How to locate membership status?

Started by mynetdude, July 16, 2014, 04:22:35 PM

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Quote from: a2capt on September 11, 2014, 08:22:22 AM
A member can be suspended by any commander.

Most will do it properly, completely, by filling out the 2A and pushing it up the chain.

Some may do it by just saying it, and requesting your membership card.

That would be improper, and you can start your F30 with that, or anything in between.

In the days before eServices was as much as it was, a commander would suspend, and put a 2A on file. Done. Unit or Group can suspend for a maximum of 60 days only. Anything more and the Wing or higher has to get involved.

60 days. Anything more and you're either owed an explanation as to why, and that would mean that Wing is involved, or an un-encumbered membership. Sounds like you have neither. Just a he-says-she-says scenario. Because action was taken in a half-ar$ed manner. Certainly not IAW CAPR 35-1.

There's your issue right there. It certainly sounds like it's been more than 60 days. I'm going out on a limb on the 2A having to require -why- you are suspended. I don't think it needs to. But documentation goes a long way in holding up a story.

No it hasn't been over 60 days quite (one more week; but then again, I don't know when the suspension actually took place and I have to assume it took place as soon as I transferred to 000 unintentionally regardless of how I actualyl worded it in my email to the CC).   There is no requirement to notify the member of his/her suspension even if wing/region gets involved for suspensions more than 60 days; there is only a requirement to notify the member of suspension is the suspension is part of the membership termination process THEN they are required to notify that member IAW 35-1.

If they continue to say that I am suspended, I may very well move up to the next echelon as far as IG is concerned but that isn't going to help me get back into the old unit LOL; this is totally messed up.


What they "say" is irrelevent for two reasons.

You indicate you are in LSC "A", which means you are an active member.

You say you are in 000, which means you are no longer in that unit or any other.

A commander cannot simply say,  "I suspend with thee, I suspend with thee, I suspend with thee, and then throw dog poop on your shoes."

There is a process to membership status for a reason, because it then invokes rights and/or responsibilities on both sides of
the table.

Do Unit CCs "unofficially suspend" members?  Probably.  But that "unofficial suspension" has zero weight of authority or
impact on the member's membership status. It's the kind of thing that Unit CCs who are conflict averse, or simply don't want to
be bothered, do to "fix" a situation and it generally just makes things worse.

In this case, there probably isn't even an LOR in your file, or any documentation of the "issues" you had.  The last CC simply had
enough of you, right or wrong, and dis-invited you to his party while he still had the authority.

You indicate that you have no evidence to prove the violation of any regulations or discrimination - we point out
here all the time that being a bad leader doesn't violate the regs, nor do simple personality or "strategic direction" conflicts
between otherwise valued members who just don't agree. In those cases the CC nearly always wins, because he's the CC,
and in the rare case a decision like that is overridden, how fulfilling do you think the volunteer experience of the guy who is
"forced back into the unit" will be?

If the new CC is telling you he's not interested in your participation "until we figure this out", he's likely just being nice,
and most surely has already discussed this with the former CC and/or members of the staff of the unit.

Having not been provided the base details of the reason you were voted off the island, there's no way to comment
on that aspect, however if you want some closure, not to mention educating people in your wing about procedures,
then the Wing IG is probably your next phone call.  If you're someone with a "reputation" in your wing, don't be
surprised if you get a less then warm reception, and if you have nothing but "he-said / she-said" allegations
with no evidence of an actionable complaint, you probably won't get very far. They should, at a minimum, get the new
Unit CC to explain and knock off the "suspended" talk.

From there, or barring the above, your best recourse is to probably just look for another unit or echelon to participate,
or if that's not an option, another outlet for your volunteer time.

"That Others May Zoom"


Quote from: mynetdude on September 11, 2014, 04:13:52 PM
Quote from: a2capt on September 11, 2014, 08:22:22 AM
A member can be suspended by any commander.

Most will do it properly, completely, by filling out the 2A and pushing it up the chain.

