputation, we didn't want to use it.  In the end, it won out, though. :)
Jerry Horn
CAPTalk Co-Admin


I remember it.  It was a very, very negative board.  There was a core group on it that attacked CAP and the leadership at every turn.  If you defended CAP they accused you of being in cohorts with then Colonel Pineda and MGen Bowling.

Everything that went bad in their CAP Career was always the fault of someone else and that CAP was out to destroy them.

Hated it.

Chuck Cranford
Virginia Army National Guard


Yep, I don't bother much with gripers. "Some" CAP folks take CAP AND themselves WAAAAAY too seriously. After almost 42 years in, I do the best I can to help, enjoy what I do, and have FUN.  The day CAP ceases to be FUN, is the day I retire.  ;) I mean, why make CAP a hassle? If it gets to be too much, then I'm out, right? There is just too much out there to get all grumpy and upset, but then some folks can't LIVE unless they are into it with SOMEbody!!! ;D

Lt/Col Jerry Oxendine
Communications Officer


For as much time and money as we all put into this organization, you might as well focus in on the GOOD parts of it that keep you coming back, rather than just [censored]ing and moaning about what you don't like!
2LT Christopher M. Parrett
[red]Deputy Commander of Cadets, Cadet Programs Officer[/red]
London Bridge Composite Squadron 501
SWR-AZ-112,  Lake Havasu City, Arizona


I just went to and a different website opened for me... orange background with some East Indian religion topics on the front page.  I think the other CAPtalk is out of business, as they say...
Ch, Lt Col Jon I. Lumanog, CAP
Special Assistant to the National Chief of Chaplains for Diversity of Ministry


Quote from: jacklumanog on September 09, 2005, 08:11:49 PM
I just went to and a different website opened for me... orange background with some East Indian religion topics on the front page.  I think the other CAPtalk is out of business, as they say...

As Martha Stewart would say, "That is a good thing."

Chuck Cranford
Virginia Army National Guard


Now, it is a forward site for a blog page.

P.S.: I do know that this is a "Vintage" thread
Flame on. . .

GRW 3340



Quote from: justin_bailey on June 19, 2007, 11:51:01 PM
Time to change this web site to!
>:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D
Kill them all....Must et' all. . . .The must be. . .
<squak> TP troops have entered the base!! TP Troops have entered the . ..gah .. .  ack <Squak>

GRW 3340


Yeah, I remember the 'original' CAP Talk, even subscribed to it for about 6 months....I thought I could be cynical, but those characters were something else!

After awhile it was more 'negative karma; than I could take!