Squadron Flight Sergeant

Started by Danger, May 12, 2012, 05:11:38 PM

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Quote from: Aim for the Sky! on May 25, 2012, 04:58:09 PM
Look at my above post please...
You nuked your post.

The reason it is unacceptable has already been said.
I love the moderators here. <3

Hanlon's Razor
Occam's Razor
"Flight make chant; I good leader"


Quote from: @ on May 25, 2012, 03:06:29 PM
Eclipse; I apologize for disrespecting you sir, I was just a little peeved that someone finds it their duty to correct my "at" when the harm done was nil. As far as hiding something, I know that I am not unknown, in fact, my name is Sam Kneen, I am CAPID 461560, and I belong to St. Croix Squadron, MNWNG. Will someone please explain to me why "at" is unacceptable? Thanks...

The "@" sign is a functional operator of a specific service, one which does not have any purpose here.

While you might find this hard to believe, there are people in this universe who disdain that particular service, and others in the same category, and
aren't too excited about the practices from those services, especially the poor grammar and bad spelling, etc., permeating here, especially when
they serve no purpose.

"That Others May Zoom"


..and as C/CMSgt, C/2Lt. and a Flight Commander .. I can only hope that this is not an example of  your leadership and mentoring at the unit level.

Bits and Bytes .. is what makes up cyberspace.
But some Bits ... can Byte, too.


This is something I usually just send out in PMs, but there are enough new folks around that might benefit, so I doing a public post.


I think you would gain much more credibility and get better responses to your posts if you took a closer look at the grammar, punctuation, and/or spelling in them. Using the shift and apostrophe keys on your keyboard when needed is also a plus. Unlike texting and tweeting, we like to see real words, and complete sentences. "I'm posting from a phone" is not a good excuse.

While this is an informal forum, many posters try to make their posts look good to improve the credibility. Readers will treat your posts more seriously if they see that you think they are important enough to use correct English.

Your posts are a look at you and your attitude. If you don't care how your posts look, a lot of folks aren't going to care enough to help you out or pay attention to what you write. There are also all kinds of people reading what you write on CT who could help decide your future, particularly in CAP.

Your language skills are important to you as you go through life, and it's never too soon to work on them. CT is a good place to practice them and get meaningful feedback.


Now for Mr. Aim for the Sky! specifically:

Coppin' a 'tude is probably the worst thing you can do here. It will ensure that most of your posts will be ignored and that you become the subject of a dogpile if it gets really bad.

Let's look at it from the reader's point of view. Your content might have great meaning to you, but if you can't express it using decent grammar, spelling and punctuation, it carries little meaning for the readers, since we aren't interested in spending the time to figure it out.  If it is important enough for you to post in the first place, why shouldn't it be equally important to express it properly? Bad posts frequently get ignored because folks don't want to spend the time to translate them into readable English. A really good idea will go unread because no one can decipher it.

We have former and current wing commanders on here. There are also group and squadron commanders here, too. They all talk to each other. If there's someone on here who doesn't play nicely in a spectacular fashion, the word can get around. Do you want to jeopardize your chances at something kool because of immature behavior on here? Think about it.
Dave Bowles
Maj, CAP
AT1, USN Retired
50 Year Member
Mitchell Award (unnumbered)
C/WO, CAP, Ret

Aim for the Sky!

Thank you Eclipse. I'm not a C/CMSgt and no, I let my feelings get the best of me... I'm not sure how to use quote tags, but this one is directed at Extremepredjudice: yes, I nuked my post; looking back I'm ashamed I let myself get out of control. You would probably do the same in my case... see you around gentlemen!


Quote tags: [quote]QUOTED TEXT HERE[/quote]
I love the moderators here. <3

Hanlon's Razor
Occam's Razor
"Flight make chant; I good leader"


In most cases, the "quote" button works fine, then you can trim from there (or copy the code).

"That Others May Zoom"


Well since the original topic was about advice to get selected for the flight sergeant position, how did it go Danger? Any word yet?

Sgt. Papa

yes, thank you, Cashboy. this talk of Twitter and Hashtags is annoying. i dont care if your grammar is messed up, or you spell ONE SINGLE word wrong, if you've got a question, or a problem, address it. If you're gonna be a grammar Nazi, there's groups for your type of people.
Anyway, back to the Flight Sergeant question, as Cashboy asked, how did it go?


When we completely derail threads they go to waste gentlemen.

One piece of last advice though, if this has already been said sorry; touch up on your drill and uniform. As a flight sergeant you would have to set the example at all times for your cadets. 


Quote from: Cashboy on May 25, 2012, 07:37:32 PM
I'm afraid now that Danger will completely ignore this thread. When we completely derail threads they go to waste gentlemen.
Send him a PM if it is so important.  It isn't the end of the world.