Some may do it by just saying it, and requesting your membership card.

That would be improper, and you can start your F30 with that, or anything in between.

In the days before eServices was as much as it was, a commander would suspend, and put a 2A on file. Done. Unit or Group can suspend for a maximum of 60 days only. Anything more and the Wing or higher has to get involved.

60 days. Anything more and you're either owed an explanation as to why, and that would mean that Wing is involved, or an un-encumbered membership. Sounds like you have neither. Just a he-says-she-says scenario. Because action was taken in a half-ar$ed manner. Certainly not IAW CAPR 35-1.

There's your issue right there. It certainly sounds like it's been more than 60 days. I'm going out on a limb on the 2A having to require -why- you are suspended. I don't think it needs to. But documentation goes a long way in holding up a story.

No it hasn't been over 60 days quite (one more week; but then again, I don't know when the suspension actually took place and I have to assume it took place as soon as I transferred to 000 unintentionally regardless of how I actualyl worded it in my email to the CC).   There is no requirement to notify the member of his/her suspension even if wing/region gets involved for suspensions more than 60 days; there is only a requirement to notify the member of suspension is the suspension is part of the membership termination process THEN they are required to notify that member IAW 35-1.

If they continue to say that I am suspended, I may very well move up to the next echelon as far as IG is concerned but that isn't going to help me get back into the old unit LOL; this is totally messed up.
Ummm...a suspension of >60 days gives you the right to appeal, up to and including the MARP.  I think you would have very good "lack of due process" grounds for overturning a suspension that you were never informed of.

QuoteCAPR 35-8:  Membership Action Review Panel
a. The MARP has jurisdiction over appeals from unit commanders' final adverse membership actions, which concern
(3) Suspension of membership in excess of 60 days due to regulatory infractions or
misconduct not giving rise to a criminal investigation or criminal charges or proceedings; or


What do you mean not required to inform of a suspension? Then how the heck are you to even comply with it? Show up and be informed of  a violation of an order/change you had no idea about?

That's ludicrous.


Quote from: JeffDG on September 11, 2014, 04:46:49 PM
Quote from: mynetdude on September 11, 2014, 04:13:52 PM
Quote from: a2capt on September 11, 2014, 08:22:22 AM
A member can be suspended by any commander.

Most will do it properly, completely, by filling out the 2A and pushing it up the chain.

Some may do it by just saying it, and requesting your membership card.

That would be improper, and you can start your F30 with that, or anything in between.

In the days before eServices was as much as it was, a commander would suspend, and put a 2A on file. Done. Unit or Group can suspend for a maximum of 60 days only. Anything more and the Wing or higher has to get involved.

60 days. Anything more and you're either owed an explanation as to why, and that would mean that Wing is involved, or an un-encumbered membership. Sounds like you have neither. Just a he-says-she-says scenario. Because action was taken in a half-ar$ed manner. Certainly not IAW CAPR 35-1.

There's your issue right there. It certainly sounds like it's been more than 60 days. I'm going out on a limb on the 2A having to require -why- you are suspended. I don't think it needs to. But documentation goes a long way in holding up a story.

No it hasn't been over 60 days quite (one more week; but then again, I don't know when the suspension actually took place and I have to assume it took place as soon as I transferred to 000 unintentionally regardless of how I actualyl worded it in my email to the CC).   There is no requirement to notify the member of his/her suspension even if wing/region gets involved for suspensions more than 60 days; there is only a requirement to notify the member of suspension is the suspension is part of the membership termination process THEN they are required to notify that member IAW 35-1.

If they continue to say that I am suspended, I may very well move up to the next echelon as far as IG is concerned but that isn't going to help me get back into the old unit LOL; this is totally messed up.
Ummm...a suspension of >60 days gives you the right to appeal, up to and including the MARP.  I think you would have very good "lack of due process" grounds for overturning a suspension that you were never informed of.

