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Navy SEAL Impostor

Started by JK657, April 08, 2013, 05:30:27 AM

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I don't know if anyone here is familiar with Don Shipley. He is a retired Navy SEAL Senior Chief. He is one of the few people who are trusted with keeping the SEAL Database, a listing of all past and present Seals. Here he confronts a Seal impostor who is also a member of CAP. During the course of the conversation he admits that he was never a SEAL.

Don Shipley Phony Navy SEAL of the Week... Phony SEAL Class 130 Clown... I was 131...



Note:  This video is NOT safe for work!!! 


Ha!  He's not the first one and he certainly won't be the last.

I think we've busted at least 4 on CAP Talk alone.

1.  SEAL (CAP Group Commander)
2.  Army Officer (Artillery)
3.  Ranger
4.  Army Officer (Pilot, Purple Heart)

Am I missing one?
Serving since 1987.


I hope these liars get booted out of CAP after they are exposed.
"You can't stop the signal, Mal."

Devil Doc

I hate people the STEAL VALOR!!
Captain Brandon P. Smith CAP
Former HM3, U.S NAVY
Too many Awards, Achievments and Qualifications to list.


Quote from: wuzafuzz on April 08, 2013, 11:26:10 AM
I hope these liars get booted out of CAP after they are exposed.

1.  SEAL (CAP Group Commander) - Resigned when exposed
2.  Army Officer (Artillery) - Vanished
3.  Ranger -Admitted his faults (big apology) and is still in CAP
4.  Army Officer (Pilot, Purple Heart) - still claims she's all that; was allowed to resign from CAP
Serving since 1987.


Quote from: Stonewall on April 08, 2013, 12:51:49 PM
4.  Army Officer (Pilot, Purple Heart) - still claims she's all that; maybe was allowed to resigned from CAP

Darin Ninness, Col, CAP
Wing Dude, National Bubba
I like to have Difficult Adult Conversations™
The contents of this post are Copyright © 2007-2024 by NIN. All rights are reserved. Specific permission is given to quote this post here on CAP-Talk only.


Quote from: Stonewall on April 08, 2013, 10:30:43 AM
Ha!  He's not the first one and he certainly won't be the last.

I think we've busted at least 4 on CAP Talk alone.

1.  SEAL (CAP Group Commander)
2.  Army Officer (Artillery)
3.  Ranger
4.  Army Officer (Pilot, Purple Heart)

Am I missing one?
And a poser from the Great White North.


I don't know which is sadder, individuals who have never served and concoct an entire fake service history, or those who have served honorably and then decide after the fact to embellish their service record by piling on a load of 'dishonesty'.  What exactly is wrong with serving your country as 'just' a Navy diver (in the case of the phony SEAL) or 'just' a USAF Air Traffic Controller (in the case of the PH/Helo Pilot claim) anyway?

Maybe it's time to start a 'Stolen Valor' sticky, with links to the appropriate threads, if only to demonstrate to readers (casual and regulars) of CAPTalk that we're aware of and concerned with the issue, and proactive about it.  It sure would beat having Senior Chief Shipley or TAH or some other organization shoving it in CAP's face.  I understand where some members, if it were to happen within their Squadron/Group/Wing, might want to keep on lid on it as a form of damage control, but in today's world where everything and the kitchen sink is out there on the Internet that may be a bit too much of an Old School way of thinking.

I don't get how an individual who does this is allowed to remain in CAP (in the case of the phony 'Ranger').  It's not some sort of 'mistake', it's deliberately lying to mislead others, which is a violation of CAP's first Core Value, Integrity.  What exactly are we teaching Cadets and other Senior Members by doing so?  I really don't care how great a job they might have been (or are) doing in their assigned position within CAP.  Is CAP that worried about lawsuits, with an FOIA request for service records so easy to come by these days?  I even think that allowing someone who has done this to resign is ridiculous, CAPR 39-2 should revised so that a 2B would be automatic in these cases.  Make an example of these people, and let others know just how seriously CAP (as the Auxiliary of the USAF, for cripes sake!) views this issue.  But that's just me.  If it were really up to me, I'd be heating up the tar, collecting the feathers and looking for a suitable rail.
R. Litzke, Capt, CAP

"Men WILL wear underpants."


