IACE Application - Can I re-upload a submitted supplemental?

Started by Chirpoff, January 13, 2015, 08:02:47 AM

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I have some changes I want to make to my supplemental application to IACE. I've hit the submit button and downloaded the info. Can I re-upload the updated supplemental and will that be what National sees? Or should I re-upload and then click the overall submit button? Thank you for your suggestions! Oh, also, if something about my question isn't clear, please let me know.


You can upload the additional info or revised application.
Michael P. McEleney
Lt Col CAP
MSG USA (Retired)
50 Year Member


Thank you! I have updated/uploaded it, and I beileve it entered, but should I click "Submit" again? Or would that mess things up at National?


You don't have much time.  If it looks like you should do the button, do that, then immediately send an e-mail directly to the NHQ people who manage the eServices form, and let them know the situation.  You could attach a copy of the correct information attached to the email, so they can compare.  Copy your commander on it, even though it's just a technical support question. 
