What flight bag do you use?

Started by SkywalkerRA, February 02, 2016, 12:31:40 AM

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Hi Everyone! I am doing a series of blog posts on our squadron's website called "What's In Your Flight Bag?" and would love to solicit responses from all of you fine people on the flight gear that you have and why you chose that item, what you like, what you don't, things other people should consider etc. I know we've had a few posts on this topic in the past, but a few of them are from years ago and I wanted to get some recent responses on this.

So, I'll ask you aircrew members (both pilots and non-pilots) what type of flight bag (or whatever bag you might use to hold your gear in flight, whether it's a flight a bag or not) do you use? What do you like about it? Not like about it? What advice would you give people looking to purchase a flight bag?

Thank you for your input!

Capt Thompson

As a scanner, I have a regular school backpack, but I can because I have a little more room to spread out in the back seat. In the front compartment I have my headset, pens/markers, air sickness bags and anti nausea tabs (just in case), small flashlight. In the main compartment I have a binder with sectionals, plotter, my knee board with a pad of paper, checklists and reference material, and a small tablet with Avare, portable battery and cable. In the side pouch is a water bottle, and the other side pouch has a couple protein bars.

This setup wouldn't work in the front seat. When I sit up front I stuff sectionals in my flight suit pockets, pens and markers in the pen slots on my sleeve and on the kneeboard, kneeboard goes on my leg with tablet, pad and reference materials, and the water  bottle is in the pouch on the plane next to my right leg. I hand carry the headset, and a small flashlight goes in a pocket.

I'm thinking of adding a small pair of binoculars to the kit as well, but haven't found a compact pair I like yet.
Capt Matt Thompson
Deputy Commander for Cadets, Historian, Public Affairs Officer

Mitchell - 31 OCT 98 (#44670) Earhart - 1 OCT 00 (#11401)




Quote from: lordmonar on February 02, 2016, 05:36:31 AM
I just use an USAF helmet bag.


I started with a cheap bag I got for free when j first started training that was too small. Then when I got my private, I received a really nice sports flightgear bag which is awesome but too big for simple trips.

I then got a used helmet bag from my local surplus. I love it. Yes it's big but it's so flexible that it fits nicely behind my pilot seat. I also don't care as much about if it gets oil, gas or grease on it. I also have affixed a few patches to it that while not exactly official, I think it looks sharp! It starts a lot of conversations.

You can find them for close to $10.


Quote from: lordmonar on February 02, 2016, 05:36:31 AM
I just use an USAF helmet bag.


I picked one up when I was in 10th grade (1990ish..). It's been with me a long time, in many different roles and still has a lot of life left in it.

As for gear, it's been covered to death. Water, a couple of granola bars, a gallon ziploc with paper towels, spare batteries, a HT, survival gear, maps...

Strup-"Belligerent....at times...."
NSS ISC 05-00
US NWC 2016


years ago (before EFB's) I was carrying around a bunch of Jepp Binders, Headsets, etc.  Many aviation outlets had full size flight cases often costing $200.00 or more.  Then I found an identical case at Office Depot that only cost $70.  Enter the tablets and time to downsize.  Again looking at the aviation outlets and here are some really cheap but expensive bags all in the 75-100 range.  To the basement and dig out the helmet bag from my previous life.  It worked OK, but could use better separation pockets  (And the Death Dealer Patch and some others did not fit the CAP image too well).  About 2 years ago at a gun show my wife was looking at range bags and showed me a Bulldog Brand Range Bag.  Just the right size, internal Velcro dividers, a good number of inside and outside pockets, and made from heavy duty ballistic nylon with real brass zippers, and the best part was the cost $35.00.
It's large enough to carry two headsets, flashlights, camera, extra glasses, handheld transceiver, IPad, and several folders.
So, I would suggest check out a gun show and look at the range bags, you may find what you need.
11th Armored Cavalry Regiment
2d Armored Cavalry Regiment
3d Infantry Division
504th BattleField Surveillance Brigade

ARMY:  Because even the Marines need heros.    
CAVALRY:  If it were easy it would be called infantry.


Still training to fly CAP planes, but as a private pilot, I don't use a marketed "flight" bag. I use an old duffel-type bag with compartments. Might not be the greatest in organization, and I'd like to get a new bag, but it does the job that I need it to.

Aviation gear:
- Headsets (2)
- Fuel strainer
- E6B
- Mathematical calculator
- Logbook
- iPad mount
- Paper charts (as needed)

Additional gear:
- iPad with charts/FARs (as needed) and charger
- Pen/pencil and notepad
- Sunglasses (2 pairs)
- Gum
- Water bottle
- Batteries
- Alcohol wipes
- Flashlight (2)

A bunch of other stuff that I really can't even recall at this point. My NAV/COM died on me recently, so it's been taken out, along with all the equipment for it. I may add stuff or take stuff out of my flight bag depending on where I'm going. If I'm just going to stay local and fly around Cleveland with a buddy, I'm not going to overstock on gear. If I'm going cross-country, I may bring snacks and other gear that might be a good idea to take on the trip "just in case." Usually we have life jackets provided for over-water, but I do have my own if needed. It doesn't hurt to have them and adds no weight.

I think fully packed my flight bag has been up to 25-lbs, give or take a couple. Not sure what more I might take along in a CAP plane as a mission pilot, but that's a ways out.

Paul Creed III

For my CAP flying, I use a large duffel bag since I usually need to carry more gear that is bulky like a laptop and my or CAP's DSLR and related gear, along with lunch. For personal flying, I go with Sporty's Crosswind bag (http://www.sportys.com/pilotshop/flight-bags-kneeboards/flight-gear-bags/crosswind-flight-gear-bag.html) since I don't need the capacity of my duffel.
Lt Col Paul Creed III, CAP


Thanks for all of your sharing! This is good stuff!


I'm in the helmet bag camp. I've gone through several, but when I'm already in the Green Bag, yet another piece of green is OK.

Battery pack for tablet and phone with a LARGE rechargable pack
1 water bottle
1 Gatorade
2-3 granola bars
At least 1 flashlight
spare batteries
GPS lump for the tablet (Garmin GLO)
Several colors of Cyalumes
Spare writing implement(s)
Dead tree notepad
Fuel sampler
Knee board
(Tablet) [normally already with me but gets dumped into the bag when I head to the plane and every time we get out, so I know where it is.
Spare sun glasses
Spare reading glasses

And then there's the green bag contents (so many pockets, so little time)
G. Creager 1st Lt CAP
Comms Officer SWR-OK-074
Pilot (PP-ASEL-IA)
Supercomputer geek

Flying Pig

toilet paper.  At least for flying helicopters  >:D  Also, as a long time surveillance pilot... a Tide bottle filled with cat litter.


Tide bottle and cat litter, huh? That's smart! I've not been up long enough to need to even think about that. Still in MS trainee mode.

Flying Pig

Quote from: SkywalkerRA on February 04, 2016, 09:41:30 PM
Tide bottle and cat litter, huh? That's smart! I've not been up long enough to need to even think about that. Still in MS trainee mode.

Yep.  For #1. 
I used to have to fly for hours on end orbiting at 9500' watching crooks..... taking an asset like that off station because you have to pee isn't acceptable. 

For #2,  refer to the POH for "Code Brown full flaps emergency decent procedure with a short approach and high speed taxi". 


Quote from: Flying Pig on February 04, 2016, 08:40:01 PM
toilet paper.  At least for flying helicopters  >:D  Also, as a long time surveillance pilot... a Tide bottle filled with cat litter.

Boy, do I understand that! LOL.
For my aging prostate, I keep a few "Travel Johns" in my flight bag with some wipes.  It does cost a little more, but they do come in handy... ;D


I gotta admit, I was paranoid on my first training mission not to drink so much that I would need the pilot to land the plane. We met for breakfast for the pre-flight briefing and I really wanted some "leaded" coffee and just drank water (which my wife would be happy with.)

I thought about bringing a bottle along or something, but never did. Luckily-I never needed to take care of that kind of business during our two hours in the air and the pilot had something anyway in case we did.

Next time, I'm putting something in my flight bag, just in case!