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Senior Member Orientation

Started by Stonewall, July 20, 2007, 02:12:18 PM

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Now that I've figured out how to attach files, I thought I'd start posting some work that I've done over the years at the squadron level.  As much as I would normally appreciate it, I am not asking for feedback.  I am not directly involved in CAP these days so I wouldn't get around to fixing it.  But feel free to use anything and change it for your use.  I've posted a few things in the cadet thread as well as ES.

Serving since 1987.


Quote from: Stonewall on July 20, 2007, 02:12:18 PM
Now that I've figured out how to attach files, I thought I'd start posting some work that I've done over the years at the squadron level.  As much as I would normally appreciate it, I am not asking for feedback.  I am not directly involved in CAP these days so I wouldn't get around to fixing it.  But feel free to use anything and change it for your use.  I've posted a few things in the cadet thread as well as ES.


You Rock Kirt! Thanks for posting all this stuff! I'm a big fan of the reduction/elimination of redundancy and if the wheel has already been invented by someone else; HOO-AH! :-)


Hey man, I'm here for you brotha. 
Serving since 1987.


Hey UK... You could've asked me about the attaching files thing.   I am here to help... And whine about the n00bs.  ;D

IIRC, other Mike and Jerry will delete old attachments after a while to save disk space.
Mike Johnston

Al Sayre

Thanks Kirt,
These booklets are a big help!
Lt Col Al Sayre
MS Wing Staff Dude
Admiral, Great Navy of the State of Nebraska
GRW #2787


 Thanks a LOT,Sir!!!! :clap: ;D ;D ;D
Maj.Chuck Cook
Blue Water Composite Squadron GLR-MI-011


Thank you, Colonel.

i broke into a cold sweat when my Squadrons DC put all the paperwork in front of me, and essentially it all boiled down to what you put together. I plan to share it woth those newer than me (yes there are some) and hope it makes there start easier.

Semper Vi!
"Corpsman Up!"

"...The distinct possibility of dying slow, cold and alone...but you also get the chance to save lives, and there is no greater calling in the world than that."


Senior Member Handbook.doc (356 KB - downloaded 44 times.)

44 times.  I guess that's just how many people looked at it.  Of those, how many think it will help you or the new senior member?

I know I said I wasn't looking for feedback, but this is more curiosity than anything.  I worked on this about 5 years ago and personally thought it was a good product for new seniors, really breaking it down for the new guy.  I think most stuff that is put out by NHQ has always been a bit over the top as far as new member orientation.
Serving since 1987.



I like the packet, I think it is basic enough to get people started without offering too much information.

If I were to change anything it would probably be the formatting (bullets, font, flow).  If you were going for a 'professional publication' feel, it definitely looks 'homemade.'  However, this by no means detracts from the information contained within. 

If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law. - Winston Churchill

Al Sayre

I thought it answered a lot of the questions that I get from new folks as they figure out what questions to ask, especially those without prior military.

Just as an aside, I find that those without prior military experience (PME) often lack enough basic information to even know what questions to ask when they first join, and this hinders their development.  Those of us with PME incorrectly assume that everyone has this basic information or knows how to read a regulation etc. to find it.  Consequently, we do not pass this knowledge on to our new members up front which may contribute to their frustration and our overall poor retention rates.  I'd be curious to see retention rates broken down by PME vs non-PME just to confirm if this holds water.
Lt Col Al Sayre
MS Wing Staff Dude
Admiral, Great Navy of the State of Nebraska
GRW #2787


Quote from: jimmydeanno on July 23, 2007, 02:46:08 PM
If I were to change anything it would probably be the formatting (bullets, font, flow).  If you were going for a 'professional publication' feel, it definitely looks 'homemade.'  However, this by no means detracts from the information contained within. 

I am not offended in the least.  I knew this when I produced it, but I lack a lot of writing skills and things like this were put together very quickly, often when CinC-House was asleep or my real boss wasn't around and I had time to do CAP stuff on the company's dime.  And maybe it's not so much writing skills as it is computer skills.  I'm pretty much a "WORD" guy.  I know a lot of studs out there in CAP with the skills to make things look 10x more professional but lack the ability to put this stuff in writing.  Too bad we can't seem to put the two together.
Serving since 1987.


Quote from: Al Sayre on July 23, 2007, 02:54:43 PM
I thought it answered a lot of the questions that I get from new folks as they figure out what questions to ask, especially those without prior military.

ABSOLUTELY!  Not just PME types, but CAP Lifers as well.  I remember as a young SM a 40+ year old Captain with a gazzilion years in CAP talking to the parents of potential new recruits and it went something like this... "and once you fill out the cap-form 15, you'll need to make a check out to NHQ.  Hopefully this will be soon so we can get them to encampment so we can get them on the MSA and a chit can be submitted to wing for their uniform voucher.  If not, we can go to the PX/BX and get uniforms and try to get what you don't already have.  39 dash 1 outlines proper grooming standards so make sure you look through that, but don't worry, their C/CC will make sure they're squared away with all their Customs and Courtesies before any kind of ENCASES (NCSAs)....yadda yadda yadda..."

This can be even more overwhelming for a new senior without PME, like you said.  It can be intimidating as well.  I did my best to civilianize if necessary, but there were several guys who were not vets but knew the military inside and out because they worked for Boeing, Lockheed Martin, SAIC, or a number of other contract companies that work side-by-side with the military and in fact received military training as a perk of their job.  Had one civilian who actually had a carrier trap and launch and had shot the Mk 19.  But yes, you are correct, some people may need it broken down even further, especially the true military aspect of CAP when working with cadets.
Serving since 1987.


Bump, incase anyone missed it....
Serving since 1987.

Cecil DP

This is a great publication, with your permission I will publish it for my Squadron (with some local changes)

Mike M.
Michael P. McEleney
MSG  USA Retired
GRW#436 Feb 85


Quote from: Mike M on August 16, 2007, 02:48:27 AM
This is a great publication, with your permission I will publish it for my Squadron (with some local changes)

Mike M.

Gave permission in the first post...

Quote from: Stonewall on July 20, 2007, 02:12:18 PM
But feel free to use anything and change it for your use.  I've posted a few things in the cadet thread as well as ES.
Serving since 1987.


National also has a great publication for just this purpose.   CAPP 7, attached for your perusal.

For every person I recruit (or in anyway help to join), I give them one of these.  It is tremendously helpful for people to have stuff like this so they get a headstart on what CAP has to offer.


Gene Jackson
COL (R) US Army
Danville VA


I've already made some changes to reflect my squadron and have a copy printed off.  I think it is great.  Thanks for the work!  You guys sure are making my job easier!  >:D
Wade Dillworth, Maj.
Paducah Composite Squadron


Quote from: genejackson on August 26, 2007, 12:51:33 AM
National also has a great publication for just this purpose.   CAPP 7, attached for your perusal.

For every person I recruit (or in anyway help to join), I give them one of these.  It is tremendously helpful for people to have stuff like this so they get a headstart on what CAP has to offer.


I've been updating this in my free time.  We had a revised version that we used at the squadron level back when all new senior members got was a mailing envelope with a few random publications.