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AEO Badge question

Started by spacecommand, August 02, 2011, 07:28:20 AM

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So I'm looking at my AEO badge and it makes me wonder, what the heck is all of this stuff in it? 

According to knowledgebase on the Aerospace Education Seal, the lamp is part of the National Congress on Aviation and Space Education logo (along with an eagle which is not depicted on the AEO badge).    (is that supposed to be like the I dream of genie lamp or something?, when I think Aerospace Education, I don't think of a lamp with fire coming out of it).

If that's so, what's the rest represent, like that triangle/diamond/pyramid thing in the middle?


The lamp is the lamp of knowledge; it's healdric and you will see a similar lamp on the emblems like the USAF Air War College and the CAP National staff College. The delta above the lamp represents flight and the means to obtain knowlege. The letters AE are self-explanatory and the laural wreath around the badge represents vistory.

That said, do I wear mine with a master rating, no.



I sorta thought the background was the bottom of an F117, sorta looks like the outline of one.