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The Russian Bear Awakens??

Started by capchiro, September 12, 2007, 04:36:43 PM

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Quote from: JohnKachenmeister on September 13, 2007, 04:18:37 PM
OK, cracks about Dr. Strangelove and video games notwithstanding.

I have a weekly discussion (in person, not on line) with some real smart retired military guys, of which I am the lowest ranking member.  They only let me into the group because I'm cute.  The "Heads up" for this weeks discussion is:

1.  Israeli bombers attempted to hit (but failed) a nuclear-weapons processing site in Syria.  (In case you wondered where Saddam's nukes went to, the ones Susan Sarandon says he never had.)

2.  Putin shook up his entire cabinet shortly after that strike.

3.  Russia is getting increasingly aggressive with regard to provocations against the West.

Here's my take:  Putin has switched sides in the War on Terror.  He reads the tea leaves, (and the New York Times), sees the lack of resolve to win in America, and has concluded that the Muslim radicals will soon win the War on Terror, control the middle east, eliminate Israel, and stop oil shipments to the United States.  The US will collapse econmically, and cease to exist as a world power.  Putin has therefore (sort of like French women) gotten into bed with who he thinks will be the winner.  Part of the deal is that Iran will no longer support the Chechnyan rebellion.

So, he has provided Russian expertise to the Syrians to continue to work on the nuclear program that the Iraq invasion interrupted.  After the Israeli strike, certain members of his cabinet expressed reservations about this course of action.  They have been fired.

The Israelis will not go down without a fight.  The last time they were conquered, they committed mass suicide rather than surrender.  Every Israeli officer takes his oath on the site where they died rather than surrender to the Romans.  They will not permit a Second Holocaust.  They are also a nuclear power.

The fecal material may soon hit the electrical air recirculation device.

Stand by, boys and girls.  I think we're in for a rough ride.

Well said.   I wonder if Putin was ever really on our side but I digress, I think we will find out at some point that the SCO has been pulling the strings behind most of the GWOT, on the Tango side of things.  We have:

New manufactured modern Chinese made weapons showing up in Afghanistan.

Iranian weapons and trainers showing up in Iraq

Russian Bombers flying into NATO airspace

Russian Fighters firing missiles at Georgian Radar sites.

Chinese and Russian Trainers and Weapons Going to Venezuela. (and a host of other Central/South American Countries)

Chinese and Russian deals with Saudi Arabia for oil.

China building overseas bases in Africa.

  Basically,  all of our enemies are lining up against us. The problem is that anyone who is still on the fence may very well move into the anti-US camp.
Chris Pumphrey, Capt. CAP

(C/FO ret.)


Quote from: JohnKachenmeister on September 13, 2007, 04:18:37 PM
Here's my take:  Putin has switched sides in the War on Terror.  He reads the tea leaves, (and the New York Times), sees the lack of resolve to win in America, and has concluded that the Muslim radicals will soon win the War on Terror, control the middle east, eliminate Israel, and stop oil shipments to the United StatesThe US will collapse economically, and cease to exist as a world power.  Putin has therefore (sort of like French women) gotten into bed with who he thinks will be the winner.  Part of the deal is that Iran will no longer support the Chechnya rebellion.

BOLDED by me

Here I go.  First, "the radicals winning the War on Terror" will never happen.  This country (USA) will destroy the world before it collapses.  The government would kill everyone whether in a friendly nation or a hostile nation if they believed there were radicals there and we were losing the war.  The US has not used the "kill everyone and sort it out later" tactic for almost 62 years.  Second..... "stopping oil shipments to the US" would not hurt our country in the least bit.  The majority of Oil used in the US actually comes from (get this) the United States, Canada, Mexico and a few parts of South America.  This country produces more oil than all of the Middle Eastern Countries combined.  (We do lack sufficient refineries in this country though).  The US would send ships to friendly and hostile nations and TAKE oil, before we would ever run out.  Third.... "The US would collapse economically and cease to exist as a world power" would never happen either.  We controll the worlds GOLD, SILVER and precious metals stocks.  The precious metals backing up some of the worlds countries are located in the United States.  WE gave the world the United States Dollar to use as a basis for their own currency, and kept their precious metals and commodities. There are more US dollar bills floating around in every single country combined than are in the United States.  We also are in total controll of the electronic infrastructures that regulate Electronic commerce, and monetary transactions FOR THE WORLD.  We will never, ever, ever be the "other world power".  Sure China is scary economically, but they can not touch what we have going.  If we decided tomorrow to stop purchasing everything MADE in CHINA.....they would collapse economically.  We supply the ARMS, BEANS and BOOKS to all other nations.  When Lockhead Martin had a production stoppage in 1999, Half of the worlds countries AIR FORCES stopped flying.  Countries are dependant on the United States, not the Other way around.  Our ancestors, from 1900 and on made sure of that.  They knew what they were doing.  IF this country was to continue to exist, we had to become and stay the worlds source for "things needed to survive".  We have.

