The King Is Dead, Long Live The King

Started by Eclipse, December 11, 2011, 11:27:26 PM

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 >^^now THAT's just danged funny!

"Before we battle those Spartans, are we all Safetius Currentius?"

"Is it Friday yet"

The CyBorg is destroyed

Quote from: eaker.cadet on December 15, 2011, 07:15:26 PM
I dont see what the big freakin deal is for, let the memebership have it own uniform that they like. 

We had one.

Quote from: eaker.cadet on December 15, 2011, 07:15:26 PM
Keep the volunteers would be amazed at the results it has on the over all mission. 

(adopting Foghorn Leghorn voice)

Son, I say, Son, it doesn't matter if yer happy, yer supposed to do what yer told and say that your favourite colour is grey, I say, GREY!  If it was good enough for General Robert E. Lee, then it's good, I say it's good enough for the CAP!  And yer still gittin' yer britches switched for those CAP members who wanted to pretend like they was in the real U.S. of A., I say, USAF all them years ago!

Quote from: eaker.cadet on December 15, 2011, 07:15:26 PM
It seems that we are the only country in the world that has a hang up about its auxiliary having garments that may look to much like the active componet. 

We are, and it's because a substantial number of people way above our paygrades are still in terror of the days of the berry boards.

Royal New Zealand Air Training Corps...the only difference is the shoulder flashes.

Royal Canadian Air Cadets adult officer:

The Commander in the middle is an RCN officer.  Flanking him are two RCAC officers.  Only difference is the hat badge.

Australian Air Force Cadets:

Only difference is it says "CADET FORCES" on the epaulettes rather than "AUSTRALIA."

Royal Air Force Air Training Corps officer:

Only difference is the "VRT" (Volunteer Reserve Training) collar brass.

Quote from: eaker.cadet on December 15, 2011, 07:15:26 PM
CAP should be allowed to have a uniform ofits own if that what CAP wants.

(Adopting Emperor Palpatine voice)

You have all the uniform you need, my young apprentice.  Do not pursue this matter any further...
Exiled from GLR-MI-011


Quote from: Ned on December 15, 2011, 09:23:59 PM
Did you know the Roman Legions had an auxiliary (Auxila)?

As long as we are talking about a time machine . . . .

Quote from: FlaviusAlthough we are only Auxilia, we must continue to present a professional image to the full Legionnaires.

Our centurions are forced to wear helmet crests of horsehair or worse.  We should be able to wear feathers like the regular centurions.  I am embarrassed every time I go the marketplace.

And our standard bearers should not wear the pelts of lesser animals like coyotes or deer.  They should wear wolf pelts or perhaps bear to show that we contribute to the total effort as much as any member of the VI Legion!

Quote from: TitusNo, we should be proud of being Auxilia and should not try to look like full Legionnaires.  They are the ones in battle, not us.  Our contributions are vital, but we are not Roman citizens; we hail from the provinces.  We are content to work quietly at our jobs.  After all, Auxilia are not trained nearly as much as a Legionnaire, so we should dress distinctively.  We don't want to draw unnecessary fire from barbarians, do we?

Quote from: MarcusBut the last Emperor made too many uniform changes -- our helmets, shields, and armor are different from when I first joined the Auxilia.  And I have to pay for these myself!

Quote from: SeviusBut Cladius Didius looks foolish in his tunic -- he is the size of an elephant, but refuses to acknowledge that life was good to him in Gaul.  We should have distinctive uniforms for our  Auxilia "Maximus" members.

Quote from: GaiusOur youngest recruits deserve some distinctive items to help motivate them for the rigorous training. Perhaps we could award them phalerae to wear on their breastplates.  That should do the trick.

Sigh - - - some things have not changed in millenia.

That is great (hysterical) history.  The question I would like answered is....did they also sponsor a racing chariot????
Disclaimer:  Not to be confused with the other user that goes by "Chappy"   :)


Ned's right. That was back when phalerae were plastic-encased and had pictures, Ikons, that illustrated our proud history. Those sure were the days...  ;)
Jim Mathews, Lt. Col., CAP
My Mitchell Has Four Digits...

The CyBorg is destroyed

Unfortunately, I don't think anything that isn't grey will even be considered. >:(

Exiled from GLR-MI-011


^ You've been spouting that line for months. Who is your source?

The CyBorg is destroyed

Quote from: EMT-83 on December 17, 2011, 03:42:08 PM
^ You've been spouting that line for months. Who is your source?

Erh...General Courter's PowerPoint, for one...

The opinions of many other members here on CT...some resigned to it, others zealously for it...

I have seen, read or heard nothing official in counterpoint...

Many very inventive and creative CT'ers have designed uniforms using extant civilian clothing in other colours...the prevailing opinion is that "the Air Force will never allow it."

Only #1 and #3 carry any weight beyond just being my opinion, but why else would the powers-that-be kill off a very popular uniform and keep one that is much less popular?
Exiled from GLR-MI-011


Gen. Courter made it clear in her PowerPoint that GRAY is her way.... Gen. Carr made it clear in his election speech that he was Courter's man through and through and will not steer the ship different than her at all.

So... when you add 2 +2 you get.....gray uniforms for the next 4 years minimum....
In god we trust, all others we run through NCIC


How about we just enforce our existing regulations across the board, with actual ramifications for violations?

