Mission number required for training

Started by brent.teal, March 20, 2014, 01:18:53 AM

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I have been told that a mission number is required for training to count towards SQTR signoff.  IN reading 60-3 chapter 2 I don't see anything like that.  The knowledgebase seems to agree but they don't exactly answer the question.  here https://capnhq.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/887/kw/sarex%20without%20mission%20number

so looking at it if you want reimbursement you need a number. 

d. Events creditable toward training, qualification, and currency include both Air Force and CAP Corporate training activities. For all events that are expected to be reimbursed with Air Force training funds, the wing commander or designee, must approve the activity in advance using WMIRS.

Some people seem to think it has to do with insurance but I thought our insurance covered us if we were at any cap activity. 

So does anyone have an idea about this.  I'm wondering if there is a bit of Fear Uncertainty and Doubt mucking things up. 
Brent Teal, Captain. CAP
NER-PA-102 Deputy Commander, Communications officer, or whatever else needs doing.


You can do tasks anywhere.

If you want mission credit, it has to be a WMIRS mission and evaluated by at SET.

"That Others May Zoom"


So does that mean to get credit for a task a mission number must be assigned or that getting credit for mission participation requires a SET to evaluate you at that mission?
Brent Teal, Captain. CAP
NER-PA-102 Deputy Commander, Communications officer, or whatever else needs doing.


Tasks do not require a mission and can be accomplished anywhere an SET is available.

The two missions required for completion, or one for renewal, must be accomplished during actvities, real or training, that have a WMIRS mission number.

"That Others May Zoom"


Quote from: brent.teal on March 20, 2014, 01:18:53 AM
I have been told that a mission number is required for training to count towards SQTR signoff.  IN reading 60-3 chapter 2 I don't see anything like that.  The knowledgebase seems to agree but they don't exactly answer the question.  here https://capnhq.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/887/kw/sarex%20without%20mission%20number

Here is the appropriate regulation cite that you are looking for:

Quote from: CAPR 60-3
These two "missions" do not have to be on different mission numbers, be AFAMs, or be completed after all other advanced training is complete, but personnel must have completed all familiarization and preparatory training in order to receive credit for these sorties. These sorties must be complete sorties and/or operating periods where the member participates in all aspects of their assigned mission specialty. It is possible to participate in more than one specialty on a given mission or day.

So no you do not need an Air Force Assigned Mission (AFAM) number.


Not universally:
Quote from: CAWG 60-3 Supplement - Pending since 24-Aug 2012(3) Added. Further, a trainee may not receive more than one mission participation credit for the same specialty on the same day. To ensure that the mission participation is performed during a realistic scenario, credit for mission participation may only be given by an evaluator under ONE of the following circumstances:

(a). On authorized training missions (A5 or B5 mission symbols) with an operating mission base, provided that the trainee is physically present at the mission base at least once during the operational period.

(b). On other training missions specifically approved by California Wing Director of Operations or his designee.

(c). On actual search and rescue, disaster relief, or homeland security missions, regardless of the size or existence of the mission base and regardless of the trainee's presence at the base.
Yes, they have this supplement posted to their site, as pending, since 2012.. maybe someone forgot, and it should be re-submitted.

But pending is pending, and not applicable unless approved.  But they operate by this. My question is more along, I can certainly see the intent here. If it's so compelling, why not make the case to make it like this for everyone, and not have un-equal footing across the system. Why does NHQ allow this? (potentially, as it was in force prior to the 2012 revision of 60-3.)


Quote from: brent.teal on March 20, 2014, 02:45:13 AM
So does that mean to get credit for a task a mission number must be assigned or that getting credit for mission participation requires a SET to evaluate you at that mission?
You do not need a mission number to get tasks signed off.
You DO need to then perform 2 sorties under the supervisions of a SET during an actual or training mission.


No PAWG supplements, so there is no written reason why training that is inline with that paragraph should be refused.