What is your favorite CAP ribbon?

Started by 4fhoward, July 18, 2013, 06:31:42 PM

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The original International Air Cadet Exchange Ribbon.  Red with silver embroidered, tri-propellers.  It always looked cool.  My opinion is that we should bring back all the ribbons that had embroidered propellers in the center.   A little bit of money to produce, but a fifty year nod to tradition.


My cadet Certificate of Proficiency Ribbon.  Because it's old (like me).  I refer to it as the "Old Fart Ribbon".


Still a major after all these years.
ES dude, leadership ossifer, publik affaires
Opinionated and wrong 99% of the time about all things

Private Investigator

Find ribbon it really stands out and looks good. It looks great on the bumber of my monster "GT" rig too   8)


I like the Unit Citation Ribbon. Simple yet elegant.


Quote from: TeamBronx on July 19, 2013, 03:23:37 PM
The original International Air Cadet Exchange Ribbon.  Red with silver embroidered, tri-propellers.  It always looked cool.  My opinion is that we should bring back all the ribbons that had embroidered propellers in the center.   A little bit of money to produce, but a fifty year nod to tradition.

I will second that.

Does anyone know why the encampment ribbon colors were changed? cost?

Devil Doc

I don't have one, Only have 2 :(. Currently I am working on the Community Service Ribbon, so I guess that will be my favorite for the moment.
Captain Brandon P. Smith CAP
Former HM3, U.S NAVY
Too many Awards, Achievments and Qualifications to list.


Quote from: 4fhoward on July 18, 2013, 06:31:42 PMThis is just a question to see what people think.  Of the CAP ribbons, this included old ribbons not being awarded, what is your favorite ribbon and why?

My CAC ribbon - which I can once again wear after 35 years.  Simplest ribbon possible and not one you see very often on a 55 year old


The things you can get away with when you're born on Feb 29th.
Michael P. McEleney
Lt Col CAP
MSG USA (Retired)
50 Year Member


How many seniors actually wear ribbons? I've worn mine the last two weeks and felt like a sore thumb. :-[

Wing Assistant Director of Administration
Squadron Deputy Commander for Cadets

Майор Хаткевич

I've rarely not worn mine. But lately its a PITA, so it depends on my mood.


I wear them for special occasions. Military on blues,CAP on G/W.
Michael P. McEleney
Lt Col CAP
MSG USA (Retired)
50 Year Member


On the change of the encampment ribbon, what I heard and this is strictly rumor while at NHQ one day. So many cadets and seniors for that matter put the ribbon on backwards (green at wrong end) that the ribbon was changed so it was blue at both ends.
Gil Robb Wilson # 19
Gil Robb Wilson # 104


I always thought the Curry looked kinda similar to the Purple Heart in a weird way.

Besides, my favorite would have to be the Bumblebee- NCUC.
••• retired
2d Lt USAF


BITD.....the USAF Promotion Fitness Exam Guide Book....had the Expeditionary Medal upside down.
The had this error on at least two printings of the PFE guide.

And for the record......all ribbons can be put on upside down.

If you look real close...you can see that the ribbon has a sort of grain in the weave.  If you tilt it in the light you should see these sort of arrows pointing down.

Yes I know......this is really nitpicking.....and I never seriously tell anyone their ribbon is upside down...as in giging them.  But all ribbons have a top and a bottom.


My personal favorite would have to be the Red service, especially when you see members who have traded the prop clasp in for the service numbers.

Private Investigator

Quote from: BHartman007 on July 22, 2013, 03:40:10 AM
How many seniors actually wear ribbons? I've worn mine the last two weeks and felt like a sore thumb. :-[

Different Units I have been in have different personalities. The Wing Staff do not, Group Staff mostly do, and the local SQ meetings I do go to the Seniors do not because they only have one, two or three and you know the Cadets wear their bling bling. So the old men do not want the hard charging Cadets make them look bad.  YMMV.


My favorite on my personal rack in my Achievement ribbon. I worked really hard and the recognition from my leaders meant a lot.

Flying Pig

My CD ribbon with my 3 clasps....   Definitley worked for it!  Say No to Drugs kiddies >:D