I think that would get us where we want to be pretty quick, because there are a lot of people, all over the echelon map, who simply
ignore the grooming & weight standards and continue to wear USAF-Style uniforms regardless of whether they should or not.

This results in a lot of people who would be influencers in a more military-style corporate jacket "unconcerned", and also makes it more difficult
for us to request change with the USAF because our existing credibility in regards to following simple directions is lower than it should be.

The result is people who follow the rules being negatively impacted (in a variety of ways), by those who can't, or won't, do what they should.

"That Others May Zoom"


Quote from: NCRblues on December 17, 2011, 04:59:33 PM
Gen. Courter made it clear in her PowerPoint that GRAY is her way.... Gen. Carr made it clear in his election speech that he was Courter’s man through and through and will not steer the ship different than her at all.

So... when you add 2 +2 you get.....gray uniforms for the next 4 years minimum....

I understand: rumor and innuendo. But if you read it or repeat it often enough it must be true.


Quote from: Eclipse on December 17, 2011, 05:04:16 PM
How about we just enforce our existing regulations across the board, with actual ramifications for violations?

I think that would get us where we want to be pretty quick, because there are a lot of people, all over the echelon map, who simply
ignore the grooming & weight standards and continue to wear USAF-Style uniforms regardless of whether they should or not.

This results in a lot of people who would be influencers in a more military-style corporate jacket "unconcerned", and also makes it more difficult
for us to request change with the USAF because our existing credibility in regards to following simple directions is lower than it should be.

The result is people who follow the rules being negatively impacted (in a variety of ways), by those who can't, or won't, do what they should.

I believe this is the most important part of the uniform mess...

If we did not have blatant violations out the ying yang, CAP as an origination could (and should) feel much better about going to the AF to look for a better alternative.

But, lets be honest, if you were in the AF's shoes, your first argument against it would be something along the lines of.... "you have members who will not follow basic uniform procedures now, why should we go out of our way to help you?"
In god we trust, all others we run through NCIC


Quote from: EMT-83 on December 17, 2011, 05:07:12 PM
Quote from: NCRblues on December 17, 2011, 04:59:33 PM
Gen. Courter made it clear in her PowerPoint that GRAY is her way.... Gen. Carr made it clear in his election speech that he was Courter's man through and through and will not steer the ship different than her at all.

So... when you add 2 +2 you get.....gray uniforms for the next 4 years minimum....

I understand: rumor and innuendo. But if you read it or repeat it often enough it must be true.

It was not rumor or innuendo....Gen Courters PowerPoint said GRAY.... it did not say (insert random color) and if that does not work we will use said gray. So if we do not take the Nat/CC's word for it, I guess everything is rumors then.
In god we trust, all others we run through NCIC


There must be more than one PowerPoint. The only reference I can find to the future use of gray is a need to standardize gray and blue colors used on existing uniforms.


Quote from: Eclipse on December 17, 2011, 05:04:16 PM
How about we just enforce our existing regulations across the board, with actual ramifications for violations?

I think that would get us where we want to be pretty quick, because there are a lot of people, all over the echelon map, who simply
ignore the grooming & weight standards and continue to wear USAF-Style uniforms regardless of whether they should or not.
Please see the current USAF uniform regulation at

I do not see anything in that regulation that states overweight Active/Reserve/Guard Air Force personnel (or retired personnel) CAN NOT wear an Air Force uniform.     I think the over weight AF uniform wear issue in CAP is a lost cause.  Most squadrons don't even have a scale.   Volunteers spend a lot of money to buy these AF type uniforms.    IF a uniform fits properly and the individuals wearing it meets the appropriate physical appearance standards (e.g. grooming) , I don't think anyone has an interest to go on a "over weight witch hunt" :-\ 

The CyBorg is destroyed

Quote from: EMT-83 on December 17, 2011, 06:13:38 PM
There must be more than one PowerPoint. The only reference I can find to the future use of gray is a need to standardize gray and blue colors used on existing uniforms.

That is the PowerPoint.

General Courter says we standardise grey and blue colours, meaning trousers and (yech) blazer.  She gave no other option.  If it isn't spelt out as "you can" in regs, it usually means "you can't."

I haven't seen some of the most egregious uniform violations that others have, though I certainly believe they exist.

I actually have a pair of grey British law-enforcement issue trousers hanging in my closet, in case my yearly physical in January puts me outside the weight limit to wear the AF blues.  I won't like it, but I won't be one of those who shoots the middle finger to the regs, either.
Exiled from GLR-MI-011


You're basing your argument and angst on that one slide?

Holy let's-take-things-out-of-context Batman.

I'll stick with my rumor and innuendo statement.

The CyBorg is destroyed

Quote from: EMT-83 on December 17, 2011, 06:58:32 PM
You're basing your argument and angst on that one slide?

Holy let's-take-things-out-of-context Batman.

I'll stick with my rumor and innuendo statement.

If you can find sourced information to the contrary, please do.
Exiled from GLR-MI-011


That's exactly my point; there is no sourced information available.

The rumors are being repeated to the extent that they are considered fact.

The CyBorg is destroyed

^^If you want to consider a statement by the former National Commander of CAP rumour, innuendo, whatever, you are quite free to do so.

There is also, I believe, a four-year moratorium on ANY uniform changes.
Exiled from GLR-MI-011


Does she say that a replacement for the CSU was even being considered? If it's there, I missed it.

Again, rumor and innuendo.