CAP as "Slave Labor" at Airshows?!!

Started by RADIOMAN015, September 09, 2007, 08:24:24 PM

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 :-[ Interestingly, I was talking with one CAP official that took a van full of cadets to help out at a recent Air National Guard sponsored airshow.  Apparently, the airshow sponsors & the Air National Guard, made no provision for at least providing cold water & refreshments to the cadets that were basically parking cars for two days --they appeared to be short of "paid" military personnel.   Finally CAP on Sunday just pulled there personnel from the duty because it was too hot & medically dangerous.  You really got to wonder at these airshow gigs why CAP has to be the "slave" labor.  The way I see it when we commit it should be for a number of support hours based upon the number of personnel & our cadets (e.g. total 10 hours per person) as well as seniors should not only have the opportunity to rest but also time to watch the aero demos & visit the exhibits.   Got to wonder how "eager" anyone is going to be to volunteer at ANY airshow after this "slave labor" experience!????


Nomex Maximus

Don't know what your experience was, but it does seem like CAP does not have any plan in place for feeding or providing for the troops once they get to a mission or exercise.  I have been on three missions so far and you are lucky if you get a sandwich or a piece of pizza that someone happened to bring to the field. If you drove in to the mission it's not so bad you just go and get smething on your own. But if you are part of an aircrew you have no options but what you happened to bring in your pockets. Seems like CAP ought to be able to spring for basic food for participants...

Nomex Tiberius Maximus
2dLT, MS, MO, TMP and MP-T
an inspiration to all cadets
My Theme Song


Whenever we set up a mission, food is widely available.  We set up a meal time for all personnel to come and eat.  We grill burgers, brats, and hot dogs,  and have potato salads, chips, vegetables w/dip, soda and water.  Its a bit of a pretty penny, but it makes sure that everybody stays in good physical condition for the mission.  We also make sure that all GTs and air crews get a chance to eat after they get back from sorties.


Don't know where you guys are, but in sunny Florida B.P. (before Pineda) one of the things that seniors kept constantly in mind was the comfort of the troops.  Water butts, food, and whatever we could scrounge from the local businesses with the charity/cadet whine.  I remember a couple of events where the volunteer workers had their own chow tent manned by food service personnel from a local hospital.  Those were the good old days.  I don't intend to imply that it has changed since Pineda, I just don't know because I am not participating
Doug Johnson - Miami

Always Active-Sometimes a Member


The leadership always needs to be concerned with logistics: water, food, sanitation, sleeping quarters (if it's an overnight event), security, finance, communications, first aid arrangements, emergency planning and of course, safety.

In the case of an air show, the CAP commander ought to speak up and ask the sponsor for what his folks need....they are, as was observed, serving the activity for free!


Radio, I feel your pain. I have been to numerous CAP sponsored events where refreshments were not a thought except on the minds of the hungry individuals. In my previous unit, there was one member who would always bring a van full of food, and a cooking source for the food. This guy is a funeral director, so he has the economy size vans. There should be planning as far as establishing a FMC established amount of funds for refreshments for cadets and officers alike. Unfortunately, the coordination consumes the planners, that the last thing they think of is food. This should be something that is always brought up in the planning stages of any event. Persistence doesn't hurt either.


I've probably worked nearly two dozen air shows where cadets were supporting the airshow by parking cars and/or working crowd control.  It's almost always a hot, shadeless environment.

It is the CAP leadership's responsiblity to take care of our troops, including rest, shade, food, etc.

That's kinda what the whole ORM thing is for.  To plan for and mitigate risks to the troops, and thus support the mission.

It sounds like the seniors really let the cadets down.

Normally, the cadets should have an opportunity to spend a lot of time looking at airplanes, watching the show. and just chilling as necessary.

With adequate planning, air shows are an ideal activity for cadets, and often provide vital fund-raising opportunities for the unit.

After all, anytime you can get cadets and airplanes together in the same place at the same time, it is almost always a Good Thing.

Ned Lee


If we're talking about a real mission I NEVER count on anyone to feed or water me for the first 24 hours -- thats why I lug around all that gear.  If I'm going to a mission base on a known multi-day deployement it is a little different story then.  I am still dismayed, but no longer surprised, to see ground teams show up expecting to eat at Mcdonalds and without any of their own food. 

As to airshows and events like that, yes the CAP leadership is responsible for making arrangments to feed the members or at least provide breaks so they can go and buy something. 


I got to thinking a little more after my initial post in this thread. At the Cleveland Airshow last weekend, the Ohio Military Reserve was wearing their gun belts with canteens attached. Why isn't this ever an option for CAP? Not that I'm saying that there is a regulation against it, but this should be an option to those who want to participate.


In the last few years I've almost never seen cadets weren't wearing camelbacks at such events. 


 Back in the days when CAP units were allowed to utilize 6x6s as corporate vehicles, my home unit had a trailer pulled by one of our two trucks. The trailer was a mass-feeding kitchen that saw most of its use at SAREXs but was quite useful. Our unit commander had arrangements with vendors for short-notice perishable items and we kept an inventory of canned goods in our supply room.
MAJ Tony Rowley CAP
Lansdowne PA USA
"The passion of rescue reveals the highest dynamic of the human soul." -- Kurt Hahn


When I was a cadet, I worked at least 5 different airshows. 

Food wasn't really an issue to be concerned with.  There was plenty of food to go around because there were lots of food tents.  Water, however, was.  Standard procedure was to have one golf cart crew act as a 'water buffalo' and drive to each station to make sure everyone was drinking water and refilling their canteens.   

I can imagine an airshow where food isin't a concern.  However, I can't imagine any activity, let alone an airshow, without a plan for procuring and distributing water.  Water is life.     

Major Carrales

" be of service to my community, state and Nation."

I would not call it slave labor, but, there needs to be plenty of water and food.  People trust their children to us to mold them into good citizens...not land them in a hospital or morgue.

On the occasions where have guarded or parked cars, we insured there was plenty to drink and, when the time came, to eat well.
"We have been given the power to change CAP, let's keep the momentum going!"

Major Joe Ely "Sparky" Carrales, CAP
Coastal Bend Cadet Squadron


I have been to Two Air shows where cadets have been used for parking control. The organizers of the show provided us with tickets for lunch at the concession stands. We did have to provide our own water and any snacks for the rest of the day. I also made sure that each cadet had time off to see the show. It does make for a very long hot day.
Steven C Maulsby, Maj

LtCol White

In the many, many airshows I have worked with cadets either parking cars or as flightline security/smoking&FOD patrols, we always set up in the planning meeting with the base to feed and water the cadets. Each cadet rec'd tickets for food(usually hamburgers) and were advised which beverage stations would provide them with free water. All of our cadets also wore webgear with canteens (camel backs now)
LtCol David P. White CAP   

Admiral, Great Navy of the State of Nebraska

Diplomacy - The ability to tell someone to "Go to hell" and have them look forward to making the trip.


Whenever the CAP leadership sets up flightline duties, we always mandate that water will be available (bottled preferred), a cool resting spot, and food (flight breakfast food is ok)


Quote from: Recruiter on September 09, 2007, 09:23:48 PM
I got to thinking a little more after my initial post in this thread. At the Cleveland Airshow last weekend, the Ohio Military Reserve was wearing their gun belts with canteens attached. Why isn't this ever an option for CAP? Not that I'm saying that there is a regulation against it, but this should be an option to those who want to participate.

Wait, can you explain that.
"Eagerness and thrill seeking in others' misery is psychologically corrosive, and is also rampant in EMS. It's a natural danger of the job. It will be something to keep under control, something to fight against."


Quote from: JThemann on September 10, 2007, 12:56:49 AM
I got to thinking a little more after my initial post in this thread. At the Cleveland Airshow last weekend, the Ohio Military Reserve was wearing their gun belts with canteens attached. Why isn't this ever an option for CAP? Not that I'm saying that there is a regulation against it, but this should be an option to those who want to participate.

Why should our cadets ever be without their canteens in the field?  Even at airshows they are working?


Seniors in the field should have canteens also.

Which does not mitigate the responsibility of the CAP command to ensure the folks are looked after.


An OT post but related because mentioned earlier.

Food is not a reimbursable item on a mission.  Now a unit can pay for it out of their funds, or ask to pitch in.  It all depends on how much the unit is willing to pay.  I'm hoping that they'd at least provide water.  Food is good, but most would have to pay for their food anyways, so some groups such as those running the Air show- not CAP Groups- figure that you are grown up enough to be able to figure some things out.  My view is to expect the worst case, but hope for the best.

GRW 3340