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Newspaper Recruiting

Started by Tubacap, June 22, 2007, 12:15:39 PM

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Does anyone have a few 25 word recruiting adds for specific CAP specialty tracks that would go in the classifieds?  Looking for something catchy and honest!
William Schlosser, Major CAP


Not sure how effective newspaper recruiting would be...

Newspaper advertising meeds to be consistant and long running.  If you only run 1 or 2 ads it will NOT be effective use of your funds.

Better to send press releases frequently to the media.  Get in their calendar of events section so you are in every week.. that is usually free.

Have an open house event, every quarter and a parents night 2x year or more.. Send PSAs on these events.  Also, have special speakers.. again write a PSA or release to all media.

If there is a local talk radio, get in on that, call in, or try and get interviewed, you might also be able to become a steady guest checking in too!

Write pertenant letters to the editor, if your local media has a website with a news forum post there as well..

These are the ways to keep your name on the forfront, not spend any $$$, and have a nice effective return.

When I took over as POA of a small squadron, we had about 15 cadets and 6 Officers, now we have 28 and 12.. not bad for 18 months of work in the middle of nowhere.  We are considering starting a flight about an hour away as we have another 10 people interested in joining if we were closer...

Don't forget to also, get into the schools, march in parades, set flags on graves, etc...  The more visible you are the more people will be curious.



GRW 3340