National Commander Suspended

Started by SeattleSarge, August 06, 2007, 05:07:05 PM

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Quote from: Sgt. Savage on August 06, 2007, 07:45:55 PM
Quote from: LtCol White on August 06, 2007, 07:36:42 PM
Quote from: Sgt. Savage on August 06, 2007, 07:21:28 PM
Quote from: O-Rex on August 06, 2007, 07:16:30 PM
Good, bad or indifferent: think what you'd like about Ray Hayden, but apparently someone listened (?)

You never know. . .


Not a very mature response here.

Remember, IF this proves to be true, the entire organization will suffer. Not just the guilty person.

Look at what happened to United Way several years ago after their financial managment case with their director. UW lots millions in donations from people who no longer considered them a reliable entity.  

I know many folks here want to see a change however I see little to celebrate in it coming from this means. It could cause major disruption and credibility issues with it. Lets just hope they are minimal if it does.

My appologies for the outburst. "The Name" has been one of controversy and so few people will even mention it... just seemed wierd to see it come up. That and... well... seemed like a good way to break the tension. :-*

I thought it broke the tension.  In another forum Ray chuckled at the reference to Dante Pignetti from "The Lords of Discipline,"  when he was dismissed from the Corps of Cadets at the Carolina Military Institute (pseudonym for the Citadel) for a trumped-up honors violation, his name striken from the rolls, never to be spoken again.....

Unfortunately, the backlash will reverberate for some time, and this might be another dark chapter in our history.

But I think that this too shall pass, and a period of calm is on the horizon.

these things happen. . . .

Remember Tailhook? Remember the Sergeant Major of the Army who got busted for exual harassment? Assaults on female Cadets ina USAFA in 2004? Cheating scandal as USMA in the mid-70's? the CNO who committed suicide because of the investigation of an unauthorized V-device on one of his awards?  Sergeant Mckeon and Ribbon Creek? Lt. Calley and My Lai?

Organizational evolution is not always a clean, neat & painless process.

We'll get through this.


I don't know about all the rest of the CAP membership, but, from the perspective of a retired Air Force Office of Special Investigations Special Agent, MG Pineda's suspension is overdue. Not because I assume he's guilty, but because there have been too many allegations, some public, others private, made against him since he took command. As an OSI Agent, I was held to a standard of conduct that was higher than pretty much anyone else in the Air Force. Just the "appearance of impropriety" could get my credentials lifted. Why? Because, above all else, our credibility rested on how we policed ourselves. OSI is one of the premiere investigative forces in the country. They operate without command influence, as they work directly for the Air Force Inspector General. If their report contains sufficient evidence to sustain the original complaint, or other evidence that lead the BoG to suspend General Pineda, it could not only lead to his termination, but to federal criminal charges being filed. Ever since I first heard about the allegation, I've done a bit of "googling" of General Pineda. There have been several other allegations regarding his personal and professional (CAP and law enforcement) conduct that merited serious investigation prior to his assuming command of anything. Sadly, it looks like there may not have been any done. If he is indeed guilty in the current matter, someone will make an issue of those previous complaints.

General Pineda should have taken leave from his post as National Commander until the most recent allegation, which was by far the most damaging, was thoroughly investigated. Now, we find ourselves months down the road, with the Report of Investigation probably in the hands of the BoG, and he's under suspension. Believe me, if its an OSI Report of Investigation, it is thorough and accurate. CAP's credibility is damaged. Our reputation is damaged. Regardless of the outcome, how would you look at us now, if you were a Congressman being asked for funds? Does the media look at us as "just another government organization lead by a corrupted leader?" My question for every leader in CAP, from the squadron to the national level is this - will you begin considering the consequences of your actions, from the perspective of what the damage to CAP might be, before taking them?

And to those who wonder if we'll make the news - yes, we will, because they are always looking for ways to embarrass the administration and the military. Someone will open up a can of whoop-butt on CAP in the media, and we'll be on the air.


