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Texas Wing Strategic Plan

Started by RiverAux, July 10, 2014, 09:11:31 PM

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Strategic planning has not been a strength of CAP overall, though some programs (particularly public affairs) are unusually focused on it.  Here is a link to the FY14 Texas Wing Strategic Plan

There are some interesting things in it.  Any thoughts? 


I am some what biased both on personal and proffesional level, having been a TXWG member for a bit as well as getting to know the current CC well, but that aside I have always been impressed with the work that TXWG has been doing compared to some other wings I have been in.  The current wing CC as the DCP built the CP program into what I felt was a top notch cadet centric program and she did the same thing with ES as the Ops/ES officer so it is no suprise she has been pushing it hard core as the Wing CC.

With those experiences in mind I am sure this will turn out to be more than just a fluff of paper...expect results to match.


Capt.  Mark "K12" Kleibscheidel


Quote from: sarmed1 on July 10, 2014, 09:48:17 PM
The current wing CC as the DCP built the CP program into what I felt was a top notch cadet centric program...

To be fair, her predecessor worked very hard on that prior to Col. Cima ever becoming DCP.

As for the plan, looks like the same goals and objectives that TXWG has had for the last couple of years, so we'll see if it gets anything more than lip service by anyone other than wing HQ and a few select groups of people.
If you are confident in you abilities and experience, whether someone else is impressed is irrelevant. - Eclipse


The true test is to ask random rank and file members, or even the unit commanders
what tasks they have been assigned or completed to achieve the goals of the plan.

Or for that matter if they even know the plan exists.

"That Others May Zoom"


The plan mentions a 'SIM team.' I'm curious about what that is, if someone could talk more about it?
Brian Freeman, Capt, CAP
Public Affairs Officer
Westover Composite Squadron


Quote from: BFreemanMA on July 16, 2014, 02:11:50 AM
The plan mentions a 'SIM team.' I'm curious about what that is, if someone could talk more about it?

DISCLAIMER: This is all based on information from a briefing I attended two years ago. I know that they have made advancements since I went through that briefing, but I don't know what. I have never used the sim myself.

A group of pilots and flight sim enthusiasts have, for the last several years, built an aircrew simulator. Using, I believe Microsoft Flight Sim with several CAP add-ons, as well as some voice chat software, they are able to run an entire mission using the sim. They run all three aircrew members through it, not just the pilot, and simulate all mission communications to mission base and even other aircraft using the voice chat software. It started out as a small project at one of the, I believe, Houston area squadrons and has been used at LESA for the last few years. As I understand it, at LESA, every crew flies every mission on the sim before they go out and fly it for real.

ETA: There's more information about the SIM Team and other tech initiatives that some of the members of TXWG have undertaken, but I can't remember the address. You may be able to google it.
If you are confident in you abilities and experience, whether someone else is impressed is irrelevant. - Eclipse


As a flight simulator enthusiast myself, this sounds like an incredible idea! I spend a lot of time (some [my wife] might say inordinate) on my home simulator with scenery upgrades and a rudimentary cockpit and it has been instrumental (pun intended) in my understanding of aviation. I can see how there would be immense value in having a crew run through a mission in the sim. There could also be usefulness in holding a tabletop SAREX utilizing the sim.

If your briefing information is correct, I hope something similar is able to be done with other wings and regions!
Brian Freeman, Capt, CAP
Public Affairs Officer
Westover Composite Squadron


Quote from: BFreemanMA on July 16, 2014, 03:24:56 PM
There could also be usefulness in holding a tabletop SAREX utilizing the sim.

Which, as I understand, is how it all started. With planes being shuffled around and training funds not always being available, it makes for a wonderful supplementary training tool.

The demo I saw at the briefing had multiple monitors set up so that the pilot and observer could see all of the surrounding terrain. One of the add-ons they had allowed them to use the DF unit as well for electronic search training. At that demonstration they did not have monitors set up for scanner training, but it was mentioned that they were working on expanding it. Having not seen the setup since then, I don't know if they ever got that done.

As with most of the tech initiatives in TXWG, they are trying to get interest from other wings in the region and eventually other regions. Since it is used at LESA (I believe) it gets a lot of visibility to people outside of TXWG.
If you are confident in you abilities and experience, whether someone else is impressed is irrelevant. - Eclipse


Texas Wing Strategic Plan..... isn't that Rick Perry's plan to rule the world?