QuoteCAPR 35-8:  Membership Action Review Panel
a. The MARP has jurisdiction over appeals from unit commanders' final adverse membership actions, which concern
(3) Suspension of membership in excess of 60 days due to regulatory infractions or
misconduct not giving rise to a criminal investigation or criminal charges or proceedings; or

Yes for more than 60 days; but if I'm realistically suspended it wouldn't be for more than 60 days; but I have a hunch I'm not even suspended they're just trying to throw me off the bus!


Quote from: a2capt on September 11, 2014, 04:50:16 PM
What do you mean not required to inform of a suspension? Then how the heck are you to even comply with it? Show up and be informed of  a violation of an order/change you had no idea about?

That's ludicrous.

I agree; but that's how I understand the regulations; unless I'm not reading it correctly or totally misunderstood the regulation context.

It only seems to state that notification of suspension is only required when the suspension is for membership termination otherwise they don't have to say anything, but you're right its silly if they didn't.


You're already off the bus, and you watched it drive away two months ago.

At this point, you can wait for the next one, or just start walking, but the one you were on doesn't
come back around that router for 3-4 years.

Also, just FYI and another reminder to others, you are not anonymous, so there you go...

"That Others May Zoom"


Eclipse in reply to your other post:

Bold & Italics my emphasis

What they "say" is irrelevent for two reasons.

You're right, but it seems to be relevant to them I think

You indicate you are in LSC "A", which means you are an active member.

You say you are in 000, which means you are no longer in that unit or any other.

A commander cannot simply say,  "I suspend with thee, I suspend with thee, I suspend with thee, and then throw dog poop on your shoes."

There is a process to membership status for a reason, because it then invokes rights and/or responsibilities on both sides of
the table.

I agree, I've already sent my rebuttal to the new CC, if he doesn't like it there's not much more I can do other than file an IG complaint but he's not the one who supposedly suspended me so again I can't file an IG complaint on a whim that someone SAYS that I am suspended; it'll never fly IAW with the regs.

Do Unit CCs "unofficially suspend" members?  Probably.  But that "unofficial suspension" has zero weight of authority or
impact on the member's membership status. It's the kind of thing that Unit CCs who are conflict averse, or simply don't want to
be bothered, do to "fix" a situation and it generally just makes things worse.

In this case, there probably isn't even an LOR in your file, or any documentation of the "issues" you had.  The last CC simply had
enough of you, right or wrong, and dis-invited you to his party while he still had the authority.

Let's be clear about something, I WROTE an email with INCORRECT terminology that's how I ended up being "de-invited" whether or not it was my intention or not, they don't seem to care and is irrelevant and I'm partially going to agree with that.  HOWEVER I wished someone would have said "hey, are you SURE you want to do this?" (if I had been CC I would have asked).

You indicate that you have no evidence to prove the violation of any regulations or discrimination - we point out
here all the time that being a bad leader doesn't violate the regs, nor do simple personality or "strategic direction" conflicts
between otherwise valued members who just don't agree. In those cases the CC nearly always wins, because he's the CC,
and in the rare case a decision like that is overridden, how fulfilling do you think the volunteer experience of the guy who is
"forced back into the unit" will be?

I am not being forced back in, I want back in; everyone there except the new CC really wants me back; as to whether or not the CC really wants me there, we'll see I'll know more next week but I'm not going to cater to everything he wants (the CC) because I'm not obligated to. And one other key point, I KNOW the former CC has discriminated the problem is there was no way to catch him in the act with more than one person present at the same time all of us heard him loud and clear what he said to us individually not as a group so we cannot corroborate what he said because none of us heard the individual conversations.

If the new CC is telling you he's not interested in your participation "until we figure this out", he's likely just being nice,
and most surely has already discussed this with the former CC and/or members of the staff of the unit.

You are correct, he has already talked to the former CC, and those up at wing, but I am not sure if he has talked to his current staff about it and I doubt he has just based on what he knows about the situation.

Having not been provided the base details of the reason you were voted off the island, there's no way to comment
on that aspect, however if you want some closure, not to mention educating people in your wing about procedures,
then the Wing IG is probably your next phone call.  If you're someone with a "reputation" in your wing, don't be
surprised if you get a less then warm reception, and if you have nothing but "he-said / she-said" allegations
with no evidence of an actionable complaint, you probably won't get very far. They should, at a minimum, get the new
Unit CC to explain and knock off the "suspended" talk.

I'd love to give more details, but I don't think you want to waste your time on this (and I wouldn't blame you) and as a matter of fact; I did state the details WHY I was removed; it was a simple sentence in my email "I temporarily resign from the squadron" is all the CC needed to invoke the transfer authority; now with that being said, someone here made a point that there is no "temporary" resignations, there is either Do or don't but I wanted the previous unit CC to know that I wasn't planning on leaving forever.

I did NOTHING wrong (at least I didn't violate any regulations that I know of) as you pointed out poor leadership, communication, personality clashes are not regulation binding.  But I do have to wonder what about "respect"? It is a core value, its not a regulation and so is integrity which comes to my next point: if there's a CAP member who lies on a regular basis there doesn't seem to be regulation that says "if caught lying that member shall disappear"! but you certainly can be LOR'd for it.

I'll also point out two other things; my promotion to Captain was held back for insubordination under the previous CC; I can hardly think of anytime I disobeyed orders (or instructions, the worst would be I misunderstood them and there is no LOR for that, I was never notified of this (I had to find out through the grapevine) but then again, there is nothing in the regulations that require a CC to notify me of why my promotion is being held back or why I've broken such regulations but it is in poor form. The other point I'll make is, that I wasn't the only member who had difficulty with this CC.

From there, or barring the above, your best recourse is to probably just look for another unit or echelon to participate,
or if that's not an option, another outlet for your volunteer time.

I am actively pursing other outlets; CAP has a unique experience you can't get elsewhere, I want to participate with people I've known for years that I work WELL with; starting over is the least of my desires.

NC Hokie

Quote from: mynetdude on September 11, 2014, 04:13:52 PM
There is no requirement to notify the member of his/her suspension even if wing/region gets involved for suspensions more than 60 days; there is only a requirement to notify the member of suspension is the suspension is part of the membership termination process THEN they are required to notify that member IAW 35-1.

You didn't read far enough.  Here's the relevant part of CAPR 35-1 Paragraph 2-2 (my emphasis):

b. Notification Procedures. Members being suspended pending termination are notified by letter of their suspended status under the provisions of CAPR 35-3. Other members will be notified via CAPF 2a as follows:
(1) Section II, Duty Assignment/Status Change, will be completed to show the member transferred from "Active Status" to "Suspended Status." Include reasons for the suspension in the Remarks Section (Section VI). If the member is suspended for alleged cadet abuse, include the following statement, "Suspended under provisions of CAPR 52-10." The term of suspension, i.e., 30 days, 60 days, will also be included.
(2) The CAPF 2a, signed by the commander, will be delivered to the member personally or by certified mail to ensure receipt.
(3) A copy of the CAPF 2a will be retained in the unit file and a copy will be forwarded to NHQ/DP for processing. Members in suspended status will be removed from the active membership rolls and will not be authorized access to eServices.

So, no letter, no suspension.  Period.  The previous commander may have sent the required notification to the wrong address, but a look at your personnel file and an email to NHQ/DP will show if proper procedures were followed.
NC Hokie, Lt Col, CAP

Graduated Squadron Commander
All Around Good Guy


Quote from: NC Hokie on September 11, 2014, 05:44:27 PM
Quote from: mynetdude on September 11, 2014, 04:13:52 PM
There is no requirement to notify the member of his/her suspension even if wing/region gets involved for suspensions more than 60 days; there is only a requirement to notify the member of suspension is the suspension is part of the membership termination process THEN they are required to notify that member IAW 35-1.

