people on ground team without 101

Started by swya, February 18, 2007, 05:56:40 AM

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this may seem somewhat pothetic but in most cases im the highest level cadet ground team member and im still only ges, most everyone on the ground is ges inactive or doesn't even hace a card and that is my problem in my squadron cadets manage to sneak past sign in without being actual 101 ready so what do i do to stop this AS A CADET THAT IS GENERALLY LOWER RANKING.
c/a1c James Collins- age 13
nellis cadet squadron- nvo69
my myspace is


First step, notify your unit commander.

If that doesn't fix the problem, or the members are not from your unit, file a complaint following the proper procedures as outlined in CAPR 123-2, Complaints.

As a cadet, you can refuse to place yourself at risk by not going out with those members.


thank you also what do i do if cadets hace 101 cards but an incredibly bad pack(E.G. a few band aids and a pocket knife) or no jacket in  very bad weather
c/a1c James Collins- age 13
nellis cadet squadron- nvo69
my myspace is


Quote from: swya on February 18, 2007, 06:08:02 AM
thank you also what do i do if cadets hace 101 cards but an incredibly bad pack(E.G. a few band aids and a pocket knife) or no jacket in  very bad weather

Are you the leader? If so, don't let them go out without the minimum necessary equipment. Definitely explain to them why they are not going out.

If you're not the leader, bring your concerns to the leader.

Remember, you always have the option of not going out yourself, especially with an ill-prepared team. Ultimately, YOU are responsibile for your own safety.


Frankly, if all you have is GES, you shouldn't be going out on the ground team either --- I assume if you had already met the pre-requisities and basic training requirements for GTM, then you would have said so. 


You are to be commended for the fact that, considering your unit doesn't seem to care about regs, you have still gotten up to speed.

My advice would be to enlist the help of your parents, who in turn should research the issue and enlist the assistance of seniors in the program.

I agree with others, though, that drawing the line at your own participation, and in a respectful way pointing out WHY you can't go (leaving the failings of others alone), could start the conversations.

This could be anything from ignorance to negligence, and flavors in between.

There is so much wrong in this situation, it is hard to know where to start, but you also don't want to go charging in there making accusations until you know the whole story.

"That Others May Zoom"


thanks everyone also my gtm3 is pending
c/a1c James Collins- age 13
nellis cadet squadron- nvo69
my myspace is


How does one "Sneak" onto a ground team without a 101 card?  If they have GES and are training for GT, I understand, but the impression I get from this is that they are completely without documentation.

Also, why are they out without canteens of water, and proper team equipment?  Didn't anybody watch "Blackhawk Down," and if they did, why didn't they get the message of proper preparation for missions?

I have a mental disease called "Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder" and as a result of this handicap I am unable to take a unit into the field without an equipment check.

Another former CAP officer


Quote from: swya on February 18, 2007, 06:21:08 PM
thanks everyone also my gtm3 is pending

Hmm...a little confused.

How can your GT3 be "pending" if you don't have a 101 card?

"That Others May Zoom"


The original poster had his 101 card.  He said other people didn't have them...


as a response to johnkachemeister's message people sneak on missions by not even signing in and keeping a low profile until we get into the field, and they dont have 101s at all, once someone went on without renewing his membership(even though he did it two days later) and john im like you with equipment checks however im not in charge im only a cadet
c/a1c James Collins- age 13
nellis cadet squadron- nvo69
my myspace is


You know, I really can't see how this can be happening, unless this is in small-scale, unit-centric missions that are more like campouts than ES operations. That, sadly, happens all the time.

At any mid-to-larger scale activity, there just can't be that many benevolent seniors who will look the other way.  Sure, things slip through the cracks, and lines are fudged, but to launch a ground sortie:

The GTL is responsible for checking the credentials of the members, and their equipment, and making sure both are current and correct.  He then must complete a CAPF 109 to turn into the GBD.

The GBD, and/or briefers are responsible for double-checking everything, looking over the team compositions, etc.

I don't know how they do things in Nevada, but in IL, there are only about 10-12 qualified GBD's in the whole state, and in turn, we KNOW who the GTL's are, so its real hard to slip stuff by us.

Now, if you're saying they are launching sorties without 109's, or worse, GTL's, and just winging it with a senior, an L-Per, and a prayer, may God have mercy on their souls.

I doubt it, though, because that would never get past the CAP-USAF people and others involved in oversight.
An occasional exception, sure.  On a regular basis, no. 

It would take such an ill-advised conspiracy to make that happen that it would make the Kennedy Assassination look like a routine homicide.

"That Others May Zoom"


Quote from: swya on February 19, 2007, 02:33:48 AM
as a response to johnkachemeister's message people sneak on missions by not even signing in and keeping a low profile until we get into the field, and they dont have 101s at all, once someone went on without renewing his membership(even though he did it two days later) and john im like you with equipment checks however im not in charge im only a cadet
It sounds like there needs to be a few operational qualification suspensions (mostly on the GTL's part).

Don't take the stance that "I'm only a cadet". Even though you are "only a cadet", you are still on the ground team. Nothing is stopping you from reminding the GTL about equipment and 101 card checks.

If the GTL ignores you, then just request to sit it out. You really wouldn't want that GTL as your GTL out on a sortie.


I would think that a mission staff assistant would be checking 101 cards or, least, confirming issuance of 101 cards through either MIMS or the WMU.  The ultimate responsibility falls with the incident commander.  I'd hate to see some one on a mission or SAREX without the proper credentials.  No FTCA or FECA coverage for those 18 or older - and that can't be a good thing!


thank you everyone, now i think that i know what some options are
c/a1c James Collins- age 13
nellis cadet squadron- nvo69
my myspace is


Just to clarify, are we talking about real missions or mission-numbered SAREXes or just your squadron having a bivouac in the woods and learning some ground team tasks?
Michael F. Kieloch, Maj, CAP


mission numbered sarex's where ground team members play the parts of terrorists or lost hikers for pilots to find and also there are no gtl's or ground team branch directors with us
c/a1c James Collins- age 13
nellis cadet squadron- nvo69
my myspace is


Quote from: swya on February 19, 2007, 04:24:30 AM
mission numbered sarex's where ground team members play the parts of terrorists or lost hikers for pilots to find and also there are no gtl's or ground team branch directors with us

Cadet, I'm curious who is searching for these 'terrorists'?

Is it possible your squadron is serving as "targets" (under CAP officer supervision) for some other agency??  Such as state police, military forces, Homeland Security?

If that is so, I doubt you need much more qualification than GES to go sit in   woods or wherever and wait to be 'caught'....of course, you need to be properly equipped for might be simulated victims, lost persons, or whatever, but you still need to pay attention to climate, safety, proper hydration.....the officer in charge should see to that.

CAP ground teams don't search for terrorists, real or simulated.


we play terrorists, lost hikers, etc. while cap planes look for us, to me this is a liability issue for those cadets
c/a1c James Collins- age 13
nellis cadet squadron- nvo69
my myspace is


Whatever... isn't GES permenant by the way? How can you be "GES Inactive"? Plus, are we talking about they don't have a 01 card physically in their posession, or they aren't GES qual'd online? Cause I'd have to print a card if I really needed one & that's kind of pointless when the mission is done via cell phone to a remote IC.