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Started by Chris Jacobs, March 13, 2007, 09:40:31 PM

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Should members of this board have to post their name with their messages?

34 (54.8%)
28 (45.2%)

Total Members Voted: 62


Quote from: Major Carrales on March 14, 2007, 04:00:05 PM
Some might say that this  is an intregity sign ones name to one's thoughts.
I disagree.  Integrity is something one has whether or not you know his/her name.  I see this issue as being no different than having a "nom de plume". Writers for centuries have written under assumed names to protect the innocent or the guilty.  Some of these writers were honest and courteous, some were not.  Some feared reprisals; some were taking cheap shots.  But had each of the authors been required to write under his/her given name, I believe some great works would never have been created.  Granted, CAP TALK will probably never go down in the annals of great works  :), but I believe the principle is the same.
Judy LaValley, Maj, CAP
GRW #2753


QuoteGranted, CAP TALK will probably never go down in the annals of great works 

Speak for your own posts!   ;)


Quote from: RiverAux on March 14, 2007, 06:58:54 PM
QuoteGranted, CAP TALK will probably never go down in the annals of great works 

Speak for your own posts!   ;)
:D :D :D
Judy LaValley, Maj, CAP
GRW #2753


Well, I had mine posted for a while...until I got a late night phone call from my Region Vice Commander suggesting strongly to back off on my comments about the NHQ leadership and attracted the attention of a CAP two star.  Name withheld.

I've returned to using my basic signature becuase I really don't care anymore what the NHQ person  thinks.
Chuck Cranford
Virginia Army National Guard


Quote from: CAP Safety Dude on March 15, 2007, 01:27:00 AM
Well, I had mine posted for a while...until I got a late night phone call from my Region Vice Commander suggesting strongly to back off on my comments about the NHQ leadership and attracted the attention of a CAP two star.  Name withheld.

I've returned to using my basic signature becuase I really don't care anymore what the NHQ person  thinks.


How about that......

No kidding?  If not, that's confirmation that the National Commander gets wind of these things if there ever was such a thing as a confirmation.

(I know we always suspect such things....but wow)


Come on guys... can we honestly say Maxwell isn't monitoring this site? Really now...  :)

I've signed my posts since day one. Like others, it keeps me on the straight and narrow, for the most part anyways.

Drawbacks to this are:

Since I post my grade, I feel that there are others of a higher grade who discount my opinions because I haven't been 'in the trenches' all along.

Not posting anonymous keeps me from discussing local issues without possible repercussions; or, be able to voice an opinion I have without stirring the pot that I'd rather not stir.

I've thought about creating a separate login for those purposes, but don't feel like making the Moderanger's nervous about 'what I'm up to' by having two accounts.

I guess I'll just keep things the way they have been for the time being as it's worked for me this long. I'll just keep my vile rants to the post meeting parking lot discussion.  >:D


Quote from: mlcurtis69 on March 15, 2007, 03:04:41 AM
I've thought about creating a separate login for those purposes, but don't feel like making the Moderanger's nervous about 'what I'm up to' by having two accounts.

FYI: Membership Code of Conduct

Quote from: Membership Code of ConductOnly one user account is permitted per individual.  Members of the same household may have separate accounts, however they should be kept clearly separate from each other.   Members found to have additional accounts may have those accounts deleted without warning, among other actions

Your friendly neighborhood Moderanger.
Mike Johnston


I'd prefer not to due to nature of my real job.  ;)
MAJ, US Army (Ret)
Major, Civil Air Patrol
Major, 163rd ATKW Support, Joint Medical Command


Like some others, I'm a little conflicted on this issue.

On one hand, we all acknowlege the role of anonymity in facilitating candor and protecting posters and whistleblowers against improper retaliation.  Heck, the Founding Fathers found anonymity a handy tool.  And I appreciate being able to be semi-anonymous/"low profile" so that my personal observations don't wind up being taken as doctrine.

But we also acknowledge that trouble-makers and pot-stirrers are emboldened by anonymity.  On occasion, folks are flamed and/or intimidated by folks who would not do so if their identities were public.

But ultimately, I have been pursuaded that the costs of anonymity outweigh the benefits.  More than one CAP-related board/forum has been overrun by negative folks intent on furthering various personal agendas.  Even when the mods/owners have been doing their best to keep things flowing and above-board.

I would support a default public ID with a procedure available to permit mods to authorize temporary anonymous screen names to folks with a credible reason to keep their names private.

Ned Lee


Quote from: Ned on March 15, 2007, 06:27:26 AM
But we also acknowledge that trouble-makers and pot-stirrers are emboldened by anonymity.  On occasion, folks are flamed and/or intimidated by folks who would not do so if their identities were public.

And then there are others who do post their real names and embarrass themselves and the organization with almost every post.

Quote from: Ned on March 15, 2007, 06:27:26 AM
I would support a default public ID with a procedure available to permit mods to authorize temporary anonymous screen names to folks with a credible reason to keep their names private.

Another 'members only' online community that I'm a member of has a number of forums and depending on the forum, when you post, you have a checkbox that you can check to enable the post to be anonymous. The admin's can still see your IP address, but your posting name is replaced with a randomly generated name/avatar.

