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Online IT Workshop Survey

Started by Holding Pattern, February 20, 2015, 02:02:52 AM

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Holding Pattern

So I'm going to do my darnedest to make the absolute most of my IT Officer job. Where there is no data available, where there is a task not fulfillable due to chicken/egg/cart/horse problems, where we just haven't located the blasted roundtuits, I will provide!

So on that note, please take the following survey if you are interested in anything IT related.

And if you aren't in the IT officer track, take the survey as well. I've located nothing that says people from other tracks shouldn't be taking these mythical workshops, and IT is supposed to be the digital enabler of everyone else.

I'll stop flooding the site with surveys for the next week or two. Hopefully.   ;)

Holding Pattern

We have a total of 8 responses so far! I knew some of you IT guys were hiding in here...  ;D


Well, you know, us IT guys tend to be nerdy and anti-social, right?   ;)

Sean McClanahan, Lt Col, CAP
Squadron Commander, Delaware Legislative Squadron
Director of Emergency Services - Delaware Wing


I'm all for pretty much anything that'll help me move ahead in this track.
Local support/mentoring is ...well, with one exception, kinda non-existent.


2nd Lt NER-ME-077 Composite Squadron
Formerly: AQ2 "Goose Gouette, USN

Holding Pattern

Ok, we are up to 14 responses. I have enough data to get started. The top two highly requested workshops are:

  • Working with your PAO: How to keep your website up to date and engaging!
  • Cyberpatriot: Effective coaching and mentoring.

Thus, creating these two workshops are going to be at the top of my list. The survey will be left open and if other items gain popularity over current ideas next in line, they will be given priority.

I now move into the data gathering phase on this topic, and will begin hunting down PAOs and Cyberpatriot mentors/coaches/cadets to get details on what works, what doesn't, and what they are looking for.

As shipping is a feature, I'm setting a deadline of March 31st for myself for the data gathering phase.
Phase II will be incorporating that data into a webinar format.
Phase III will be the pilot seminars: Those that submitted email addresses will get early access to the documents and resources that go into the webinar and will get to see the rough drafts.
Throughout this time I will be sending my request up the chain of command to get the webinar recognized as an official CAP Online IT Workshop. EVEN IF THIS DOES NOT OCCUR, the data will still be valuable to new IT officers, and I intend to follow it through.

Recordings and documentation will be made available on publicly accessible systems unless the data covered in is determined to be FOUO. Those items will be hosted behind the walls of WAWG google sites and available via request from a email address.

Any questions? Any volunteers to assist with anything?

Holding Pattern