You didn't read far enough.  Here's the relevant part of CAPR 35-1 Paragraph 2-2 (my emphasis):

b. Notification Procedures. Members being suspended pending termination are notified by letter of their suspended status under the provisions of CAPR 35-3. Other members will be notified via CAPF 2a as follows:
(1) Section II, Duty Assignment/Status Change, will be completed to show the member transferred from "Active Status" to "Suspended Status." Include reasons for the suspension in the Remarks Section (Section VI). If the member is suspended for alleged cadet abuse, include the following statement, "Suspended under provisions of CAPR 52-10." The term of suspension, i.e., 30 days, 60 days, will also be included.
(2) The CAPF 2a, signed by the commander, will be delivered to the member personally or by certified mail to ensure receipt.
(3) A copy of the CAPF 2a will be retained in the unit file and a copy will be forwarded to NHQ/DP for processing. Members in suspended status will be removed from the active membership rolls and will not be authorized access to eServices.

So, no letter, no suspension.  Period.  The previous commander may have sent the required notification to the wrong address, but a look at your personnel file and an email to NHQ/DP will show if proper procedures were followed.

I currently have my personnel file; so they can't deposit any kind of LORs or 2As of this type, I requested my personnel file via proper channels because I didn't trust those who were in authority to not screw up more severely than they already did (we have a number of forms with sensitive information go missing that's all I am going to say) and yeah I realize this is a sticky situation concerning my personnel file as I shouldn't have it (but I should have a copy I just haven't had time to return it to the squadron). 

Maybe he did send it to the wrong address; but as I have pointed out numerous times, I was not prevented from logging into eServices and my LSCode hasn't changed during this whole process from the very getgo.  So you're saying I should email NHQ membership department and get a confirmation of my membership status? What's the email to that department?

BTW I did read that part of the regulation; and thanks for clearing that up, I did read that part of the language and it seemed like it was for notifying those who were about to be terminated but yes I see how it is worded differently to include those just being suspended; and I also noticed that the suspension beyond 60 days has to be for other infractions beyond regulations (such as criminal) so even then; they can't suspend me more than 60 days even if they had done so.


If you have the file, that is another reason why you are in 000. They had to put you someplace, short of filing a 2B.

NC Hokie

Quote from: mynetdude on September 11, 2014, 05:54:51 PM
Maybe he did send it to the wrong address; but as I have pointed out numerous times, I was not prevented from logging into eServices and my LSCode hasn't changed during this whole process from the very getgo.  So you're saying I should email NHQ membership department and get a confirmation of my membership status? What's the email to that department?

You already know what your membership status is from eServices, and there is no evidence that two of the three documentation/notification procedures were followed, so contacting NHQ probably isn't necessary.  What you do with this knowledge is entirely up to you.
NC Hokie, Lt Col, CAP

Graduated Squadron Commander
All Around Good Guy


Quote from: a2capt on September 11, 2014, 06:46:44 PM
If you have the file, that is another reason why you are in 000. They had to put you someplace, short of filing a 2B.

I didn't get my file until AFTER I was transferred to 000; I could see this being true if I got it BEFORE

well anyway its all semantics; the file is already on its way back via restricted certified mail.


Quote from: NC Hokie on September 11, 2014, 06:52:54 PM
Quote from: mynetdude on September 11, 2014, 05:54:51 PM
Maybe he did send it to the wrong address; but as I have pointed out numerous times, I was not prevented from logging into eServices and my LSCode hasn't changed during this whole process from the very getgo.  So you're saying I should email NHQ membership department and get a confirmation of my membership status? What's the email to that department?

You already know what your membership status is from eServices, and there is no evidence that two of the three documentation/notification procedures were followed, so contacting NHQ probably isn't necessary.  What you do with this knowledge is entirely up to you.

