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Tree People

Started by davedove, March 19, 2007, 11:56:52 AM

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Here's a term for you.  I have just started my ground team training and the officers teaching the material gave me this term the other day.  It's those people who suddenly appear, no matter what time or how remote the location, whenever a team is conducting an operation.  I was told of one man who appeared in the middle of the woods in the wee hours of the morning to ask what was going on.  He apparently appeared out of nowhere, as though he materialized out of the trees.
David W. Dove, Maj, CAP
Deputy Commander for Seniors
Personnel/PD/Asst. Testing Officer
Ground Team Leader
Frederick Composite Squadron

Chris Jacobs

Thats like half of the residence of Oregon.  they just live out there for fun.
C/1st Lt Chris Jacobs
Columbia Comp. Squadron


ya, i spose there are people that pop out of no where many times, its sometimes odd like that.
Be safe


Everytime I see the title "Tree People" I have to laugh... 

In front of my High School was a huge cedar tree with branches reaching all the way to the ground.  This created a large area under the tree that was both out of sight and dry (important consideration in Washington State).  Anyhow, all the smokers, pot-heads, stoners, etc. would hang around under that tree and they were called... "Tree People".
Michael Moore, Lt Col, CAP

Johnny Yuma

Tree people, using the Holy Grail of logic, must made of wood. You could burn them or build a bridge out of them.

Wood also floats. So do ducks, so logically if a Tree person weighs a much as a duck then they must be a witch and should be burned at the stake.

I love this Monty Python logic.
"And Saint Attila raised the Holy Hand Grenade up on high saying, "Oh Lord, Bless us this Holy Hand Grenade, and with it smash our enemies to tiny bits. And the Lord did grin, and the people did feast upon the lambs, and stoats, and orangutans, and breakfast cereals, and lima bean-"

" Skip a bit, brother."

"And then the Lord spake, saying: "First, shalt thou take out the holy pin. Then shalt thou count to three. No more, no less. "Three" shall be the number of the counting, and the number of the counting shall be three. "Four" shalt thou not count, and neither count thou two, execpting that thou then goest on to three. Five is RIGHT OUT. Once the number three, being the third number be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade to-wards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuffit. Amen."

Armaments Chapter One, verses nine through twenty-seven: