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Why Did You Join CAP?

Started by exFlight Officer, April 19, 2012, 11:27:17 PM

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I wanted to get back into uniform and serve my country and community, but not quite with the level of commitment re-enlistment would entail. I knew of CAP from my time in high school where I knew somebody who participated but I never joined as a cadet (and regret it even more now than I did then!). I have found a great program that makes me feel good about what I do. I also feel I receive more from CAP than I give back, but do my best and will continue to serve with honor and pride. Great topic!


Quote from: PhoenixCadet on April 20, 2012, 05:38:52 AM

What's unhealthy about it?   ???

It means I tend to study more for L/A/D tests then Math tests...


I joined in 2008 as a shy, backward 12 yo with a dream of being in the military. We first heard about CAP on the internet, and I decided to try it out. I was hooked the first meeting. I've loved every second of it, from the drill, ES, two encampments (staffing two more this summer), NCSAs, the mentorship and guidance that I received from my squadron staff, and the invaluable leadership and character development.  Now, more than anything CAP is giving me a chance to mentor younger and newer cadets, and helping me reach my dream of graduating the US Air Force Academy and becoming a Combat Rescue Officer (I wonder if heavy involvement in ES influenced my goals somewhat ;) ;D). I have every intention of earning my Spaatz before I head off to USAFA, and I have no doubt that the skills and lessons I learn in CAP will stick with me for a long, long time.
C/Maj, CAP                 
Alpha Flight Commander                     
Pathfinder Composite squadron
Earhart #15889

"For the partisan, when he is engaged in a dispute, cares nothing about the rights of the question, but is anxious only to convince his hearers." -- Socrates


Quote from: Eclipse on April 19, 2012, 11:32:37 PM
Serve my community, support the military, get a little insider access to the world, and play with some big-boy toys.

Believe in fate, but lean forward where fate can see you.


When I finally decided that I wanted to be in the military, it was too late (couldn't get waiver, med problems, older, etc). I joined CAP because it was the only way I could somewhat fulfill the dream I thought I missed out on.

Persona non grata

At 13....chicks dig the uniform

Now after 20 years.....I might be saying so long CAP :(   No regrets,,,made good friends and memories
Rock, Flag & Eagle.........


I joined, to get leadership experience, learn more about the military, and get flying experience.
"Never take anything too seriously."


I was looking for another "hobby" close to home that wouldn't cost a lot of money :angel:.  With a strong interest in radio communications I was able to join a unit that needed my assistance and continue to work on improving our radio communications network/procedures and participation in our geographic operating area, as well as supporting the wing emergency services mission.  (and I get a chance to operate our "cool" HF/SSB/ALE radios (rapid deployment package) as well as as VHF FM/P25 radio) Additionally, I took on the function of public affairs, because we do "good things" and it never got the coverage it deserved in the local newspapers or local TV media and I personally didn't like that, so that area has also been improved on.

Many if not most of the people I've met in CAP are very dedicated volunteers and I do understand their motivation for wanting to play "military dress up"  :-X   I think at times observing the interactions in CAP among individual members as well as the organization as a whole (at all levels) also has an entertainment value to me. :angel:

As I approach starting my current consecutive 6th year (I was also a cadet (primarily) and senior member for about 4 1/2 years from 1965 to 1970, in the same squadron I am now in) as a volunteer, I pray that my health will hold out so that I can continue to contribute to the radio communications and public affairs functional areas for another 10 years or so .   I'm also considering assisting with the Aerospace Education function on some special projects.

BTW I salute the volunteer unpaid members of Civil Air Patrol (as well as the paid field staff & National HQ personnel) for what they try to accomplish :clap: :clap:



Quote from: RADIOMAN015 on May 13, 2012, 04:26:07 PM
I think at times observing the interactions in CAP among individual members as well as the organization as a whole (at all levels) also has an entertainment value to me. :angel:

Thanks RM, you provide some pretty first-rate entertainment to us, too!  ;)


Quote from: jjmalott on April 20, 2012, 12:00:16 AM
the pay
Definitely that.

The chance to make a difference in something and learn along the way.


I joined hoping to get into the USAF Academy, and because I was interested in Aviation.  Now it is just fun.


As a cadet:  Wanted to join the Air Force since I was like 5.  Found out about CAP and joined at age 12, earned my Mitchell, and joined the Air Force at 18.

As a senior:  To repay the debt I owe to everyone who helped me through my cadet years and to pass on what I have learned to the next generation(s) of cadets.

EDIT:  And the Pay! ;)
Lt Col Samuel L. Hornbuckle, CAP


To help serve my community, wear an AF style uniform again, and to get to do some fun/exciting stuff.
Michael Bridge          USAF Retired
2d Lt CAP
Health Services Officer


Because I wanted to serve my country, but without the traveling to far far away lands.
Public Affairs Officer, NCR-KS-055, Heartland Squadron

Quote"I wish to compliment NHQ on this extremely well and clearly written regulation.
This publication once and for all should establish the uniform pattern to be followed
throughout Civil Air Patrol."

1949 Uniform and Insignia Committee comment on CAP Reg 35-4


I wanted to join because of the public image that was provided at a couple of airshows in my area. It interested me and I wanted to be part of it. I also had a dream of joining the military. Initially I was told I wasn't going to be able to do the fun stuff (ground team/ES) since I was a diabetic. Well I was able to do all that fun stuff and more regardless of my medical condition. I also credit CAP for leading me to my true talent and love, Medicine. The senior cadets/senior members in my initial squadron provided a large influence in my decision to pursue a medical career. Some of those people are still involved in CAP (sarmed1) and others that are not, still provided me with knowledge and ambition to focus on my calling in life.

Fast forward almost 20 years, and I have rejoined CAP after a few year hiatus, while in school to be a physician assistant, so that I might be able to pass on some of my knowledge and experiences to cadets, similar to how I was influenced when I first became involved.  I honestly am not sure if I would have been able to find my calling if it wasn't for CAP since I had no interest in medicine before joining.
Ryan Weir Capt
Emergency Services Officer Jesse Jones Composite Squadron 304
Expert Ranger #274
NASAR SARTECH 1 Lead Evaluator/ WEMT
CD PAWG Central