As for the whole Putin and USSR thing, it is my belief that he (a former socialist pig, murderous tyrant and real bad guy) knows the only way HIS country can survive in the "USA LEADER OF THE WORLD" world is to bring his country back to being an "empire".  He will (and has already) stop the democratic movement in Russia.  He will eventually reclaim former socialist states that left the USSR in the 1990's.  He will try to bully Europe by withholding natural gas, oil and electricity.  He will then become a dictator, brutalize his people and eventually try to wage a quasi-economic war with the west.  HE WILL LOSE, but I fear it will cost some American lives in the next decade. 

I say if he wants control of former Soviet territory, lets give him everything.....including the Middle East turmoil.
What's up monkeys?

Nomex Maximus

Well, Kach, the Roosky talks a big game but frankly, we think he's a little bit short of know-how. I mean, you can't really expect a bunch of ignorant peons to understand something like our boys can. And that's not meant as an insult. I mean, hell! Look at all them Nazis they killed off in World War Two and they still wouldn't quit! But, I mean if our pilot is good, I mean if he is really ***good*** why he can barrel that thing down so low. it a sight to behold, VROOM, jet exhaust, flying chickens in the barnyard!!! Have we got a chance?!?! Have we got a chance?!? Hell yes....
Nomex Tiberius Maximus
2dLT, MS, MO, TMP and MP-T
an inspiration to all cadets
My Theme Song


Quote from: mikeylikey on September 13, 2007, 09:26:16 PM
Quote from: JohnKachenmeister on September 13, 2007, 04:18:37 PM
Here's my take:  Putin has switched sides in the War on Terror.  He reads the tea leaves, (and the New York Times), sees the lack of resolve to win in America, and has concluded that the Muslim radicals will soon win the War on Terror, control the middle east, eliminate Israel, and stop oil shipments to the United StatesThe US will collapse economically, and cease to exist as a world power.  Putin has therefore (sort of like French women) gotten into bed with who he thinks will be the winner.  Part of the deal is that Iran will no longer support the Chechnya rebellion.

BOLDED by me

Here I go.  First, "the radicals winning the War on Terror" will never happen.  This country (USA) will destroy the world before it collapses.  The government would kill everyone whether in a friendly nation or a hostile nation if they believed there were radicals there and we were losing the war.  The US has not used the "kill everyone and sort it out later" tactic for almost 62 years.  Second..... "stopping oil shipments to the US" would not hurt our country in the least bit.  The majority of Oil used in the US actually comes from (get this) the United States, Canada, Mexico and a few parts of South America.  This country produces more oil than all of the Middle Eastern Countries combined.  (We do lack sufficient refineries in this country though).  The US would send ships to friendly and hostile nations and TAKE oil, before we would ever run out.  Third.... "The US would collapse economically and cease to exist as a world power" would never happen either.  We controll the worlds GOLD, SILVER and precious metals stocks.  The precious metals backing up some of the worlds countries are located in the United States.  WE gave the world the United States Dollar to use as a basis for their own currency, and kept their precious metals and commodities. There are more US dollar bills floating around in every single country combined than are in the United States.  We also are in total controll of the electronic infrastructures that regulate Electronic commerce, and monetary transactions FOR THE WORLD.  We will never, ever, ever be the "other world power".  Sure China is scary economically, but they can not touch what we have going.  If we decided tomorrow to stop purchasing everything MADE in CHINA.....they would collapse economically.  We supply the ARMS, BEANS and BOOKS to all other nations.  When Lockhead Martin had a production stoppage in 1999, Half of the worlds countries AIR FORCES stopped flying.  Countries are dependant on the United States, not the Other way around.  Our ancestors, from 1900 and on made sure of that.  They knew what they were doing.  IF this country was to continue to exist, we had to become and stay the worlds source for "things needed to survive".  We have.

As for the whole Putin and USSR thing, it is my belief that he (a former socialist pig, murderous tyrant and real bad guy) knows the only way HIS country can survive in the "USA LEADER OF THE WORLD" world is to bring his country back to being an "empire".  He will (and has already) stop the democratic movement in Russia.  He will eventually reclaim former socialist states that left the USSR in the 1990's.  He will try to bully Europe by withholding natural gas, oil and electricity.  He will then become a dictator, brutalize his people and eventually try to wage a quasi-economic war with the west.  HE WILL LOSE, but I fear it will cost some American lives in the next decade. 

I say if he wants control of former Soviet territory, lets give him everything.....including the Middle East turmoil.

I wish I shared your optimism.

With gas at $15-$20 per gallon, and with the postwar spread of our cities which was encouraged by the Eisenhower administration when it was decided to build an autobahn-like freeway system, we are looking at serious problems in getting workers to their jobs, getting products to market, and harvesting and moving food.  Even with a lot of telecommunting, the market-based economy of the US would come to a screeching halt.  That would trigger a massive withdrawal of foreign investment, and loss of operating capital for businesses.

Suddenly, protecting the mating rituals of elk in North Alaska suddenly will become much less important, but it will be too late, since it will take years to exploit the oil resources of ANWR.