Quote from: lordmonar on April 08, 2013, 02:15:36 PM
And a poser from the Great White North.

Easy to forget that one. He's off winning all the wars singlehandedly.
Darin Ninness, Col, CAP
Wing Dude, National Bubba
I like to have Difficult Adult Conversations™
The contents of this post are Copyright © 2007-2024 by NIN. All rights are reserved. Specific permission is given to quote this post here on CAP-Talk only.


Quote from: Bobble on April 08, 2013, 02:27:37 PMI don't get how an individual who does this is allowed to remain in CAP (in the case of the phony 'Ranger').  It's not some sort of 'mistake', it's deliberately lying to mislead others, which is a violation of CAP's first Core Value, Integrity.  What exactly are we teaching Cadets and other Senior Members by doing so?  I really don't care how great a job they might have been (or are) doing in their assigned position within CAP.  Is CAP that worried about lawsuits, with an FOIA request for service records so easy to come by these days?  I even think that allowing someone who has done this to resign is ridiculous, CAPR 39-2 should revised so that a 2B would be automatic in these cases.  Make an example of these people, and let others know just how seriously CAP (as the Auxiliary of the USAF, for cripes sake!) views this issue.  But that's just me.  If it were really up to me, I'd be heating up the tar, collecting the feathers and looking for a suitable rail.

This gets to the heart of how we provide advanced grade and allow the wear of military decorations.  Some commanders are unwilling to have the uncomfortable conversations necessary with their people.    I don't question every training ribbon or GCM I see, but members who showed up under my command with something
"unusual", were generally asked to substantiate it, and directed to remove things they could not.

What CAP needs is a regulation that requires full substantiation for anything a member wishes to wear on their uniform, military or CAP.  Make it simple, straightforward, and insure that current members are also required to substantiate.  If you were secret squirrel and your records were lost in the "big fire",
too bad, pull it.

"That Others May Zoom"

Critical AOA

People who claim to have achieved something in the military that they did not actually achieve are pitiful.  I feel sorry for them.  The worst of these are not those who claim to be a SEAL or Ranger or Green Beret but rather those that claim actual medals of valor such as the Medal of Honor, Silver Star, DFC, etc. 

I have great respect for all who served in the US military, especially combat arms personnel and more so those who have actually seen combat.  Special Forces personnel do get a bit more of a tip of the hat for their achievement however we need to remember that many average grunts have seen more action and been in more danger than many SF types. 

However all of that being said, this guy Shipley sure is full of himself.  Yes, he was a SEAL and has my respect for that but he comes across as a major league a-hole.   

CAP does seem to draw its share of the wannabe / faker crowd.  I suppose many do it because they feel the need for recognition and want to have a chest full of fruit salad when they wear the AF uniform.  Others do it because they want to appear as if they are elite, tough, big & bad, or whatever.  Heck, we have tons of phony Rangers.   Either way, it is mostly due to low self-esteem or a feeling of failure in real life.   In the end they are sad people. 
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."   - George Bernard Shaw


In a rare conjunction of the planets, days of the week, weather and the fact I saw a spotted horse rolling in the dust as I was driving with a black cat in my car........I agree with Eclipse on this.

And it is a simple solution.

Former military simply need to provide a DD214 or AD personnel provide a copy of their promotion orders/ID card and a decorations rip (which in the USAF you can get online).


Quote from: lordmonar on April 08, 2013, 03:27:41 PM
Former military simply need to provide a DD214 or AD personnel provide a copy of their promotion orders/ID card and a decorations rip (which in the USAF you can get online).

Standby to be shouted down by the "You don't need this information" crowd in 3...2...1...
Darin Ninness, Col, CAP
Wing Dude, National Bubba
I like to have Difficult Adult Conversations™
The contents of this post are Copyright © 2007-2024 by NIN. All rights are reserved. Specific permission is given to quote this post here on CAP-Talk only.