I can guarantee it will be in the next issue of Air Force Times.  You cannot keep this secret.
Another former CAP officer

LtCol White

And I'm sure they'll call it "CAP GATE" or "CAP SCAM"

Living in a city INFAMOUS for historic corruption and mismanagement (New Orleans) in government, I can tell you that although the removal of a guilty person is good for the organization, it FEQUENTLY does a tremendous amount of damage to the integrity and effectiveness of the organization that the action was designed to benefit. This does not mean that the person should not be removed..only that there will be additional fallout and damage. This incident should serve as a reminder to all in the org and those participating here that ALL of our actions and comments DO reflect on the organization whether they are made in an official capacity or even casually on here. I hope that everyone will use this incident to reexamine their actions and consider the POTENTIAL consequences of them. Everything we say and do will be watched very closely by hungry dogs looking for more juicy meat to sink their teeth into.

LtCol David P. White CAP   

Admiral, Great Navy of the State of Nebraska

Diplomacy - The ability to tell someone to "Go to hell" and have them look forward to making the trip.


While many if not most of us have made some comment about MG Pineda, it behooves us all as both officers and cadets to behave with decorum. While we may have our personal feelings, we still pay respect to the office of National Commander. The public outside of CAP will take its cues from us, we set the tone. As we rev up for the National Conference and various encampments and other activities, I think we all owe it to the organization we serve to act with dignity and honor.

Semper Vi!
"Corpsman Up!"

"...The distinct possibility of dying slow, cold and alone...but you also get the chance to save lives, and there is no greater calling in the world than that."


Quote from: SARMedTech link=topic=2557.msg46714#msg46714 date=
While many if not most of us have made some comment about MG Pineda, it behooves us all as both officers and cadets to behave with decorum. While we may have our personal feelings, we still pay respect to the office of National Commander. The public outside of CAP will take its cues from us, we set the tone. As we rev up for the National Conference and various encampments and other activities, I think we all owe it to the organization we serve to act with dignity and honor.

Semper Vi!

Well said SARMedTech!  We're looking for some sort of justice based on the "Core Values" of the organization.  Equally applied from Senior Member to Commanding General.  The same process any of us would want if, heaven forbid, an allegation was lodged against us.  If anything, we should feel positive about the system working, and working fairly.


Quote from: ricwalters on August 06, 2007, 08:52:24 PM
...MG Pineda's suspension is overdue. Not because I assume he's guilty, but because there have been too many allegations, some public, others private, made against him since he took command. As an OSI Agent, I was held to a standard of conduct that was higher than pretty much anyone else in the Air Force. Just the "appearance of impropriety" could get my credentials lifted. Why? Because, above all else, our credibility rested on how we policed ourselves...

Very well stated, Sir.

In my opinion this really is the heart of the matter.  Leadership carries an additional burden beyond simply giving orders.  You have to conduct yourself at all times so that your reputation is above reproach.  And surround yourself with staff who conduct themselves similarly. We have too many commanders at all levels in CAP who seem to think they can separate their "CAP character" from their private character. It's not possible. To attempt it ultimately brings grief for all concerned. If you're not willing to accept the behavioral constraints imposed by a leadership position then you shouldn't accept the job.

Americans have always held our leaders to a higher standard. It may not seem entirely fair but that's the way we operate.  I like our way better than the old world method of hiding the king's indiscretions and keeping him in power "for the good of the kingdom".

LtCol White

Here is more OFFICIAL detail from the article on the NHQ Website

U.S.Civil Air Patrol's Board of Governors suspends CAP national commander

Pineda prohibited from having contact with any member of CAP
August 06, 2007

NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS – The U.S. Civil Air Patrol Board of Governors announced today it has suspended the CAP national commander for a period of up to 180 days.

According to Maj. Gen. Richard L. Bowling, BoG chairman, the 11-member board convened a special meeting Aug. 5 to receive the CAP Inspector General's Report of Investigation concerning allegations against Maj. Gen. Antonio J. Pineda.

The investigation was conducted by CAP Inspector General Col. James Linker after allegations were made that a CAP Florida Wing member took U.S. Air Force Air Command and Staff College tests for Pineda in 2002 and 2003. CAP senior members are allowed to enroll in Air Force professional development courses to strengthen their knowledge about the U.S. Air Force. Before becoming national commander, Pineda held the positions of Florida Wing commander and Southeast Region commander for the organization. He is a retired agent of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

"Until the Board of Governors has completed its final action, the general's CAP membership has been suspended for a period of up to 180 days," said Bowling. "During this period, Maj. Gen. Pineda is prohibited from having contact with any member of Civil Air Patrol."

Brig. Gen. Amy S. Courter, CAP national vice commander, will assume the duties of the national commander during this period, as prescribed in Section 10 of the CAP Constitution and Bylaws. This is standard procedure in situations like this according to CAP's Constitution and Bylaws.

Established in 2000, the BoG includes representatives of CAP, the U.S. Air Force and civilians involved in education, aviation and emergency management. Both the national commander and national vice commander serve on the BoG. The board meets twice per year.

Courter joined CAP's Michigan Wing in 1979 and most recently served as chair of the CAP Professional Development Committee. She served as commander of the Michigan Wing from 1999 to 2002 and as senior adviser to the CAP National Cadet Advisory Council. Courter has worked for 25 years – most recently as vice president of Information Technology -- with Valassis, a global billion-dollar marketing services company based in Livonia, Mich. While at Valassis, she expanded the IT department into a business, rather than just a support group, by developing business-to-business applications that generated revenue.

CAP National Headquarters will release the BoG's final decision regarding Pineda when that information is available.

The U.S. CAP was founded on Dec. 1, 1941, less than a week before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor brought the U.S. into World War II. CAP, the official auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force, is a nonprofit organization with more than 55,000 members nationwide. CAP performs 95 percent of continental U.S. inland search and rescue missions, as tasked by the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center, and was credited by the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center with saving 58 lives in 2006. Its volunteers also perform homeland security, disaster relief and counterdrug missions at the request of federal, state and local agencies. Members play a leading role in aerospace education and serve as mentors to the more than 22,000 young people currently participating in the CAP cadet program.

LtCol David P. White CAP   

Admiral, Great Navy of the State of Nebraska

Diplomacy - The ability to tell someone to "Go to hell" and have them look forward to making the trip.


Okay, so we've established that the suspension is related to Ray Hayden's question is why did it take so long to suspend him so that the investigation can take place?  Didn't the original allegation break well before the May meeting? 


Quote from: RiverAux on August 07, 2007, 12:59:36 AM
Okay, so we've established that the suspension is related to Ray Hayden's question is why did it take so long to suspend him so that the investigation can take place?  Didn't the original allegation break well before the May meeting? 

The IG did an investigation and they must have found enough to either: a) justify/require a more in-depth investigation or b) found enough to remove for cause and this "no more than 180 days" period is to allow the Commander to appeal the decision.  Either way, the message makes clear the IG has delivered a report and it did not totally clear the Commander of wrongdoing.


Quote from: RiverAux on August 07, 2007, 12:59:36 AM
Okay, so we've established that the suspension is related to Ray Hayden's question is why did it take so long to suspend him so that the investigation can take place?  Didn't the original allegation break well before the May meeting?

An investigation of this scope is certain to take 6 months to 1 year to do correctly.  Being an IG is hard work.

Tags - MIKE
Another former CAP officer


Finally!  If the investigation finds the National CC guilty then can him.  If he's found innocent, then
let it be know.  But all of this speculation has done nothing but bring down moral.  Let's bring it to a conclusion and get on with running the organization.


Wow. The timing of this announcement is phenominal. Two days before the conference. I wonder if that had anything to do with it. I wonder why they didnt wait until the conference to do this. I mean they got the report from the IG Sunday, they could have waited two days. Oh well, and I was looking forward to seeing Pineda this week. oh well

Johnny Yuma

Not surprising. His retirement from FDLE while under investigation for the testing accusations said volumes.

What comes next: Pineda's suspended pending National Board action. Since the boards are around the corner we'll know in a few days whether he stays or goes.