With massive unemployment, the government will have to cut back operations, including military operations, because with the economy being as unstable as I think it will be, credit for loans to the government will be hard to come by.

Unfortunately, the drumbeat of defeat that we hear from the media and Congress has stolen the battlefield initiative from us, and has emboldened our enemies.  I suspect that they see the final victory against the "Great Satan" at hand.  I'm not just talking about the cave-dwelling unwashed radicals, but rather the governments who use them as extensions of their national power.
Another former CAP officer


Ol' Pooty-Poot is an opportunistic chekisti, and as the old sayin' in Rooshia goes: once a chekisti always a chekisti. He's missin' the bad old days of the Big Bad Soviet Bear.
Lt Col Charles E. (Chuck) Corway, CAP
Gill Robb Wilson Award (#2901 - 2011)
Amelia Earhart Award (#1257 - 1982) - C/Major (retired)
Billy Mitchell Award (#2375 - 1981)
Administrative/Personnel/Professional Development Officer
Nellis Composite Squadron (PCR-NV-069)
KJ6GHO - NAR 45040


I have to agree with Kach and I am sorry to admit that we are about to leave this country in such a mess to our children and their children.  If you will notice, the American Press is not making much of the fall of the Russian government or the dropping of the "Father of All Bombs" or the increase in Russian patrols.  Most Americans think Russia is still poor and behind the times.  Not so.  I think the agenda of the American Press is to keep this quiet so Americans will not be alarmed, because if we are alarmed, we might vote another Republican into office and insist on increasing the military budget.  I just pray that we can recover from whatever they have planned for us.  The Baby Boomers are about to retire and I am not sure some of the younger generations can replace them.  Not a slam at anyone, just an observation about the younger generations and the globalization they were raised in.  Putin is doing a lot to increase nationalism in Russia right now, and if you will recall, Hitler did much of the same.  America on the other hand is trying to end nationalism in this country through inclusion, political correctness and diversification.  As usual, JMHO.
Lt. Col. Harry E. Siegrist III, CAP
Sweetwater Comp. Sqdn.


Quote from: capchiro on September 14, 2007, 11:02:39 AM
Putin is doing a lot to increase nationalism in Russia right now, and if you will recall, Hitler did much of the same.  America on the other hand is trying to end nationalism in this country through inclusion, political correctness and diversification.  As usual, JMHO.

That may be our real downfall right there.  Political Correctness will get us all in a world of trouble.  I saw on CNN a few months back a commentator cut short because she said the MEXICANS have begun Invading the United States.  Well she was right, but in our politically correct environment, we cant say stuff like that.

What's up monkeys?


That's also why TSA searches the grand-daughter of a retired Army officer with 25 years of civilian police work (and the retired badge and credentials to prove it) but lets the young Muslim men go through without even a by-your-leave.

After all, SO much terrorism has been committed by little girls in kindergarten.
Another former CAP officer


Quote from: JohnKachenmeister on September 14, 2007, 06:47:52 PM
That's also why TSA searches the grand-daughter of a retired Army officer with 25 years of civilian police work (and the retired badge and credentials to prove it) but lets the young Muslim men go through without even a by-your-leave.

After all, SO much terrorism has been committed by little girls in kindergarten.

And, after all, all Muslims, or people who look like Muslims (how exactly did he know the guy was a Muslim? Or was it he just didn't "look 'merican enough" for his taste?) are terrorists and should be treated as such.

Perhaps FWS (Flying While Swarthy) should be enshrined as a police procedure the way DWB (Driving While Black) was in the old days?

I think I'd better wander back out of this thread before you start talking about rounding them up and putting them into camps...


Quote from: JohnKachenmeister on September 14, 2007, 06:47:52 PM
That's also why TSA searches the grand-daughter of a retired Army officer with 25 years of civilian police work (and the retired badge and credentials to prove it) but lets the young Muslim men go through without even a by-your-leave.

After all, SO much terrorism has been committed by little girls in kindergarten.

That outright SUCKS!  You know that in the U.K. they have two sets of laws on the books over there.  One set is for Muslims, while the other set is for everyone out.  The Muslims can get away with more crap then a non-Muslim can.  That is what will eventually happen here. 

Quote from: ddelaney103 on September 14, 2007, 07:21:00 PM
I think I'd better wander back out of this thread before you start talking about rounding them up and putting them into camps...

Holy Holocaust Batman..........  That is what happened in Russia during the 1950's, and I bet that will happen again there.
What's up monkeys?


I have never been to Saudi Arabia, but I had a flotilla mate who spent six years there teaching English before he zoned out and had to come back.  He said that if you were a Christian stopped at a stop light and a muslim ran into you from behind, it is your fault for being in his way.  He may have been employing hyperbole, then again he may not.  Shar'ia is strange law.
Doug Johnson - Miami

Always Active-Sometimes a Member


^ Thats jacked up!  They better be carefull in Saudi Arabia......eventually when the American people learn of what they really do (evil people there) they may find themselves grouped in with Iran and North Korea. 

What's up monkeys?


Before this thread devolves any further...
Mike Johnston