New CPP Codified - Updated 52-10

Started by Spaceman3750, April 17, 2014, 05:19:04 PM

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Luis R. Ramos


Some of us support your feelings and feel the same way even if unable to make their arguments. I hope you continue to support the program despite these feelings, and continue to be a member.

I too am a non-native English speaker and have had problems making a persuassive speech, even in my own Native language, Spanish.
Squadron Safety Officer
Squadron Communication Officer
Squadron Emergency Services Officer

Майор Хаткевич

Based on at least local demographics, 20% is probably mostly cadets. How about SM only?


Quote from: Ned on May 01, 2014, 06:50:34 AM
Some of you make it sound like recruiting female senior members is some sort of impossible task. 

So...we're just going to fall back to the pamphlets and deny the reality of the demographics and retention situation?

We have a very serious retention issue in CAP, and a corresponding apathy about recruiting - zero command imperative
to change that, and the organization is demonstrably shrinking on a nice, steady basis, and we're going to suggest
the fix for an unnecessary, unfunded mandate is...

"recruit new (female) members?"

That sentence denies the reality of female interest in Aerospace, the military, doing much of anything
that doesn't involve a Timeline (kids in general), not to mention the incredible range of activities
available to, and expected of, people today.

The military is shrinking.

The GA community is shrinking.

Volunteerism in the US is shrinking.

Parents are working (hopefully) longer hours for less money then ever before.
None of this seems to be within the scope of CAP's reality, because in my 15 years there
has never been a single concerted, nationwide recruiting effort, it's all scatter-shot and local.
"best kept secret of the USAF", but now, "because", we're going to start recruiting new members, especially
female ones?

I again ask, how, exactly?

Any competent manager or strategic planner provides the tools and resources for his people to accomplish whatever
goals or mandates are expected.  Simply saying "you shall", with no change to status quo, just adds one more
unmet goal to the growing pile.

"This months number is 42..."

"We didn't make our number last month chief..."

"Ok, well then next month's numbers will be doubled..."

"Alrighty then..."

No plan, no support, no simple ideas how to accomplish the task, just make like Nike.

"That Others May Zoom"


Quote from: Eclipse on May 01, 2014, 01:32:14 PM
"This months number is 42..."

"We didn't make our number last month chief..."

"Ok, well then next month's numbers will be doubled..."

"Alrighty then..."

No plan, no support, no simple ideas how to accomplish the task, just make like Nike.


Quote from: Eclipse on May 01, 2014, 01:32:14 PM
Quote from: Ned on May 01, 2014, 06:50:34 AM
Some of you make it sound like recruiting female senior members is some sort of impossible task. 

So...we're just going to fall back to the pamphlets and deny the reality of the demographics and retention situation?

I again ask, how, exactly?

""Alrighty then..."

No plan, no support, no simple ideas how to accomplish the task, just make like Nike.

I admit that a "just do it" attitude sounds like my parents telling me to do something "just because". 

I guess rules from above can be perceived as arbitrary and without reason, because we are not directly involved in the process.  This is common in large organizations, especially in those with a strict CoC, and with a leadership structure which does not seem to activly garner constant bottom top input on most policy issues. 

In any event, our "core values" do need to be our guide in how we act in CAP. All of us need to abide by it's tennants.  It's not something we just "pull out" when explaining our actions. 

We should embrace the concept of a diverse CAP.  We should concentrate recruiting on all that can commit to our principles of youth development.  Is there a reason why our success in retaining women is only 25% as that of men?  Is there really such a need for guidence on recruiting/retaining more women in CAP? If so, we have a committee which is tasked to provide the guidence needed.

I understand our current shortfalls on the numbers.  I also understand the need to change things. We also have thousands of experienced members who can make this happen.  Maybe NHQ is implying we can do the job without the help??  Just MHO...


Recruiting females for military service is tough; this I know, having spent quite a while in the business.  The bigger culture is a big barrier, and mom and dad are amoung the biggest "influencers" (read "blockers").  It's not as tough as before, but still real, real tough.  I know we aren't military, but we sure look that way to the casual, outside observor.

If CAP recruited and retained females at 25% success rate, we'd beat everyone in DoD most years, and run neck-and-neck with Coast Guard recruiting.  25% is a tough bar to reach. NHQ would have to spend some money. A lot of money.

Some years ago I had a conversation with a co-worker, and was my usual smooth self. She was adamant her daughter should not serve, that it wasn't "right". It got too long, too loud, and ended up with me saying her daughter could fill a body-bag just as well as my son.  A few years later he nearly did - oddly enough, her daughter enlisted, and then blew out of Army basic when her dad begged her to quit, within days of completion.

My organization had good success recruiting female athletes, high school and college age.  They maintain the self-confidence other young women start to loose in high school.  They aren't shocked by the physical demands, or 'tough' attitudes they see in boot camp or OCS.  They've had a chance to learn the diffrence between soreness and real pain, fatigue and exhaustion, etc.