I've met over 20 Navy SEALs in my life. Two of them were *really* Navy SEALs.

Darin Ninness, Col, CAP
Wing Dude, National Bubba
I like to have Difficult Adult Conversations™
The contents of this post are Copyright © 2007-2024 by NIN. All rights are reserved. Specific permission is given to quote this post here on CAP-Talk only.


Quote from: NIN on April 08, 2013, 03:53:42 PM
Quote from: lordmonar on April 08, 2013, 03:27:41 PM
Former military simply need to provide a DD214 or AD personnel provide a copy of their promotion orders/ID card and a decorations rip (which in the USAF you can get online).

Standby to be shouted down by the "You don't need this information" crowd in 3...2...1...
Yes.....but I don't have a problem with telling them "You don't need to wear that bling"   >:D


In 1992 I enlisted in the US Marines during the end of my Junior year in Highschool.
That summer I was supposed to go to basic and then come back to finish out my senior year.
*ROADBLOCK!* My father decided he was not going to sign my application which was required as I was only 17 and would be until the end of my Senior year.
I spent the summer going to 'prep-weekends' at the local recruiting office with other guys like myself. We prepped in drill and C&C, rank recognition, PT... everything we could do legally as a group of civilian teenagers with the assistance of a guy who happened to be a member of the military during what was officially his "Off hours".

2.5 months of saturdays and sundays, gearing up mentally, everything else I could do and then *BAM*. I destroyed my ankle on a flight of stairs at band camp:o
By the time I was healed I had a fiance, a child on the way and was 1 year out of high school. When I went back to see the recruiter he told me to, "Get the 'heck' away from me and don't come back. This is something MY recruiter would have never done for me."

I took his advice and took care of my family. Tore me up as serving was one of my dreams at the time.... to some degree it still is.
Of course there was still the issue of passing a physical and considering the prior injury I was pretty sure NOT to but I didn't even try.

This is my story.... and no matter how much I wanted to serve, how badly I desired to be a member of our military and a part of a military FAMILY... I would never lie and say that I had served, let alone say I was highly decorated or served in the special forces.
People like that dishonor ME. What they do via their lies to active members of the military or our veterans is far worse.
Just my $.02
Information Technology Officer
Communications Officer

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Critical AOA

No they only dishonor themselves.  Not sure why you think they dishonor you.
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."   - George Bernard Shaw

Critical AOA

Quote from: NIN on April 08, 2013, 03:53:42 PM
Quote from: lordmonar on April 08, 2013, 03:27:41 PM
Former military simply need to provide a DD214 or AD personnel provide a copy of their promotion orders/ID card and a decorations rip (which in the USAF you can get online).

Standby to be shouted down by the "You don't need this information" crowd in 3...2...1...

If for some strange unfathomable reason I wanted to wear the AF uniform and put my very few Army decs on it, I would have no issue providing my DD214.  If was asking for advanced rank or any privilege based upon my Army service, I would have no issue providing my DD214.   If it was a routine CAP policy for all veterans to provide their DD214, I would have no issue providing my DD214.   Why would anyone but a poser refuse?   
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."   - George Bernard Shaw


Quote from: David Vandenbroeck on April 08, 2013, 04:12:53 PMWhy would anyone but a poser refuse?

They absolutely wouldn't.

Anyone that did legit "double secret stuff" isn't going to go around telling people he did "double secret stuff".

Wearing military decorations on an active uniform is a privilege afforded to those who deserve it.

If you can't substantiate it, sorry, but those are the breaks.  It won't impact your ability to serve in CAP one iota, but it speaks volumes
if you crab about it.

Stolen Valor, disrespect, core values, or just "What's your deal, man?"  pick whatever angle you want on this, but just like other seemingly
"trivial" "tells", it points to character flaws or even emotional instability - not the kinds of people who should be in a CAP uniform, either.

"That Others May Zoom"