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Florida Wing CC Dismissed

Started by RAZOR, September 30, 2007, 01:58:47 AM

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Quote from: Cecil DP on October 01, 2007, 05:42:16 PM
...seems to indicate that there will be a selection process and applications submitted from interested personnel

What an antiquated approach!  ;D


In Florida, Palm Beach County, and Dade County don't know how to use voting machines.  Storms ripped up the state in 2004.  The sharks eat the tourists.  Insurance companies  want our money but don't want to provide coverage.  And the Civil Air Patrol can not keep a commander.  We have had three or four since 2004

Col Pat  O Key was well liked  and  is a people person.

What did Florida do to deserve all  this  crap from national?

John Bryan

And don't forget that these new wing commanders will get to join those left standing in voting for the next National Commander and Vice Commander in 11 months. So it does matter least to those who will be seeking those 2 offices.


I agree with the poster who questioned the appointment of 'interim' wing commanders, a practice I've seen all too fact, one was a National staff officer appointed for a five day period so he could vote the way a high ranking national leader (not a current or former CC or CV) wanted....then someone else outside the wing took over for a couple of months (actually, the sitting commander of another wing)....very odd processes.

The wing CV should take temporary command until new wing CC is appointed....perhaps we need this written into regs!


I don't quite understand your objection to interim commanders.

As a leader you have to put in someone you think who can do the job.  Now let's take out the TP politics for a moment and just think of a hypothetical situations.

WING XX is going down the tubes in a big you (the National CC) call the regional CC and tell him to ax the WING CC and plug the hole.  Let's say the Regional CC completely agrees with axing the wing CC for all the right reasons but he does not know if the Wing CV is up to the job.  So he bring in his own person to ride the helm for a few months, fix the major problems, and start the process to select a replacement.

The problem is....if you are firing a wing CC....not only are you questioning the CC's ability to do the job but his entire staff.


Lord M, even before TP's regime, most Wing CC removals that I've seen  before the completion of their term have been for reasons of politics rather than competence. It is a rare instance indeed wherein the wing staff is so completely loused up that the CV or CS can't run the wing for a couple of months For those instances there should still be a possibility for the Region CC to appoint another officer as interim CC....but there needs to be some kind of check & balance on this process.

Furthermore, there needs to be a reason required for removal even of probationary wing CCs....there is simply too much potential for political abuse otherwise.

John Bryan

For the record the case in my home wing was politics and the Vice Commander who was passed over is an excellent officer and a better choice then the officer who was picked over him.

Speaking of politics......I hope you don't all think that politics is behind us. The race is on for next year (10 months or so).  In the long run.....I do not think much will change other then the names of the officers playing the game.


I am just a little intrigued that the interim Wing Commander for Florida was on Ray Hayden's Termination Board.  Do you suppose the self licking ice cream cone is still viable?  Or is this maybe the Weasel Empire?
Doug Johnson - Miami

Always Active-Sometimes a Member


After that nonsensical email rant that he posted to the wing mailing list, I myself would have voted to remove him. Regardless of whether he had been treated rightly or wrongly prior to that, behavior like that is simply unacceptable and not something I would want around any of my cadets.
Gene Floyd, Capt CAP
Wearer of many hats, master of none (but senior-rated in two)


Quote from: floridacyclist on October 04, 2007, 11:16:11 AM
After that nonsensical email rant that he posted to the wing mailing list, I myself would have voted to remove him. Regardless of whether he had been treated rightly or wrongly prior to that, behavior like that is simply unacceptable and not something I would want around any of my cadets.

Missed that.  I was removed from the Wing Mailing list by Sharkey, merely because of who I am.  Bob Ebaugh brought me back.  Meanwhile I missed a lot of drama, I guess.  Got a copy?

He does seem to get just a touch monomaniacal; but I guess that has been said around here about me.

I have just been over reading the history of his CAP service and demise in the emails posted on his website.  I guess he got a little irate when he realized that his demise was being orchestrated by his mentor and lost it.
Doug Johnson - Miami

Always Active-Sometimes a Member