Nice way to put it, its amazing what I could do with this knowledge; if I started running around screaming "he said that I was suspended" and they all look at me like "what the hell are you talking about?" I'd look stupid and an embarrassment, I'll refrain from further until the commander responds to the fact I pointed out that I am not suspended, depending on what he says I may pursue.


Quote from: mynetdude on September 11, 2014, 04:57:21 AM
Quote from: PHall on September 11, 2014, 04:30:37 AM
Quote from: mynetdude on September 11, 2014, 04:18:21 AM
So back to the one question I have:

Since I am not suspended (I have access to eServices) and I am still a full fledged CAP member (not a patron, because Patron members don't have access to ops quals which I have access to still). Do I need permission to go to squadron meetings and participate in activities that do not require CC approval? (since I am at 000, I can't get approvals to go to encampment, or conferences, etc).

Is there any regulation concerning CAP members attending squadron meetings as a guest as far as what they can/can't do (like help out, etc); after all I AM a full fledged member, I can attend any squadron, participate in any SAREX (I just can't get CC approval for training).

I had access to e-services when I was suspended a couple of years ago. So I would not rely on that as an indicator.

How did you know you were suspended? Were you transferred to 000 when you got suspended? (or was the transfer to 000 part of your suspension process in 2 steps?) How long were you suspended for? (suspensions more than 60 days requires approval of the next higher CC up to 180 days MAXIMUM).

The regs doesn't even say a transfer is required to even be suspended (you can be suspended while in your unit, a transfer is not necessary).

Edit correction: It hasn't been fully 60 days yet (in 7 more days it will be assuming I was suspended on the 17th of June when I was transferred to 000); but that brings me to another question: I wrote this thread on the 16th of June how could I have known about it beforehand? ;) Interesting!

Also, FYI there is no requirement to notify said member of suspension UNLESS the suspension is for a pending membership termination action (a 2B) THEN you get notified that you're suspended otherwise as far as I can see in the regs; a mere suspension requires no notification (HOWEVER what have you, how the hell do you know you're suspended if you're not told otherwise? Because you surely don't want to show up in uniform to a meeting while suspended as that's a big no no).

Oh yeah, did NHQ know about your suspension when you were suspended? The regulations require NHQ to be notified of this personnel action, if they weren't then you were incorrectly suspended no matter the intent AND was your LSCode anything other than "A" as Eclipse has pointed out?

I'm finding that there are really really big holes in this (as far as my "suspension" goes).

I was told, face to face, by my Squadron Commander. He wasn't the person who suspended me.


mynetdue........what really is the problem?

Either you are suspended or you are not.

Either way you are not a member of the squadron as you got moved to the 000 unit.

If you are not suspended....then you are a member with out a squadron.   You may do what any other CAP member can do.

At this point, your point of contact is either the wing commander (who is in theory in charge of the 000 unit) or find a new squadron and get transferred there.

so.....for four pages you have been belly aching looking for CAPTALKERs to say "you are right and they are wrong", but none of matter at all in this situation.

If your intention is to return to the squadron when the CC moves on.......then wait for the change of command and get the new commander to transfer you back to the squadron.

If your intention is to get your chain of command into trouble....then make your complaint to the appropriate commander/IG and move on.

All this belly aching on CAPTALK is just noise.



Quote from: lordmonar on September 12, 2014, 12:41:30 AM
mynetdue........what really is the problem?

Either you are suspended or you are not.

Either way you are not a member of the squadron as you got moved to the 000 unit.

If you are not suspended....then you are a member with out a squadron.   You may do what any other CAP member can do.

At this point, your point of contact is either the wing commander (who is in theory in charge of the 000 unit) or find a new squadron and get transferred there.

so.....for four pages you have been belly aching looking for CAPTALKERs to say "you are right and they are wrong", but none of matter at all in this situation.

If your intention is to return to the squadron when the CC moves on.......then wait for the change of command and get the new commander to transfer you back to the squadron.

If your intention is to get your chain of command into trouble....then make your complaint to the appropriate commander/IG and move on.

All this belly aching on CAPTALK is just noise.

Sergeant Harris pretty much summed this up. Find out if you're suspended. Use your CoC. Don't come here and ask questions that can't be answered. If you're in the 000 (I've been there...between took about 40 seconds to get out after finding a new role...), find a new unit. His advice about the IG is dead on. Griping here will not solve your problem.
Strup-" times...."
NSS ISC 05-00
US NWC 2016


I haven't looked at the membership regs in quite a while, but I'm pretty sure that if you are actually "suspended" you were supposed to have received something in writing, through certified mail stating such, as well as information about your right to appeal.  So if someone has said that you are "suspended" and hasn't followed the proper procedure for doing so...well...that's a different deal.
If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law. - Winston Churchill


LSCode A has nothing to do with active status vs suspended. It indicates that a member has passed their FBI background check. Brand new SMs will not show this code until their check completes, nor will cadets. From what I understand it's equivalent to the leadership code on the old MML, though I can't say I've ever seen one.

Lord of the North

CAPR 35-1
2-2. Suspended Member Status. Commanders may place any member in suspended status under the conditions outlined below. Members in suspended status are prohibited from attending meetings, participating in CAP activities, wearing the CAP uniform or otherwise exercising the privileges of membership. A suspended member must also turn in his/her membership card to the unit commander for the duration of the suspension. Suspended status is not intended as a routine personnel action and commanders will use discretion in placing members in this status.
a. Conditions for Suspension:
(1) Proposed Membership Termination. A member is automatically considered in suspended status upon notification of membership termination proceedings under CAPR 35-3, Membership Termination. The suspension is effective until the termination process is complete including appeal periods.
(2) Regulatory Infractions or Misconduct. A unit commander or higher commander may suspend a member for up to 60 days for misconduct or regulatory infractions. Suspensions in excess of 60 days require approval of the wing commander (or commander at the next higher echelon if the suspension is initiated at wing or region level). Suspensions under the provisions of this paragraph will not exceed a total of 180 days.
(3) Suspected Cadet Abuse or Unfavorable Information. Any member may be suspended for alleged or suspected cadet abuse, any time other information is received which, if substantiated, would make the member subject to termination or while an internal investigation of such allegations is pending. The suspension is effective for up to 60 days, shall be continued automatically beyond that time to the extent criminal charges are pending or a criminal investigation is ongoing (based upon statements from the appropriate law enforcement agency) and may be continued beyond that time if further internal investigation is required. Additional 60 day suspensions for internal investigations will be approved (if necessary) by the next higher authority with justification why the extension is required. Suspensions pending an internal investigation may not exceed 180 days without approval of the National Commander.
b. Notification Procedures. Members being suspended pending termination are notified by letter of their suspended status under the provisions of CAPR 35-3. Other members will be notified via CAPF 2a as follows:
(1) Section II, Duty Assignment/Status Change, will be completed to show the member transferred from "Active Status" to "Suspended Status." Include reasons for the suspension in the Remarks Section (Section VI). If the member is suspended for alleged cadet abuse, include the following statement, "Suspended under provisions of CAPR 52-10." The term of suspension, i.e., 30 days, 60 days, will also be included.
(2) The CAPF 2a, signed by the commander, will be delivered to the member personally or by certified mail to ensure receipt.
(3) A copy of the CAPF 2a will be retained in the unit file and a copy will be forwarded to NHQ/DP for processing. Members in suspended status will be removed from the active membership rolls and will not be authorized access to eServices.
c. Final Disposition of Suspension. Suspensions are automatically lifted at the end of the specified period unless extended or removed earlier by the commander concerned. If the member has been suspended for alleged cadet abuse, the recommendation of action to be taken must be coordinated in advance with the General Counsel (877-227-9142, extension 234, Fax 334-265-4352). Upon approval of the final action by the wing (or region commander if appropriate), the commander initiates the appropriate personnel actions. Sensitive matters should be marked "sensitive information."