Al Sayre

Fisrt Law of Admirals and Generals:  "Nothing is impossible if you ain't gotta do it..."
Lt Col Al Sayre
MS Wing Staff Dude
Admiral, Great Navy of the State of Nebraska
GRW #2787

Tim Day

I think that my lingering concern with the way this was handled is that we, as an organization should know better. Our own leadership curriculum, likely reviewed and approved by good CP folks like Lt Col Lee, addresses how to effect organizational change.

Both the way these uncoordinated changes were rolled out and the attitude that suddenly it's our duty to comply without stating the unintended consequences on our mission are completely at odds with the content of that curriculum.

It'd help if NHQ could take the time to explain things like the mandatory (no exceptions) coed supervision rule. That principle isn't in the source material, at least that I could find. In fact, a fixation on working with youth of only one gender is a potential negative flag, according the the Center for Disease Control reference document. Still we have no explanation of the rationale for adding this in, nor do we have an explanation regarding why a dad can't supervise his daughter on a CAP activity without the presence of a female senior member.

Mostly what I've read in the references encourages lowering the barriers to positive activities, and if that means two males or two females supervising a a coed overnight activity (with parent and supervisory awareness and approval) then it's encouraged - because positive activities are the best long term counter to abuse. 
Tim Day
Lt Col CAP
Prince William Composite Squadron Commander



Why do you think recruiting women is some mysterious exotic skill that only NHQ can help you with?

When you need mission pilots, you go out and recruit mission pilots.  Need a chaplain?  Go out and get a chaplain.  Both requirements have existed for decades and yet we have managed to survive without specialized recruitment programs run out of NHQ.

But since you asked about NHQ resources to help in recruiting, you'll be pleased to know that there are a bunch:

Start on the Recruiting Page for the Recruiters Online Tool Kit, including strategies, tips, FAQs, and pointers for successful recruiting.

Need recruiting materials, like brochures, posters, photos, fact sheets, recruiting powerpoints, and videos?  NHQ has an excellent Recruiting Materials page where you can order or download the materials needed for your recruiting efforts.

While technically not a recruiting publication, The Cadet Great Start Program has a lot of great ideas and materials specific to cadet units.

Of course, you don't have to restrict yourself to NHQ materials.  High quality member videos and photos are easily found on YouTube and Instagram.  Heck, this very forum has a lot of terrific ideas and description of successful recruiting efforts.  All it takes is a few minutes searching.

Quote from: Eclipse on May 01, 2014, 01:32:14 PM
the fix for an unnecessary, unfunded mandate is...

"recruit new (female) members?"

That sentence denies the reality of female interest in Aerospace, the military, doing much of anything
that doesn't involve a Timeline (kids in general), not to mention the incredible range of activities
available to, and expected of, people today.

I don't think this kind of attitude ("Women aren't as interested in technical things like aerospace or in military things") is very helpful, and somewhat insulting to women.

Sure, statistically most Americans -- regardless of gender --  are not interested in Aerospace and/or the military.  And it may be for exactly the reason you mentioned -- the incredible range of activities expected of people today.

But to suggest that someone's chromosonal makeup automatically makes them less interested in technical things or the military starts to sound a little  . . . . sexist.

QuoteAny competent manager or strategic planner provides the tools and resources for his people to accomplish whatever goals or mandates are expected.  Simply saying "you shall", with no change to status quo, just adds one more unmet goal to the growing pile.

Laying aside the high quality tools and resources NHQ actually does provide to the recruiting effort for just a moment, the task of "recruiting sufficient seniors to adequately supervise and run the cadet program" remains unchanged.

You don't need to increase your CP senior numbers by a single digit.  (Although all of us probably should.)

You just need to make sure there is coed supervision on overnight activities.

No more, no less.

For CAP, recruiting women is no different than recruiting men.  Suggesting that women have "difficult to figure out" special requirements unfathomable by local units begins to sound like that bunch of junior high school boys at their first school dance staring at the young ladies across the dance floor.  They seem different and mysterious, but it turns out they want exactly what everybody else wants - a challenge, meaningful work, and a positive environment.

I found a song that might help:

(With apologies to Lerner and Loewe.)

"How can I recruit woman?
There's a way," said the wise old man,
"A way known to successful units
Since the whole rigmarole began."
"Do I flatter her?" I begged him answer.
"Do I threaten or cajole or plead?
Do I brood or play the gay romancer?"
Said he, smiling: "No indeed.
How do you recruit woman?
Mark me well, I will tell you, sir:
The way to recruit a woman
Is to ask her...simply ask her...
Then respect her, and value her time."


Great song, Ned.  Thanks for sharing.

The CAP Chaplain Corps has several female Character Development Instructors and Chaplains.   Wonder where they came from...could it be called, "recruitment"?   
Disclaimer:  Not to be confused with the other user that goes by "Chappy"   :)

PA Guy

Quote from: Tim Day on May 01, 2014, 05:28:57 PM
I think that my lingering concern with the way this was handled is that we, as an organization should know better. Our own leadership curriculum, likely reviewed and approved by good CP folks like Lt Col Lee, addresses how to effect organizational change.

Both the way these uncoordinated changes were rolled out and the attitude that suddenly it's our duty to comply without stating the unintended consequences on our mission are completely at odds with the content of that curriculum.

