New CPP Codified - Updated 52-10

Started by Spaceman3750, April 17, 2014, 05:19:04 PM

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Okay, in case no one has seen this, the CAPR 52-10 01 October 2014 bulletin has been rescinded according to the website.  So apparently and hopefully they have heard your complaints and are making the appropriate modifications.


The date was moved up to 18 April vice 1 Oct.
Michael P. McEleney
Lt Col CAP
MSG USA (Retired)
50 Year Member

NC Hokie

Quote from: LSThiker on April 22, 2014, 02:17:21 PM
Okay, in case no one has seen this, the CAPR 52-10 01 October 2014 bulletin has been rescinded according to the website.  So apparently and hopefully they have heard your complaints and are making the appropriate modifications.

Doesnt look like they've done anything new, as the two waivers discussed in the most recent Cadet Blog post were already included in the new CAPR 52-10.
NC Hokie, Lt Col, CAP

Graduated Squadron Commander
All Around Good Guy


Quote from: MSG Mac on April 22, 2014, 02:23:16 PM
The date was moved up to 18 April vice 1 Oct.

Well there went a hopeful dream.  So much for that I guess.


Yup, all they did was make sure that the one that references 1 Oct, is not findable, and that's rare for them to do. You can usually find many older publications still on their crummy excuse for a content management system.

That's why there should be no hash marked unique URLs. Every regulation should be at the same place, the current one replaces the last one. Any links will always be the latest. Filenames for drafts, proposals, whims, whatever, should be labeled clearly as such.


Quote from: Brit_in_CAP on April 22, 2014, 01:58:29 PMThe suggestion of more CSMs doesn't wash with me (personal and very biased viewed - YMMV).  My experience has been universally bad.  Again, very personal and YMMV.


Thinking that adding more ill-informed adults in positions of defacto leadership is more misunderstanding of
the totality of the challenges facing CAP.

"That Others May Zoom"

NC Hokie

Quote from: Brit_in_CAP on April 22, 2014, 01:58:29 PM
The suggestion of more CSMs doesn't wash with me (personal and very biased viewed - YMMV).  My experience has been universally bad.  Again, very personal and YMMV.

I've never really liked the the CSM program because I feel like a thief when I ask a parent to pay for the priviledge of joining as a CSM. IMHO, if I ask for your help, I shouldn't expect you to pay me for it.
NC Hokie, Lt Col, CAP

Graduated Squadron Commander
All Around Good Guy


Quote from: a2capt on April 22, 2014, 02:30:51 PMThat's why there should be no hash marked unique URLs. Every regulation should be at the same place, the current one replaces the last one. Any links will always be the latest. Filenames for drafts, proposals, whims, whatever, should be labeled clearly as such.

Another simple, clear issue, with a simple clear answer, implemented in the most convoluted way possible and at cost to
the membership and the organization.

Why does CAP emulate mostly the negative sides of gov'mint and the military while ignoring the stuff we actually
need like strong leadership and holding people accountable?  CAP's paradigm should give us the ability to
reach for the best from government, the military, private industry, and volunteer organizations, yet the only thing
generally achieved starts with "Charlie" and end with "Foxtrot".

"That Others May Zoom"

Storm Chaser

Quote from: lordmonar on April 22, 2014, 06:38:14 AM
I got one of the largest squadrons in the U.S.
That's an exception, not the rule. Most CAP squadrons are small and lack the resources needed to continue meeting the many mandates and requirements that constantly come from higher headquarters.

Quote from: lordmonar on April 22, 2014, 06:38:14 AM
So.......If I think I can at least give it a try.....why can't you?
Maybe its because I'm an NCO.

Or perhaps in spite of it. >:D

Quote from: usafaux2004 on April 22, 2014, 01:44:36 PM
Talked to my wife. She said hell no.

So did mine.



My small sqdn hasn't had a female SM is some years - the last was a cadet mom, and she did logistics and something else I can't recall.  When her son aged out, she dropped, too.  The sqdn CP guys have re-built the program, and we have more than at any time in the past decade or more, with two or three female cadets in the program now.

Even before this, there have been some awkward moments - rainy winter night, female cadet's mom was late, the rest of the SMs had left. The CP guy was left with an older male cadet, and the young lady. Murphy's law, the male cadet's ride showed up first. Our CP SM felt his choices were stand out in the rain with her, or both stay inside and "risk it".  I would have gotten wet, myself, but he has a kinder, gentler approach. No issues, no problems resulted. 

Hindsight, it could have been avoided, but there was still a mob of cadets and parents milling around when the other SMs bolted - do we make a rule, two SM's hang until the last female cadet has left?  That's still two males, which I guess is better than one. . .CP oriented SMs are usually the best of us;  they deserve a well-thought out set of rules.


Quote from: Storm Chaser on April 22, 2014, 03:31:57 PM
Quote from: lordmonar on April 22, 2014, 06:38:14 AM
I got one of the largest squadrons in the U.S.
That's an exception, not the rule. Most CAP squadrons are small and lack the resources needed to continue meeting the many mandates and requirements that constantly come from higher headquarters.

Not to mention that if "one of the largest squadrons in the U.S." is admittedly having challenges in this area, what does
Podunk Composite do.

