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hair cut standard

Started by CAP006, June 21, 2007, 12:21:46 PM

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Where do I find the updated hair regulation ???  I have only found the 1998 version and I want to direct the cadets who are going to encampment this weekend.
CAP 006 = one away from the Big Shot

C/2nd. Lt. Robert Dahms
Cadet ES Officer
Cadet Comm's Officer
Color Guard Commander


CAPM 39-1 Civil Air Patrol Uniform Manual, Attachment 2, on page 130.


Page 11, Table 1-2, Lines 3-5.
If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law. - Winston Churchill


Also, I don't believe the grooming standards have changed recently, so you can use guidance from the 1997 uniform manual, if that's all you have on hand.


Quote from: jimmydeanno on June 21, 2007, 12:36:26 PM
CAPM 39-1 Civil Air Patrol Uniform Manual, Attachment 2, on page 130.


Page 11, Table 1-2, Lines 3-5.
Thank you, I did find that, but an ES director and his assistant told me that the male cadets had to have their hair no longer than 1 inch.  Is that true ???
CAP 006 = one away from the Big Shot

C/2nd. Lt. Robert Dahms
Cadet ES Officer
Cadet Comm's Officer
Color Guard Commander


Quote from: CAP006 on June 21, 2007, 02:43:56 PM
Quote from: jimmydeanno on June 21, 2007, 12:36:26 PM
CAPM 39-1 Civil Air Patrol Uniform Manual, Attachment 2, on page 130.


Page 11, Table 1-2, Lines 3-5.
Thank you, I did find that, but an ES director and his assistant told me that the male cadets had to have their hair no longer than 1 inch.  Is that true ???

No longer than 1 inch?? That's ridiculous. I spent 10 years in the Marine Corps and we were allowed to have 3 inches. 1 inch is like a buzz cut.
Tim Gardiner, 1st LT, CAP

USMC AD 1996-2001
USMCR    2001-2005  Admiral, Great State of Nebraska Navy  MS, MO, UDF


Quote from: CAP006 on June 21, 2007, 02:43:56 PM
Quote from: jimmydeanno on June 21, 2007, 12:36:26 PM
CAPM 39-1 Civil Air Patrol Uniform Manual, Attachment 2, on page 130.


Page 11, Table 1-2, Lines 3-5.
Thank you, I did find that, but an ES director and his assistant told me that the male cadets had to have their hair no longer than 1 inch.  Is that true ???

They're wrong.  And why they're wrong is on Page 11 of CAPM 39-1, Table 1-2, Lines 3 & 4.
Michael F. Kieloch, Maj, CAP


Newsflash-  CAP written directives surpass any thing that self-proclaimed CAP fountain of knowledge.  the only thing that is allowed to contradict a regulation and get away with it is another regulation, but that usually causes a catfight on the publications page a nationals
"All of the true things that I am about to tell you are shameless lies"

Book of Bokonon
Chapter 4


or maybe a Interim-Change letter, policy directive, letter from Garfield the cat....
William Schlosser, Major CAP


There isn't a mention of maximum hair length. But it does put a restriction on what it can and can't touch and the style of cut.  The measurements it lists are for 'bulk' meaning how far from the scalp to the edge of the hair.

People who have really curly hair could meet all the requirements listed but their hair could be sticking out from the top of their head 8", this is where 'bulk' comes in.
If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law. - Winston Churchill


In the opposite dirrection...

For awhile, a member of our wing was very against the military (Hooahh-ish) haircuts on male cadets. You know, the shaved on the sides and back with just a little egg-shape on top look. He associated this high-speed, low-drag style with being over enthusiastic and having an attitude that might come with it. Pretty much the same way that some of you view berets.  (Please, NO beret discussion here)

Anyway, he tried two different avenues to get this male hair style banned in the wing.

1. It was not "tapered" or "block" according to the example in 39-1.
2. It did not provide enough protection of the scalp and was a safety issue.

WTF! I mean, come on already...


