Activity patch auhorization.

Started by RogueLeader, October 19, 2011, 05:47:09 PM

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Then why have wing commanders?

I agree that a wing commander should clearly define what he is authorising, why, and when, whe and how it should be worn....but who cares if TX wing or MNWG is wearing the same parka as AKWG?

Same story for berets......if NVWG wants to authorise them for color guard....does not mean a) he has to get permission from half the NB to do so....nor does it mean that NJWG must also authorise them for color guard.

Of course everything dealing with uniforms is subject to the USAF's no problem with that.

As for local or wing needing the authority....again I say foul!  The MUST have the authority to make the decisions they feel are needed to get their mission done.  Otherwise....why have them in the first place!

As for local items....staying local......who cares?  If you are a group/wing/national event director......clearly spell out the uniform requirements.  Don't sweat the small stuff.  Some will have squadron patches on their pocket, some may have TXWG encampment patch, and some may have nothing........small stuff.

Now if a CAWG guy shows up in his orange ES that I would say is not the small stuff.  Just be clear up front what your uniform requirements are.

As for the "my CC said I can...." assertion.....where does that end?  When NHQ starts enforceing the regulaitons.  If Member X says that to follow up with the referenced commander or contact his group/wing/region commander and set them straight.


This talk of unit patches reminds me, wasn't there a movement to make Wing Patches optional and in their place if our Wing CC approved it we could wear those patches on our left shoulder that at one point were originially authorized for the right shoulder? 
Maj. Richard J. Walsh, Jr.
Director Education & Training MAWG 
 Gill Robb Wilson #4030


Quote from: lordmonar on October 21, 2011, 06:22:44 PM
Then why have wing commanders?

To manage the administration and operations of the state, not circumvent or extend clear regulations enacted at the national level.

I don't believe there is a single wing that has uniform supplements which are so unique that they are:

A) Necessary beyond someone's pet project.

B) Not something the rest of the organization could utilize sometimes.

"That Others May Zoom"


Quote from: Eclipse on October 21, 2011, 04:52:33 AM
Well...if a Region CC is approving "x" in coordination with National, then there really isn't any circuvention, right?

I would think that this is very poorly written.  It says Region CC is approving in coordination with National.  What the heck does that mean?  Is the Region the Approving authority or National and the Region just forwards recommending approval?  It's too complicated.  It strikes me as they wanted to alter the rule because someone was getting crazy with it...they just didn't want to draw too much attention to the change.


And when the wrote that little gem....they (NHQ) made no effort to enforce it.

Other wise we would never have had PAWG in all their spendor....or CAWG in their orange ES shirts.


Quote from: lordmonar on October 22, 2011, 12:51:59 AM
....they (NHQ) made no effort to enforce it.

that I think is the ultimate problem.  Even when its in their face, they say nothing (either then or after the fact)
HMRS is the perfect example; for all the complaing about thier misc uniform issues the presence of numerous National folks over the pasr few years, seems to give it an air of acceptance; ie they were there and didnt have a problem with it so it must be ok.... rememeber the newsletter where they photoshoped the PAWG members shirt from orange to black; that read lets pretend this isnt there,  but I am sure no one said to the wing commander no more orange t-shirts either.....

Capt.  Mark "K12" Kleibscheidel