I don't expect him to resign for the good of the organization. I'm sure he's been offered that and refused it. He knows how that game's played, he did it to Rex Glasgow.

Now we get to sit back and see just how much he stacked the deck in his favor. He's replaced all the Region CC's and at least half of the Wing Kings with minions he believes he can control. With 2/3 majority needed to remove him this may be an uphill task to permanently sustain his suspension.

J Y's personal belief: There will be a majority vote to remove, but not the 2/3 majority required. The only factor that may change my gut feeling on this is if the other IG complaints find that misconduct occurred in the other 2 investigations and these are presented at the Boards as well.
"And Saint Attila raised the Holy Hand Grenade up on high saying, "Oh Lord, Bless us this Holy Hand Grenade, and with it smash our enemies to tiny bits. And the Lord did grin, and the people did feast upon the lambs, and stoats, and orangutans, and breakfast cereals, and lima bean-"

" Skip a bit, brother."

"And then the Lord spake, saying: "First, shalt thou take out the holy pin. Then shalt thou count to three. No more, no less. "Three" shall be the number of the counting, and the number of the counting shall be three. "Four" shalt thou not count, and neither count thou two, execpting that thou then goest on to three. Five is RIGHT OUT. Once the number three, being the third number be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade to-wards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuffit. Amen."

Armaments Chapter One, verses nine through twenty-seven:


The thing is that the CAP press release is so disengeous...they've obviously been investigating these charges for months but only now are suspending him, but they act like the charge just came up. 

Its like if a cop shot somebody and the department left him on patrol for 3 months before putting him on desk duty so they could investigate the shooting to make sure it was justified.

Frankly, while I've been willing to give the Nat Cdr the benefit of the doubt if its got to thie point where obviously some sort of preliminary evaluation as to the merits of the charge have been made, for the good of the organization he should have stepped aside before being suspended.


Quote from: Johnny Yuma on August 07, 2007, 03:53:17 AM
J Y's personal belief: There will be a majority vote to remove, but not the 2/3 majority required. The only factor that may change my gut feeling on this is if the other IG complaints find that misconduct occurred in the other 2 investigations and these are presented at the Boards as well.

Your math is sound, but I suspect when the dust settles a recommendation to remove by either the BoG or the USAF OSI will trump any vote from the National Board.  By Federal law, the BoG is the governing body of CAP.  And we know how influential/powerful the AF OSI is.
Phil Boylan, Maj, CAP
DCS, Rome Composite Sqdn - GA043


Question: Since the MG has been suspended from Membership, and is forbidden contact from any CAP member, could he come to CapTalk and post?  We are Cap Members, and posting is a form of contact.  I do not know for sure if he is even a member of this Forum.  Just curious.

GRW 3340


Quote from: RogueLeader on August 07, 2007, 05:36:00 AM
Question: Since the MG has been suspended from Membership, and is forbidden contact from any CAP member, could he come to CapTalk and post?  We are Cap Members, and posting is a form of contact.  I do not know for sure if he is even a member of this Forum.  Just curious.

No.  He cannot contact any member of CAP.  The means of contact would make no difference.
Another former CAP officer


Quote from: Pylon on August 06, 2007, 07:43:35 PM
Quote from: NERMA002 Safety on August 06, 2007, 07:42:10 PM
How much of this investigation will ever truly see the light of day I wonder. 

Adverse membership actions are published with a brief summary of the reason, but privacy and confidentiality are very important cornerstones of IG investigations and much of it will not be disclosed.  Just like any other IG investigation.

I believe this publication only happens when the Membership Action Review Board (MARB) reviews an adverse action or an investigation process to ensure that proper procedures were followed; I think that is all they can rule on.

I would seriously doubt that the MARB, which consists of CAP members appointed by the Nat'l CC, would possess the authority to review any decision reached by the BOG.


If he doesn't go away, and he attends your respective wing conference, I dare someone to slip a copy of "Removal of the National Commander" on top of the papers of whoever is sitting next to him...