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Retention issues

Started by Walkman, February 12, 2013, 03:03:55 PM

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From your experience, why do people leave CAP?

Bored (not enough activities, meaningless assignments, etc)
19 (34.5%)
Lack of recognition/promotion
2 (3.6%)
Trouble with personnel (GOB network, difficult personalities, etc)
16 (29.1%)
Life changes (moved, too busy with work/school, went AD, etc)
10 (18.2%)
CAP was different than expected
6 (10.9%)
Other (Please post about this)
2 (3.6%)

Total Members Voted: 55

The CyBorg is destroyed

The politics are the reason why I've left this organisation twice.

Everything from being part of an IG investigation against a member who happened to be part of the GOBN and getting kicked in the teeth for it, not to mention incurring the wrath of a good set of Wing personnel who liked the guy (and getting chewed out for it), to seeing some get promotions and bling for "knowing" the "right" people, to the Bravo Sierra that happened at higher levels (the Generalissimo).

There's enough of that in "real life" without enduring an undue amount of it in an organisation where one is expected to give time, talent and treasure.
Exiled from GLR-MI-011


I'll echo CyBorg's comments, the reason I left the second time was due to the political B.S. from "She who's name I will never utter again" destroying the Iowa Wing experiment.  We had a [darn] good thing going, in my humble opinion. 

My first stint was eight years as a Cadet.  I did not continue due to real-life, school, etc. 

Crazy as it is, I am contemplating a third "tour" with the CAP.  I've been in the Coast Guard Auxiliary now for five years after leaving CAP, and it's just not "floating my boat" anymore, no pun intended.  The best part of my time in the Aux has been augmenting the CG, working side-by-side with the "Gold Side".  That is something I wish there was more of in the CAP. 


The IAWG "experiment" was never universally accepted even within IAWG itself, essentially creating two wings.  It espoused a model that is not functional within CAP's paradigm, and was dependent on the benevolence of a few key people, it ultimately collapsed under its own weight and politics.

That doesn't mean it wasn't "fun" or even "beneficial" for some people in IAWG, or that they didn't get some missions done, but people often confuse "best for me" with "best for all".

"That Others May Zoom"


Quote from: Eclipse on February 15, 2013, 04:03:21 PM
The IAWG "experiment" was never universally accepted even within IAWG itself, essentially creating two wings.  It espoused a model that is not functional within CAP's paradigm, and was dependent on the benevolence of a few key people, it ultimately collapsed under its own weight and politics.

That doesn't mean it wasn't "fun" or even "beneficial" for some people in IAWG, or that they didn't get some missions done, but people often confuse "best for me" with "best for all".

Having been there during that time, the Iowa Experiment seemed to be: "Lets out-Army the Army." And no, it was not good for all of us.  Having to go to Des Moines for ES training was pure BS.

GRW 3340


I certainly did not want to hijack the thread with a discussion about the IAWG.  Sorry for that, was just stating my reasoning for leaving.  That subject is best left to another discussion.

Aaron, good to see you are still involved.  Hope all is going well for you.

The CyBorg is destroyed

Speaking for myself (and for a lot of people in CAP I have discussed this with), it certainly does not help retention to have the "teacher's pet" mentality going on.

What I mean is that those who suck up to brown-nose make themselves known to the "right" people get "rewarded" with plum assignments, early/advanced promotion (wink, wink) and chest candy.

I have talked in the past about seeing SMWOG's with Commander's Commendations (sometimes multiple) and Wing staff positions before they ever get their butter-bars.

For those like me who are no good at, and have no desire to suck up to brown-nose get acquainted with these "influential" personnel ("kissing up for a stripe"), that is rather discouraging.

CAP should be a meritocracy, but too often it is cronyist/patronage (and, yes, I know this is not exclusive to CAP).
Exiled from GLR-MI-011


My time in CAP, just shy of 15 years, with a break in service, is similar to experiences mentioned here. However, this time around things seem to be getting worse. Especially in the area of promotions. A couple of brief comments in the remarks sections would do for most promotions, including field grade with a bit more in depth comments. Now pages are required then returned without comment. More Bravo Sierra.  Most aggrivating now in MHO are expenses! It cost alot to stay active in CAP.
Sure we might get re-imbursed for some activities but you've got to have the money up front. Retired with a small pension and social security things are really tight just in normal life. Add the expense of 3 day training missions 1/3 of the way across the state it adds up quickly. But, we do what we can, when we can and try to make the best of it. Thanks for the moment to vent!