It would be nice to have some level of anonymous posting, even if it's was kept in one forum header, like an 'Anonymous Soapbox' forum. You still need to be a member of the board, but you can post anonymously.


I'm really curious to understand what really drives the need of some of you to know who everyone is? 

Do we have an abundant problem of e-thugging?  No.   On the rare occasion where there has been an issue, the moderators have done an effective job at addressing the problem - to the point of removing entire threads, if necessary.  We even have a nice convenient link to report specific posts to moderators should you have a concern. 

To me, this whole "concern" is much ado about nothing and rather silly.  It almost comes off as much more of a superiority and control issue by some.  Really, who cares?!  And do we need to keep bringing it up every month or so?  Seems to me the discussion should've pretty much ended with this post (my emphasis added):

Quote from: Pylon on March 14, 2007, 03:25:42 AM
We don't need it and that's intentional, by design...

Our policy as it is now is that you can put your name and/or other information in your signature, or you can remain anonymous.  You can't create a ficticious identity, but you can remain anonymous...

We've had very few problems stemming from people feeling they can get away with anything since nobody knows their name.  I don't see any valid reason to change it.   (Nor would the outcome of this poll change the board administrators' opinions on how things will be run.  ;)  )

Let it rest already.

"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return."


Okay,  I'll use my other signature then...

His Most Imperial Lord
Warlord of the Empire
Protector and Most Gracious Sovereign of the Realm
Viceroy of the Third Imperial Crown Colony


Kitty Litter Changer
Chuck Cranford
Virginia Army National Guard


Quote from: CAP Safety Dude on March 16, 2007, 12:08:26 AM
Okay,  I'll use my other signature then...

His Most Imperial Lord
Warlord of the Empire
Protector and Most Gracious Sovereign of the Realm
Viceroy of the Third Imperial Crown Colony


Kitty Litter Changer
I like it.  You, sir, are obviously a man of great integrity.  :)
"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return."


Quote from: A.Member on March 15, 2007, 02:08:36 PM
I'm really curious to understand what really drives the need of some of you to know who everyone is? 

Odd, for someone who is curious, you also seem rather dismissive.

Quote from: A.Member
To me, this whole "concern" is much ado about nothing and rather silly.  It almost comes off as much more of a superiority and control issue by some.  Really, who cares?!  And do we need to keep bringing it up every month or so? 

Hmmm, you're curious but people who disagree with you are "rather silly" and have "superiority and control issues."

At a very, very mild level, this is not a bad example of the issue.  While not exactly an "e-mugging" it is also unlikely that you would have tried as hard to spin the argument by negatively characterizing folks holding opposing views if your name was attached to your post.  A classic ad-hom argument, and one best done anonymously.

And perhaps the reason it comes up periodically is the same reason any topic returns -- the issue remains unresolved.

I can only agree that the forum owners can set any rules they like.  The "sandbox ownership" cliche is apt.

But there is always a give and take between list owners and the users.  After all, there is no forum without users; and no users without forum providers.  It is in everyone's best interest to grow together.

As I mentioned above, my principal concern is the negative dynamic that can spin out of control despite the mods best efforts.  One could argue that that is exactly what happened to the Portal.

Ned Lee

Chris Jacobs

C/1st Lt Chris Jacobs
Columbia Comp. Squadron


Quote from: Ned on March 16, 2007, 01:18:40 AM
Quote from: A.Member on March 15, 2007, 02:08:36 PM
I'm really curious to understand what really drives the need of some of you to know who everyone is? 

Odd, for someone who is curious, you also seem rather dismissive.
If I seem dismissive of the topic, it's probably because I am. 

This topic has been discussed ad nauseam here several times before - and not long ago.  BTW, there is nothing ad hominem about my statement.  There simply is nothing new being said here, thus, there is no real reason to continually bring it up.  You have a "solution" in search of a problem. 

I don't really have anything more to say about it.  Again,  to me, it's just:
"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return."


Hey.  Everybody ice down your hot plates.

Get the discussion back to a civil demeanor, quick like, or the padlock goes on.  Roger?
Michael F. Kieloch, Maj, CAP


Quote from: CAP Safety Dude on March 16, 2007, 12:08:26 AM
Okay,  I'll use my other signature then...

His Most Imperial Lord
Warlord of the Empire
Protector and Most Gracious Sovereign of the Realm
Viceroy of the Third Imperial Crown Colony


Kitty Litter Changer
Fine, I wil too,
Rogue Squadron  Comander- thats where my "callsign" comes from
High General, New Republic Armed Forces
General of the Borleais Space Defense Complex

and finally,
Weekend Night Manager at Hardees

and Student

GRW 3340


Does this mean I get to be "Tsar of All the Russias"?


Jack Bagley, Ed. D.
Lt. Col., CAP (now inactive)
Gill Robb Wilson Award No. 1366, 29 Nov 1991
Admiral, Great Navy of the State of Nebraska
Honorary Admiral, Navy of the Republic of Molossia