It'd help if NHQ could take the time to explain things like the mandatory (no exceptions) coed supervision rule. That principle isn't in the source material, at least that I could find. In fact, a fixation on working with youth of only one gender is a potential negative flag, according the the Center for Disease Control reference document. Still we have no explanation of the rationale for adding this in, nor do we have an explanation regarding why a dad can't supervise his daughter on a CAP activity without the presence of a female senior member.

Mostly what I've read in the references encourages lowering the barriers to positive activities, and if that means two males or two females supervising a a coed overnight activity (with parent and supervisory awareness and approval) then it's encouraged - because positive activities are the best long term counter to abuse.

While I may not agree with everything in your post you bring a reasoned and well thought out post and is a welcome breath of fresh air to this thread. Instead of demanding and mean spirited bullying from the usual suspects who feel NHQ should have them on speed dial.

Luis R. Ramos

I am a teacher in New York City. I hear girls and women all the time. In general they are not interested in aviation or camping. Girls, maybe but not their mothers, which are the ones we need. So that is another reason I understand what Eclipse says.

Ned, please spend one month in our shoes. It sounds you have never done this kind of thing. Talking to parents, specially women, to join CAP.
Squadron Safety Officer
Squadron Communication Officer
Squadron Emergency Services Officer

PA Guy

Quote from: Luis R. Ramos on May 01, 2014, 06:11:41 PM
I am a teacher in New York City. I hear girls and women all the time. In general they are not interested in aviation or camping. Girls, maybe but not their mothers, which are the ones we need. So that is another reason I understand what Eclipse says.

Ned, please spend one month in our shoes. It sounds you have never done this kind of thing. Talking to parents, specially women, to join CAP.

I think if you do some research you will find Ned has BTDT several times over.

Luis R. Ramos

Be that as it may, it is what he is saying. He is ignoring the experience of a lot of us, as if our experience does not count. I have worked as Deputy Commander of cadet squadrons as well as other positions for about 13 or 14 years. I do not know how long Eclipse has, but I am sure he has more than I have. He has been in more positions than I. And Ned is blowing all that as if it does not matter.
Squadron Safety Officer
Squadron Communication Officer
Squadron Emergency Services Officer

Luis R. Ramos


At the time I do not have access as the computer I am using has Adobe disabled. So I cannot read and PDF publication. Tomorrow will be another story, thou. Short question, can patron members supervise cadets on overnights?
Squadron Safety Officer
Squadron Communication Officer
Squadron Emergency Services Officer


It does not matter....because it has got to be done.

Bottom line.....stop belly aching....and start recruiting.


Quote from: Ned on May 01, 2014, 06:00:49 PM
For CAP, recruiting women is no different than recruiting men. 

With respect, that's just not the case.  I worked in this arena for seven years, and while it can be done, it is hard to do.  It is expensive, and it is diffrent.

The motivators for females are diffrent, the influencers are far more important, and the wash-out and retention rates are worse. Brochures and the general purpose recruiting stuff now in-house will not move the needle much, if at all. For cadets, we'd need to get to mom and dad early, and I mean before the candidate brings up the topic at home. Mom/dad see that uniform, camo or blues, in a brochure, the door slams. "Not my daughter!"

The single best predictor of military service is having a close influencer who served - usually dad, or mom, a sibling, coach, uncle/aunt. Those influencers are, overwhlemingly, males.  Men can recruit females, yes. But they can't do it the same way males are recruited.


Quote from: Ned on May 01, 2014, 06:00:49 PM

Why do you think recruiting women is some mysterious exotic skill that only NHQ can help you with?

When you need mission pilots, you go out and recruit mission pilots.  Need a chaplain?  Go out and get a chaplain.  Both requirements have existed for decades and yet we have managed to survive without specialized recruitment programs run out of NHQ.

We do, REALLY? The CAP I am in has been steadily shrinking for a decade.

Just tell where to get these people and I'll make some calls, otherwise, we'd all be better off accepting reality and working
within it then trying to insinuate that an unfunded, unnecessary mandate is somehow going to work itself out "because".

Quote from: Ned on May 01, 2014, 06:00:49 PM
You just need to make sure there is coed supervision on overnight activities.

No more, no less.

Or simply not have overnight activities.  Mission accomplished.

"That Others May Zoom"

Luis R. Ramos

Lord, the knee-jerk reaction of those that do not have any arguments? Shut up???

Squadron Safety Officer
Squadron Communication Officer
Squadron Emergency Services Officer

PA Guy

Quote from: Luis R. Ramos on May 01, 2014, 06:24:05 PM
Be that as it may, it is what he is saying. He is ignoring the experience of a lot of us, as if our experience does not count. I have worked as Deputy Commander of cadet squadrons as well as other positions for about 13 or 14 years. I do not know how long Eclipse has, but I am sure he has more than I have. He has been in more positions than I. And Ned is blowing all that as if it does not matter.

He is not ignoring anyone. If that were the case he wouldn't be taking the time to respond to the posts. Also, did it dawn on you that he may not have the power to change any of this? He might even agree with you. He is a professional. Instead you choose to blame him for everything you don't like with the CPP. Next time cut out the middle man and send your comments to MG Carr.