Ace Browning, Maj, CAP
History Hoarder
71st Wing, Minnesota


I find that the 'High and Tight" works well for me. . . I don't have to worry about coming it, then it becoming a loose cannon later in the day.

GRW 3340


Actually, I discourage the "Bic" haircut with cadets.  There's no hair to stop the sweat from running in to your eyes, you can get sunburn on your unprotected melon, and most people don't have the head shape to pull off the look.

Of course, some senior members have no choice in the matter (:angel:), but most cadets don't have to worry about receding hair lines.


I bic'ed once, and hated it.  Kept it bristled though.

GRW 3340

Major Carrales

I think a nice, clean cut, short (i.e. unshaggy) professional looking haircut should do it for male cadets.  All safety reasons not withstanding, if a cadet wants to have the "shaved head look" and its not a distraction to other cadets, so be it.

I think it is far to say we all know what a "wrong" hairdo would look like.
"We have been given the power to change CAP, let's keep the momentum going!"

Major Joe Ely "Sparky" Carrales, CAP
Coastal Bend Cadet Squadron


In a lot of ways I would consider a 'bic-ed' hairstyle to be faddish and extreme, similar to a B.A. Barracus mohawk.  A CWO friend of mine made mention that the Army was considering 'banning' the completely bald look unless you had, well, no hair.
If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law. - Winston Churchill


Quote from: jimmydeanno on June 22, 2007, 07:36:23 PM
In a lot of ways I would consider a 'bic-ed' hairstyle to be faddish and extreme, similar to a B.A. Barracus mohawk.  A CWO friend of mine made mention that the Army was considering 'banning' the completely bald look unless you had, well, no hair.
What's wrong w/ going baldy.  Well. . . . unless you have a 1930's overseas uniform from a certain German country, along with a red arm band that had a freaked up plus sign on a white circle. . . .

GRW 3340


I have the high and tight hair..... Oh wait, never mind that's a bald spot
Gil Robb Wilson # 19
Gil Robb Wilson # 104


Quote from: stillamarine on June 21, 2007, 03:33:44 PM
Quote from: CAP006 on June 21, 2007, 02:43:56 PM
Quote from: jimmydeanno on June 21, 2007, 12:36:26 PM
CAPM 39-1 Civil Air Patrol Uniform Manual, Attachment 2, on page 130.


Page 11, Table 1-2, Lines 3-5.
Thank you, I did find that, but an ES director and his assistant told me that the male cadets had to have their hair no longer than 1 inch.  Is that true ???

No longer than 1 inch?? That's ridiculous. I spent 10 years in the Marine Corps and we were allowed to have 3 inches. 1 inch is like a buzz cut.

Actually, 1/2 inch is more of a buzzcut. Its the way I have my hair cut (clipper cut) because its cooler in the summer doing EMS, doesnt freeze to my head when I am sweating doing ES in cold climates, is easier to keep clean when deployed and its consistant with USAF grooming standards that say the the hair cannot have a sharp line cut above the ears and the back of the neck. It has to be a "GI fade" or at least   it used to.
"Corpsman Up!"

"...The distinct possibility of dying slow, cold and alone...but you also get the chance to save lives, and there is no greater calling in the world than that."


There has often been confusion of the length of hair on top.  Whatever the reg is, whether it be 1 or 3 inches (can't believe it'd be 1) it's not the length of the actual strand of hair, its how high the hair can sit on top of the head.  If your hair is 5 inches long, and doesn't come over your eyebrow, hits your collar or touches your ear, you're good to go.

I've never been a fan of high n' tights.  Even Ranger Battalion stopped doing that cut years ago.  I think it's unprofessional looking and uncalled for for kids.  Flat tops aren't bad I guess, they're a fad and often in style.  I think a good haircut for military and CAP folks is a clean taper (fade) off the ears and collar and enough hair on top to comb in a neat manner.

That being said, unless I'm in uniform my hair is pretty much filled with salt and sand from the beach with no real style.  I generally push the limits on military hair regs.
Serving since 1987.


Here's my cut...

What a High n' Tight should look like...

What most cadets' High n' Tights do look like...

From this website:
Serving since 1987.