7 Spelling and Grammar Errors that Make You Look Dumb

Started by SarDragon, September 04, 2011, 03:37:21 AM

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There's big difference between a common or honest mistake, and dropping in here and writing sentences that have no syllables or vowels.

The latter is especially unacceptable for our cadets, considering we are purporting a higher standard then their peers, and one expectation is developing
writing and communication skills.

A lot of us jump on newbs who think this is Twitbook, but I don't recall anyone taking issue with people using proper grammar and spelling...

"That Others May Zoom"


I posted the article to point out common errors that I see here. Thank you to ßτε for the follow-up link.

For me, the primary purpose of this site is to exchange information. There happens to be an included entertainment factor, but information is the primary content. If posters cannot adequately express what they need, than the subject matter experts among us cannot provide adequate answers. Having to sit and decode a poorly written post makes me less willing to do any needed research to provide a good response.

Additionally, as I state in my Grammar Cop PM, this is an excellent place to get constructive feedback on writing skills. There are some (a few?) of us who care enough to help people out in that area, and improve their ability to further their CAP career. The Armstrong Essay and SDAs come to mind.

As for those honest mistakes, if you don't tell someone what they are doing wrong, they won't ever fix it. I mostly deal in PMs, but occasionally correct in public, so everyone gets the knowledge.

That said, if you don't really want to take this seriously, find someplace else to act like a twit.
Dave Bowles
Maj, CAP
AT1, USN Retired
50 Year Member
Mitchell Award (unnumbered)
C/WO, CAP, Ret


Quote from: SarDragon on June 26, 2012, 04:02:51 AM
You know, I didn't post this to have it become a comedy routine. Thanks for the support.    >:(

Dude, this CAP talk.

I'm 55 years old, taking the capstone writing class for my long-delayed BS, and getting my nuts ground between two rocks by a 28 year old English PhD over grammar, punctuation, and style on a weekly basis.  I thought I knew a few things, I was wrong. 

So I come here to relax chillax.  You might do the same.  I need to remind myself of that once in a while.
Believe in fate, but lean forward where fate can see you.


My primary audience here is the cadet segment. They need the most help, and have the most to gain.

AirDX, I don't recall ever mentioning any shortfalls in your language skills, nor do I get on many other SMs, either. If there's something really bad, I send a PM, and that's the end of it. Most say thank you, some ignore it, and once in a while someone will tell me to piss of. No biggie, however it turns out. I tried.
Dave Bowles
Maj, CAP
AT1, USN Retired
50 Year Member
Mitchell Award (unnumbered)
C/WO, CAP, Ret


Quote from: PhoenixCadet on June 25, 2012, 07:38:27 PM
"Let's eat Grandma!"


"Let's eat, Grandma!"

Punctuation.  It saves lives.

I'm not exactly sure of the time frame, but this about location of a comma does in fact save lives.  Well, it saved one, anyway.  Back in the days of the Russian tsars, there was one fellow who had really ticked off the tsar, and his punishment was exile.  The man appealed, and the tsar wrote out a direct order:  "Pardon impossible, to be sent to Siberia."  However, the tsar's wife (tsarina) - who was convinced of the fellow's innocence - intercepted the note and moved the comma, to make it read, "Pardon, impossible to be sent to Siberia."

Apocryphal story?  Probably.  But it makes the point.  Punctuation matters.

Jack Bagley, Ed. D.
Lt. Col., CAP (now inactive)
Gill Robb Wilson Award No. 1366, 29 Nov 1991
Admiral, Great Navy of the State of Nebraska
Honorary Admiral, Navy of the Republic of Molossia


A missing comma can also cause extreme embarrassment:

I had dinner with my parents, the Pope, and Mother Teresa.


I had dinner with my parents, the Pope and Mother Teresa.

Dave Bowles
Maj, CAP
AT1, USN Retired
50 Year Member
Mitchell Award (unnumbered)
C/WO, CAP, Ret


..and if you were railing on me, you failed to see the factual part of it, for when one speaks "like that", it is quite amusing to see the reality of it. Just typing in slang and txt spk on Google, the suggestions that come up, vs. typing in real words. Hence, part of your Grammar (and spelling) campaign is an attempt to get the posters to better themselves, so they might be taken a bit more seriously.

The photo does drive that point home very well. Post/Talk like that, and be associated with that crowd. Too bad you missed it. At least a couple others of us saw it. I even tried it before I posted it. It wasn't BS.

A common phrase is not to judge a book by it's cover. Sometimes, that is a really hard -not- to do. After all, if the cover is gross, disgusting or fowl, I can't imagine any good reason to pick it up. But there always is that thought that maybe the author is playing with me and there will be a crock of gold inside.

Though, of the times I do crack the lid, it's usually just a crock anyway..

You're right. If a post is hard to read, the odds of getting a reply a reply is significantly lessened. If some of these that post like that, particularly cadets with a few stripes under their belts, had been working the system at the unit level in that same style, they'd probably get it handed back to them.

If "you" can't take the time to speak to me correctly, then why should I bother talking to you?

We do not have a 160 character limit. The interface that is most common here sports a full size keyboard and real video display. There's no bandwidth limit, no need to "SAVE" any, it's not packet radio.

Being 13, or 73, is not an excuse. Or anywhere in between. There's people who use blow tubes and their mouth to type, one letter at a time. They do a much better job than most of this txt spk garbage.

You drive a bus, truck, whatever, all day. At the end of the day, you're tired. So, do you drive home like an idiot, running stop signs, lights, etc.?

The most used excuse to me, aside from the "who takes this seriously?" slant, is "I type all day at my job, I'm tired of typing". 

Well then, maybe you should just go to bed.

" It's Its " http://www.thefump.com/fump.php?id=1205

QuotePower Salad returns to The FuMP with a look at the decline of grammer - er, grammar on teh interwebs adn beyond. Craig imagines there is one last person who knows the correct times to use "it's" or "its", something far too many supposedly edumacated people seem to not know. Lyrics by Craig Marks, music and all vocals/instruments by Chris Mezzolesta.

The CyBorg is destroyed

Of course, I write as if Noah Webster had never existed, and as the vast majority of the non-USA Anglosphere (Canada, Ireland, UK, NZ, South Africa, India, Australia, et al) do. :P

One of my favourite bands, Led Zeppelin, spelt the first word of their name so it wouldn't be mispronounced leed.  Their name came from a joke that the late Keith Moon of the Who made that such a band would go over "like a [bleep] lead balloon!"

Probably my worst irritant is the text-message shorthand.  I don't use it, and when I was a Testing Officer I would not accept it on papers written by cadets.
Exiled from GLR-MI-011

Critical AOA

I am a little more tolerant of spelling and grammar errors on message boards than I am in emails though I personally strive to be as correct as possible in all of my writings as I believe we all should.  I admit that I do get perturbed when I get an email from a fellow employee especially if it is someone in management and the email has poor spelling and grammar.  I especially cringe when they use text shorthand, for instance using u rather than you.  Is it really that difficult to write properly? 
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."   - George Bernard Shaw