"One of the largest squadrons in the U.S." is going ot have significantly more resources, experience and knowledge
in recruiting then the average 3-man show.  Not to mention your unit is affiliated with a >large< military base.

"That Others May Zoom"

Phil Hirons, Jr.

Quote from: SunDog on April 22, 2014, 04:20:38 PM
CP oriented SMs are usually the best of us;  they deserve a well-thought out set of rules.

All three missions deserve well-thought out rules. If some GA best practice came out that it's safest to not fly below 3000' AGL except for take-off and landing would we adopt that? I'd guess not because our mission would be affected.

It was mentioned that the co-ed mandate for overnight is a best practice for youth organizations. Great, we had a regulation that said this is the ideal. Anyone one dealing in reality would have to agree this will affect our CP mission. We can try to mitigate the issue but it will still be there.

Wing X schedules female SM coverage for an entire encampment. Likely 1 deep for most of the time. Injury, work or family emergency, random Act of God and it's time to shut down the encampment. Nightmare. Out of state cadets, parents away, etc. Can you say EPIC FAIL?


Quote from: Phil Hirons, Jr. on April 22, 2014, 04:41:54 PM

Wing X schedules female SM coverage for an entire encampment. Likely 1 deep for most of the time. Injury, work or family emergency, random Act of God and it's time to shut down the encampment. Nightmare. Out of state cadets, parents away, etc. Can you say EPIC FAIL?

That won't shut down the encampment for the males, just the females would be sent packing. 

Luis R. Ramos

Why wouldn't it? It is what the regulations say now. That it should be shut because it would be closed to females.

Squadron Safety Officer
Squadron Communication Officer
Squadron Emergency Services Officer


Quote from: MSG Mac on April 22, 2014, 02:23:16 PM
The date was moved up to 18 April vice 1 Oct.

OK, so we're starting off behind schedule already.  Granted, only a week.  But we have no lesson plans for the new regulation until 1 Oct 14.  When it comes to chapter 3 where it talks about refresher training, you can't get into the course because it blocks you out saying that you've already taken it. 

I'm anxious to get started but should I use the current lesson plan and start my refresher training or wait until Oct which will leave me 5 months until the dead line of March 2015 comes up.  Will I be able to get into the system to update the info through the Learning Management System?

Time?  With everything Nat'l keeps tossing at us regarding training requirements for cadet training and senior training we're starting to have problems scheduling it all in one 2.5 hour session every week.  I'm thinking of using one Saturday a month just to give the training for Level I and the the other required training done.

No, I'm not complaining.  I'm thinking out loud.  I wish when Nat'l releases the new regs and starts requiring the training they had the training materials in place and ready to use instead of catching up 6 months down the line.


Quote from: JoeTomasone on April 22, 2014, 06:18:55 PM
Quote from: Phil Hirons, Jr. on April 22, 2014, 04:41:54 PM

Wing X schedules female SM coverage for an entire encampment. Likely 1 deep for most of the time. Injury, work or family emergency, random Act of God and it's time to shut down the encampment. Nightmare. Out of state cadets, parents away, etc. Can you say EPIC FAIL?

That won't shut down the encampment for the males, just the females would be sent packing.

Quote from: flyer333555 on April 22, 2014, 06:23:12 PM
Why wouldn't it? It is what the regulations say now. That it should be shut because it would be closed to females.


That's rub, right?  Is it "discrimination" if only the females have to go home / can't participate because
of internal rules put in place for the cadets' protection?

Some here say it is, I say it's not, but then again ultimately it would be up to a judge to decide.

If nothing else, NHQ needs to provide clear guidelines as to what to do in these cases, or when an activity
is cancelled last minute because of the gender-bias requirement for supervision.

The wrath of one parent mad because her daughter can't go to encampment or is sent home will
be nothing compared to the wrath of 100 who want refunds, and rightly so.  And I can tell you from
experience, few encampments, or even wings, could easily absorb having to refund an entire encampment.

Most encampments are run with budgets that are 1/2 or more the wing's annual budget.

"That Others May Zoom"


Having read all the various message traffic this topic has generated, it is clear that this is a subject where good people can disagree. It is also apparent to me that as an active female SM, and a member of an encampment command staff, that a lot of pressure will be on me to "show up." I used to cover psychiatry in a female prison (another whole story) and was often asked to round on "high risk" inmates when two deep staffing was hard to find- I always insisted that the same escort rules be followed because allegations can happen same-sex just as much as co-ed. What seems to be being ignored is having coed staff in no way helps mitigate either harm or liability. Adherence to existing policies and procedures is what accomplishes this task.
Capt. Carol A Whelan CAP CTWG,
CTWG Asst. Director of Communications
CTWG Director of Admin & Personnel
Commander NER-CT-004
DCS CTWG 2015 Encampment


Quote from: CAPAPRN on April 22, 2014, 07:42:49 PMWhat seems to be being ignored is having coed staff in no way helps mitigate either harm or liability. Adherence to existing policies and procedures is what accomplishes this task.

+1 x10.

Dad, who is also the Unit CC, can't chaperon Cadet Isagirl overnight, but some random CSM who never comes to meetings can.

There are plenty of female predators, and also a misguided idea that men can't deal with "lady problems", but females can.

"That Others May Zoom"