Quote from: Sgt. Palmer on May 25, 2012, 07:24:48 PM
yes, thank you, Cashboy. this talk of Twitter and Hashtags is annoying. i dont care if your grammar is messed up, or you spell ONE SINGLE word wrong, if you've got a question, or a problem, address it. If you're gonna be a grammar Nazi, there's groups for your type of people.
Anyway, back to the Flight Sergeant question, as Cashboy asked, how did it go?
Please use capitalization and grammar! It makes your post easier to read.

That post I quoted is practically incomprehensible.
I love the moderators here. <3

Hanlon's Razor
Occam's Razor
"Flight make chant; I good leader"

Sgt. Papa

like I said, Extremeprejudice, this isn't the place for extreme grammar.
Your username fits you, seeing you have an Extreme Prejudice against anyone who spells ONE word incorrectly, or places an incorrect comma. Seriously, enough of your shenanigans.


Quote from: Sgt. Palmer on May 25, 2012, 07:51:41 PM
like I said, Extremeprejudice, this isn't the place for extreme grammar.

Extreme grammar?  That's what you use when you pull the rip cord and realize you're wearing your school bag.

Proper grammar?  Yes, this is the place for it.  In fact, there's no place where proper grammar is wrong, including Twitspace and Text messages.

"That Others May Zoom"


Quote from: Extremepredjudice on May 25, 2012, 07:46:03 PM
Quote from: Cashboy on May 25, 2012, 07:37:32 PM
I'm afraid now that Danger will completely ignore this thread. When we completely derail threads they go to waste gentlemen.
Send him a PM if it is so important.  It isn't the end of the world.

EP it isn't the end of the world but some of us actually want to know what happened. I'm sorry for trying to maintain some direction...


Quote from: Sgt. Palmer on May 25, 2012, 07:51:41 PM
like I said, Extremeprejudice, this isn't the place for extreme grammar.
Your username fits you, seeing you have an Extreme Prejudice against anyone who spells ONE word incorrectly, or places an incorrect comma. Seriously, enough of your shenanigans.

Actually it is. Remember the code of conduct that you agreed to abide by?  Proper grammar is part of it.  http://captalk.net/index.php?topic=13.0

GRW 3340


Quote from: Sgt. Palmer on May 25, 2012, 07:51:41 PM
like I said, Extremeprejudice, this isn't the place for extreme grammar.
Your username fits you, seeing you have an Extreme Prejudice against anyone who spells ONE word incorrectly, or places an incorrect comma. Seriously, enough of your shenanigans.
It isn't personal. Proper grammar is the key to good communication.

If you would use proper grammar, or at least make an effort, I'd leave you alone.

I love the moderators here. <3

Hanlon's Razor
Occam's Razor
"Flight make chant; I good leader"


Quote from: Sgt. Palmer on May 25, 2012, 07:51:41 PMSeriously, enough of your shenanigans.
It's not just him. ...and it's how YOU come off more than anyone else. Don't care to 'speak' to people properly? See how far that goes in the Real World.

I fear the next few years as the txtspeak lazy generation wonders why it's been left behind.

Such an important job, is the flight Sergeant, that I'd certainly expect it to be done properly, with concise clear communication. Not half-cocked and off target.

Disclaimer: The previous three lines were written, speaking outwardly in a general direction. If you feel you are singled out by them, well then..


I'll keep you posted. but next Tuesday will be our last meeting with our current commander as acting commander. So the new commander will most likely have an SSE soon. I've been preparing vigorously, and thinking of what I'll say if I have an interview. Any prep tips you guys have? I'm trying to make my uniform perfect, Attending meetings regularily, participating (VERY) actictively in unit activities, obeying my officers, wearing my uniform properly, and advancing my education and training rapidly to prepare myself to be of service to my community, state, nation, and squadron.  (see what I did there? :D )
"Never take anything too seriously."


It sounds like you're doing all you can.

As with any interview, answer the questions directly, from a personal perspective, and concentrate on determining what the Commanders would want you do do, and / or you would / will do if appointed, vs. any histrionics about what may have been done (or not done) in the past.

If you do get asked about the performance of others, keep things professional and general, and stay away from personalities and personal bias as much as you can.

"That Others May Zoom"


Quote from: Eclipse on May 25, 2012, 11:07:02 PM
If you do get asked about the performance of others, keep things professional and general, and stay away from personalities and personal bias as much as you can.
Sometimes interviewers (both in CAP and the real world) will ask you something like, "why are you the best person for the job," or something similar to try to get you to speak badly about others. Like Eclipse said, stay way from talking about other people. In other words, answer that question as "Because I am _____," NOT "Because Cadet Alpha is unmotivated and Cadet Bravo has no idea how to wear a uniform."
No longer active on CAP talk