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CAP Ranger

Started by Blackhawk, September 04, 2013, 04:37:56 PM

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So, I am interested in the CAP Ranger program.  Can anyone tell me what the level of difficulty is to 1.) get the training; 2.) make it through the training; and 3.) go onto to the most advanced levels of the Ranger training?  I'm genuinely interested in the training/program, not simply badge hunting.   


Quote from: HeadHunter06 on September 04, 2013, 04:37:56 PM
So, I am interested in the CAP Ranger program.  Can anyone tell me what the level of difficulty is to 1.) get the training; 2.) make it through the training; and 3.) go onto to the most advanced levels of the Ranger training?  I'm genuinely interested in the training/program, not simply badge hunting.

I've never been through it myself but I know many who have, it doesn't seem hard to get in to Hawk Mountain, provided you have the time off and can get to Pennsylvania.  Can't answer the other 2 questions, everyone I know who has attempted has succeeded


Quote from: HeadHunter06 on September 04, 2013, 04:37:56 PM
So, I am interested in the CAP Ranger program.  Can anyone tell me what the level of difficulty is to 1.) get the training; 2.) make it through the training; and 3.) go onto to the most advanced levels of the Ranger training?  I'm genuinely interested in the training/program, not simply badge hunting.

There is no "program".

Hawk Mountain Ranger School is a High Adventure Activity offered by Pennsylvania Wing.  See their website for details.

"That Others May Zoom"


I have had the pleasure of attendiong National Staff College with Col Herb Cahalen. He told me many good things about this school and I mentioned I was an Army Ranger. I have had two cadets that attended there and came back with only positive things to say. Here is the website for all the info you are asking and contact info:

Good luck!
Greg Putnam, Lt. Col., CAP


Quote from: HeadHunter06 on September 04, 2013, 04:37:56 PM
So, I am interested in the CAP Ranger program.  Can anyone tell me what the level of difficulty is to 1.) get the training; 2.) make it through the training; and 3.) go onto to the most advanced levels of the Ranger training?  I'm genuinely interested in the training/program, not simply badge hunting.

I have been involved in the Ranger Program at Hawk Mountain since 1994 (and as a cadet before, it was pretty much a integrated part of my home squadron) so I have a fair amount of knowledge on this one.  As already indicated, reference the web page for some specific info.

1-As Eclipse roughly defined things it is primarily a PAWG specific program.  Ultiamtely in CAP it holds no special abilty or qualifiction, look at is an enrichment into the existing qualifiaction program.  (there has been a discussion lately in adding Ranger Qualifiaction to the 101 card, but it has only been a discussion)
The summer school is a NCSA, the rest of the year its operated as a local PAWG activity, however open to anyone that would want to attend.  To that end there are other wings that have or had active Ranger "programs".... mostly based on having a number of personnel attend the school and then use an exportable training program to run training activites at their home locations that follow the same curriculm/activites that are offered at HMRS (currently FL, NC and MO have "active" programs, there are a few others that may or may not fall under that as well)  So primarily it seasy to get the training if you want to travel to PA...after that its not as easy unless there are active advanced level graduates of the school in your loca area. 

2-From a cadet stand point specific to the summer school, as long as you show up, participate and dont "quit" its easy.  There is nothing overly difficult about it.  It is not (depsite what some poeple want or believe) like any kind of "Special Ops-esque" training program.... for some it may be more activity or have "challenges" that are more than their usual daily or CAP lives, but nothing like the name implies.  The academic/performance portion of the training is no more complicated than any other part of CAP GT related training.  The only real "barriers" to completion I have seen invlove being physically not prepared for the activity...and I mean very basic-  Not able to/acustomed to being in the outdoors, never walked more than to the mailbox etc, etc, non functional footware, can not function without copious amounts of sugar/caffine etc.  Showing up with an existing injury or illness that results int he same above barrier.  There is the same level of "difficulty" as there is for any CAP encampment-forced/encouraged teamwork, followership, attention to detail and other "military" related discipline and behavior expected....cant deal with that, CAP is not likely going to work out for you either....

3-Going onto "advanced levels of training" is really all about you as the individual.  Most students who attend the school for the summer NCSA with little to no GTM experience leave with only a basic qualification. (R3)  Students that either attend a previous year or have advanced GTM quals can expect to leave with a Ranger 1st class qualification which is similar in ability and difficultness to GTM1.  Advanced and Expert require time commitment and availablilty of specialized instructors/evaluators, which for the most part are only available to people in PA or the surrounding/bordering states. (in any quantity/ease of access)  I have seen people complete those requirements from out of state but usually they are highly motivated and come to PA during one of the weekend trainings or make special arrangements to accomplish all of their needed task sign off's (they usually have some sort of previous training level or are really really good self studiers)  There has in the past been specialized trainings set up during the school to accomplish this as well (there was at one point a scheduled squadron "echo" which led toward expert level training and qualification...idealy a 4th year returning student) now that is set up on an as needed/requested basis (its labeled as independent studies I beleive in the course options)

hope that at least makes a dent into your level of interest

Capt.  Mark "K12" Kleibscheidel


Thanks for that informative post SARMED1, that is exactly what I was looking for!  Well written and descriptive.  I noticed you also referred to it as a program, where another respondent stated that it was not - semantics I'm sure. 

Flying Pig

I see no reason whatsoever to add a Ranger qual to a 101 Card.  A 101 Card tells people what missions snd duties you are qualified to perform. "Ranger" is not a mission or a duty assignment.  What purpose would it serve?   Being a Ranger in no way affects anything.   I'm not a Ranger basher by any means....I would have enjoyed attending myself at one point in my time in CAP. 


Quote from: Flying Pig on October 04, 2013, 01:13:58 PM
I see no reason whatsoever to add a Ranger qual to a 101 Card.  A 101 Card tells people what missions snd duties you are qualified to perform. "Ranger" is not a mission or a duty assignment.  What purpose would it serve?   Being a Ranger in no way affects anything.   I'm not a Ranger basher by any means....I would have enjoyed attending myself at one point in my time in CAP.

Now that you live a whole lot closer; its not a game changer, feel free to stop up sometime.....

Personally I am not convinced of the need to put the rating in as a 101 qualification either.  There are no extra special skills (at least at the basic level) that would be unperformable by a regular GTM/GTL.  At the R/Adv level the member has the equivilent training for basic steep terrain rescue, so maybe under the expception for technical or specialized operations, but its not a blanket program skill, and honestly only a limited number of people attain that level of qualification (vs the number of people that attend the school)

Until that changes I dont see the benefit to the rest of the organiazation. To me its kind of like in the RM, when you see a guy in a regular unit with an SF or Ranger tab; they are mostly limited in what they can do based on unit and current Duty MOS, but if you need someone for something you may pick them first.  In the current context of CAP, the need to put that on a 101card should honestly be negated by them likely wearing either the LL patch or a ranger "tab".

Capt.  Mark "K12" Kleibscheidel


You know how you really pull the rug out from under HAWK MOUNTAIN and PAWG?

Call all GTM personnel rangers.  :)

So that way PAWG with all their bling and extra stuff are no different then anyone one else sporting a GT badge.  :)



Quote from: lordmonar on October 04, 2013, 07:33:34 PM
You know how you really pull the rug out from under HAWK MOUNTAIN and PAWG?

Call all GTM personnel rangers.  :)

So that way PAWG with all their bling and extra stuff are no different then anyone one else sporting a GT badge.  :)
:clap: :clap: :clap: