Running for Element Leader

Started by KirkF22, April 30, 2013, 03:09:11 AM

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Me and another cadet were just both promoted to Senior Airmen. I showed interest in becoming an element leader so I was told me and this other senior air man will compete for the element leader spot that will soon be open. I would say I am already ahead of him accept for the mile run (he does track), but I still want to do anything I can to guarantee me the spot. So does anyone have any advice on things I should do do increase my chances, and what they look for in an element leader?


That question needs to be directed toward your chain of command as each unit is different.

Storm Chaser

The best advice I can provide is this: be the best cadet that you can be. As an element leader, you will be assisting your flight commander and flight sergeant with the element members assigned to you. As such, you should ensure they wear their uniforms properly, practice good customs and courtesies, and help with other aspects of their training such as drill and ceremonies and physical fitness. You can't lead others on these areas unless you're pretty good at them yourself.

I recommend you start by reading the Cadet Staff Handbook. There you will find useful information about what is expected of an element leader. Good luck!