New CAP Member Appointed to Advisor to the Commander

Started by greenmountainboy, December 18, 2014, 06:37:11 AM

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I am a brand new CAP Member who joined 06 Oct 2014.  I belong to a Senior Flight I think but it has also been called a Squadron and Unit also.  It is in 2 locations 50 miles apart.  Between 06 Oct and 25 Nov I did the required basic trainings below and started my Mission Scanner training.  I did classroom and flew in 1 SAREX and never got credit or checked off as they call it on the task I did.  I showed an interest in Communications and also completed the Online Communications training below.  Besides the ICUT, GES 100-800 which are now on my 101 card finally I haven't been checked off on any of the other comms stuff.  2 days ago I received 2 emails from HQ saying that I was appointed to Communications Officer and Advisor to the Commander.  I know what the Position Description is for Communications Officer and I am ready for that but to be completely honest I have no clue and I can't see anywhere what it is for Advisor to the Commander or even what Commander I would be the Advisor to.  I have placed a question with CAP Knowledgebase and written to them directly with no reply other than it might take time.  I don't have time.  I waited 3 weeks to get checked off so I could do the SAREX.  I missed the first one because I wasn't.  I have a meeting with the Deputy Commander of the Senior Flight tomorrow who raised his hand and got the position last week.  The Commander is absent and has been for quite some time.  Half of the SF don't have their basics done and safety currency.  The place is a mess.  Can someone help with the question on the Advisor to the Commander please?

Level 1  ET-Senior
GES - General Emergency Services OPS-Emergency_Services
Intro to CAP Safety
CAP Test 116 GES Questionnaire
CAPT 117 ES Continuing Education Exam - Part 1
CAPT 117 ES Continuing Education Exam - Part 2
CAPT 117 ES Continuing Education Exam - Part 3
ORM Basic
Aircraft Ground Handling CAP_Multimedia
IS100 - IS-100 OPS-Emergency_Services
IS200 - IS-200 OPS-Emergency_Services
IS700 - IS-700 OPS-Emergency_Services
IS800 - IS-800 OPS-Emergency_Services

ICUT - Introductory Communications User Training Communications
T4A- Basic ALE User Training 
T10- Station Authorization 
T11-ISR Intra Squad Radios 
ALE Training RDP
Technician Rating Exam: Communications


Advisor to the Commander really isn't described on CAPM 20-1, but it is essentially a person who has the confidence of the Commander and can be called on to give knowledgable advice when called on. Usually someone with long service in CAP and an Institutional Knowledge of CAP Regs, Manuals, and Procedures.
Michael P. McEleney
Lt Col CAP
MSG USA (Retired)
50 Year Member


Thank you for your reply.  Long service in CAP and an Institutional Knowledge of CAP Regs, Manuals, and Procedures I do not have.  2 months seniority doesn't qualify me for any of that.  How would the Deputy Commander appoint me to this position?  Is it a check box or would he make it up and write it in.  I never asked for it, that's for sure.  Can I refuse this position?  Can I be terminated for refusing it?


It wouldn't be unusual for someone like a former commander, or someone with special skills or a generalized skill set like a retired military person to be appointed as Advisor to the Commander.  But since it is not defined in the regulations, there may be a whole host of ways to use it, depending on the needs of the local unit.  You should ask what they would expect of you in it.  If you don't wish it, just say so.  Nobody is going to terminate you for not being interested in a particular position.



You need to address all these questions to your commander and/or deputy commander for seniors.

Yes I know....he's not there.....okay, but none of us here can really help you.



Thank you for your reply! 

This is all very interesting and very very confusing.

It's not that I couldn't do it, I most likely could but it is the unknowns that bother me.  There are pros and cons to all of this from what I can see.  I could also see where a head strong Commander, Vice or Deputy Commander could use and abuse the member holding the Advisor to the Commander position.  I could also see where it could be to my advantage and to the advantage of other members.  This Deputy Commander was a major in the Air Force.  Is there a Advisor to the Commander position in the Air Force?  This could be where it came from.  I'll know more later today.  Thanks again for the help!

Private Investigator

Advisor to the Commander is silly, JMHO especially at the Squadron level. A Commander should have a staff and that is his/her advisors. As an IG I inspected units and 50% of the time it is just a "good ole boy".

Now on the Wing and Region level I could see it since you got a lot of CAP business especially that which require travel. At a Squadron it is not that tough to decide on who is bringing the punch and cookies for the Christmas party.  8)

Private Investigator

Quote from: greenmountainboy on December 18, 2014, 06:37:11 AM
I am a brand new CAP Member who joined 06 Oct 2014.   

Welcome to CAP and CAP Talk. About Year #2 it will start making sense but until then; Just have fun.  8)


Quote from: lordmonar on December 18, 2014, 07:21:50 AM

You need to address all these questions to your commander and/or deputy commander for seniors.

Yes I know....he's not there.....okay, but none of us here can really help you.


Advisor to the Commander has no regulation defined duties.  It's entirely at the discretion of the Commander what duties or responsibilities he wishes to assign to you.  It's honestly a catch-all position that means different things from person to person, and has no generally-accepted meaning.


Come on guys, Advisor to the Commander?  Really?  Problem is that there is not a Commander.  Geeeesh, I have to explain everything to you?  Let's get back to the important stuff.  Greenmountainboy, we need to know what uniforms you have.  Are you compliant and in accord with all uniform regulations?  Now, we are getting somewhere!!



I met with the Senior Flight Deputy Commander and discussed this and other issues today.  The situation would be best explained as the Fog of War.  I can handle the duty.  The Deputy Commander / Acting Commander understands that I will not make or deliver coffee, cookies or anything to him.  Nuff said!

AirAux you could write the book from my uniform.  I am compliant and in accord with all uniform regulations.  I wish I could say the same for the Deputy Commander, other officers and members.  Picture an episode F-Troop!

Many thanks to the folks here for all your time and help!  I hope one day to be as helpful to others!  If I make it!

Майор Хаткевич

Quote from: greenmountainboy on December 18, 2014, 06:48:33 PM
AirAux you could write the book from my uniform.  I am compliant and in accord with all uniform regulations.  I wish I could say the same for the Deputy Commander, other officers and members.  Picture an episode F-Troop!

I'd take you up on that. Feel free to PM me a picture of your uniforms, and I'll look it over.  >:D

Storm Chaser

Quote from: greenmountainboy on December 18, 2014, 06:48:33 PM
I can handle the duty.

No disrespect intended, but based on your experience, which you described on your previous posts, I don't see how. The Advisor to the Commander duty assignment is usually reserved for former commanders, high ranking or very experienced members, and members with unique skills or experience. Do you meet any of these or similar criteria?


Quote from: Storm Chaser on December 18, 2014, 07:46:18 PM
Quote from: greenmountainboy on December 18, 2014, 06:48:33 PM
I can handle the duty.

No disrespect intended, but based on your experience, which you described on your previous posts, I don't see how. The Advisor to the Commander duty assignment is usually reserved for former commanders, high ranking or very experienced members, and members with unique skills or experience. Do you meet any of these or similar criteria?

Did you steal my post and re-write it?   >:D    I think it's up to a unit how to use this position.  CAP has made no effort to restrict it.  Let's say Joe X has great planning and implementation experience - or maybe he's skilled at fixing struggling volunteer programs, let them use it for that in a situation similar to this unit.  A flight is often a sign of a struggling unit and perhaps a last-ditch effort to save it.  There's a host of areas in which such a unit could use help and potentially use the Advisor position, if that's what they wish.  A flight/squadron-level of the Plans and Programs Officer might be an example.


If you want another use for AtC...

One of the things we automatically generate is e-mail lists, based on a number of things, like ES Qualifications.  I've suggested to some Wing/Group staffers that they request to be appointed as AtC for the closest geographical unit.  The lists take those assigned to the unit plus anyone who has a duty position (including AtC) in that unit, so they then get any alerts/call-outs for that geographical area.  So, if I as an IC need an aircrew around the Podunk Composite Squadron, then I can send an e-mail to MPs, MOs and MSs around Podunk Composite.

The reason I suggest AtC is because it has no defined duties, and thus does not subject the unit to additional "inspection burden".  Appoint someone as the Deputy Assistant Administrative Officer in Charge of Donuts, and suddenly they have actual duties in the unit.  But because AtC has no regulatory duties, no such burden comes along with the member.


Quote from: Private Investigator on December 18, 2014, 09:10:29 AM
Advisor to the Commander is silly
Last I checked it's not in CAPR20-1 for squadron-level units so why would it even be used. JMHO.


Exactly JC004.  You hit the nail on the head.  When I joined I had no knowledge of anything CAP other than what was presented in the HQ issued promotional brochures and what was presented by the Wing Director of Operations at out first meeting.  We were quickly and unsatisfactorily in some cases finger printed and told to send in our 50 bucks.  Since then very little support.  What we would soon find and are continuing to find is that we are part of a fix to a way bigger problem.  Low numbers, missing positions, members doing numerous positions, lack of trained and safety current members and numerous members who just plain don't show up.  My Deputy Commander was a Major on the Air Force but is a fish out of water in CAP.  I am mildly obsessive by nature which extends to team work and knowledge of everything I am involved in.  Basically he told me that he feels that one day I will likely have a complete understanding of everything CAP and will currently be able to advise him on what I do know about CAP.  I noticed that the Advisor to the Commander position is usually reserved to the REGION and WING level.  This is exactly why I asked about it here.  I knew that I couldn't do it at that level and would have refused the position if that had been the case.  It isn't.  I'm glad I found this place.  I have received more assistance here in this group in 1 day than I have in CAP in 2 months.  Thanks guys!  This group will be a useful tool moving forward in CAP.  When I feel more comfortable here I will reveal more information about myself including but not limited to my uniform then Capt Hatkevich and AirAux can take a crack at busting me down for having a cat hair or two on it!  LOL!!

Майор Хаткевич


Quote from: greenmountainboy on December 18, 2014, 09:00:28 PMI noticed that the Advisor to the Commander position is usually reserved to the REGION and WING level. 

I don't know where or why you got that idea - it is essentially an ad-hoc non-defined place to  members
with whatever level of experience a respective CC sees fit.

As noted, it is generally left to former CCs still assigned to their former unit of command, or members moving
down (or up) the chain (for whatever reason).  It's not "reserved" for anything or any echelon in any way.

As someone who recently held this highly esteemed position, I would say it is generally viewed as a place to put
members who don't want any particular job, but still want to pretend they are helping run the show. Frankly I was embarrassed
to be posted that way, and others from my peer group would avert their gaze when I entered a room.  I was the unclean,
the used up, one who has no soul...a ginger...

My advice is to find a specific job that either you might enjoy, or is sorely needed and work that.  ATC isn't really "anything".

There's more collective knowledge here, and plenty of angst to go with it, then you will find at any HQ component.  We tend to
actually read the regs, or tinge our opinions with informed experience.

We're from CAP, and we're here to help!

"That Others May Zoom"