Learn 2 Lead Volume 1 Audio Book

Started by James Shaw, February 16, 2011, 04:03:44 PM

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James Shaw

Quote from: Paul Creed III on February 21, 2011, 06:18:26 PM
Have you considered a free Dropbox account and sharing them out to the rest of the world that way? Send me a PM if you would like a referral link.

Thank you for your excellent work on this project!

NHQ has to decide how to distribute. If they tell me that I can do that than I would be more than happy to share.

Your welcome, it has been fun.

Quote from: shorning on February 21, 2011, 06:25:35 PM
Audacity is another program  to consider for recording. 

I was told about that one to but did not use it. I appreciate the link and may use it in the future.
Jim Shaw
USN: 1987-1992
GANG: 1996-1998
CAP:2000 - SER-SO
USCGA:2019 - BC-TDI/National Safety Team
SGAUS: 2017 - MEMS Academy State Director (Iowa)


Has anyone, other than me, thought about the necessity to develop a similar program for Seniors who desire to attain leadership positions within CAP?  Or who currently occupy leadership positions?
Paul M. Reed
Col, USA(ret)
Former CAP Lt Col
Wilson #2777

Paul Creed III

That sounds like a great idea: record the excellent instructors on video.
Lt Col Paul Creed III, CAP


I offered to do a series of videos 15 years ago of instructors at National Staff College, and Cadet Leadership School. National didn't even bother returing the snail mail.
Gil Robb Wilson # 19
Gil Robb Wilson # 104

Paul Creed III

That was 15 years ago. With NHQ's push for online learning, they might be interested.
Lt Col Paul Creed III, CAP

James Shaw

Had a chat with folks at NHQ today about Volume 1 of Learn to Lead Audio Book. They will be putting the Windows Media Version on the Cadet Programs page in a few weeks. I have to make some modifications to the tracks to make them smaller and more accessible.

Chapter 1 is 45 minutes long and that is to much for a single download (480MB/Stereo). I will be splitting the Chapters by objectives to make it easier for download. I am also going to send them the MP3 version and when they change their ISP they should be able to add that to the page.

I finished recording Chapters 4 thru 7 and will record Chapter 8 tomorrow morning. My voice gets tired. It will take a few weeks to edit the remaining chapters. They will then be sent to NHQ in the same format. I have started two classes this week and I have to do this between that and prepping for other CAP business.
Jim Shaw
USN: 1987-1992
GANG: 1996-1998
CAP:2000 - SER-SO
USCGA:2019 - BC-TDI/National Safety Team
SGAUS: 2017 - MEMS Academy State Director (Iowa)


Quote from: caphistorian on March 01, 2011, 08:18:58 PMChapter 1 is 45 minutes long and that is to much for a single download (480MB/Stereo).

They don't need to be stereo - 64k mono should be fine, this is an audiobook, not "Tommy".  As an MP3 you should be able to get them down to 50Mb's or
less per 45 Min chapter.

With that said, there are plenty of free hosting services without bandwith caps that could serve up the files, including Rapishare, Megaupload, and similar.

"That Others May Zoom"


Change their ISP? Thats what they said? Or is it this lame crap CMS they're using again, that has fits about a filetype extension?

I'm sorry, but they got sold a bill of goods. The whole thing sucks. I guess we'll have to convert it and post it ourselves so it can be used elsewhere.

Lets sick 'em with an equal access complaint. Maybe they'll figure out that the CMS sucks and do something about it. MP3 is pretty darn universal, .WMV is close to proprietary, though not nearly as bad as Sony ATRACious. ;)

James Shaw

There is no need to get upset with NHQ. They are doing their absolute best and this is a new venture. If there is any fault it would be with me in the translation in what they say. They have been nothing but supporting about the project.
Jim Shaw
USN: 1987-1992
GANG: 1996-1998
CAP:2000 - SER-SO
USCGA:2019 - BC-TDI/National Safety Team
SGAUS: 2017 - MEMS Academy State Director (Iowa)

James Shaw

Greetings All!

The MP3 download I had used for the first conversion was on my older computer. I got a new computer and I tried to download the same MP3 converter from the same website. They now charge for the download. Does any know of a WAV to MP3 converter that does not cost any money.

I have completed all of the Volume 1 and ready to send to NHQ for inclusion on the NHQ website. I would like to have the MP3 option available. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Jim Shaw
USN: 1987-1992
GANG: 1996-1998
CAP:2000 - SER-SO
USCGA:2019 - BC-TDI/National Safety Team
SGAUS: 2017 - MEMS Academy State Director (Iowa)

Paul Creed III

Lt Col Paul Creed III, CAP


Can't you transfer the program from the old computer to new computer?
Gil Robb Wilson # 19
Gil Robb Wilson # 104


How about online-convert.com? I used to use media-convert.com, but it doesn't appear to be active.

James Shaw

Thanks folks. Found one as per a suggestion Daniusoft. With that it is finally 100% done. I will be sending the final product to Neil Probst at NHQ tomorrow. I know they are going to put the WAV version on the webpage but I am not sure about the others. I will see if I can find a CAP home for the MP3 version. I will have to request permission from CAP NHQ before doing so.

Each Chapter is broken down into objectives.

Chapter 1 has 11 Tracks
Chapter 2 has 24 Tracks
Chapter 3 has 10 Tracks

They are named so that they follow along exactly with the books.

;) ;) ;) I also put a subliminal mesage on there that says "promote Jim to General"  ;D ;D ;D
Jim Shaw
USN: 1987-1992
GANG: 1996-1998
CAP:2000 - SER-SO
USCGA:2019 - BC-TDI/National Safety Team
SGAUS: 2017 - MEMS Academy State Director (Iowa)


promote Jim to General

Don't you have to make Colonel first? Is the Georgia Wing Commander position open?
Gil Robb Wilson # 19
Gil Robb Wilson # 104

James Shaw

Quote from: BillB on April 10, 2011, 06:21:15 PM
Don't you have to make Colonel first? Is the Georgia Wing Commander position open?

Mere technicalities Mr. Bill! Col Tonya Boylan is the GAWG Commander and she just passed her 1st year as CC.  She is a great lady
Jim Shaw
USN: 1987-1992
GANG: 1996-1998
CAP:2000 - SER-SO
USCGA:2019 - BC-TDI/National Safety Team
SGAUS: 2017 - MEMS Academy State Director (Iowa)


Have they been posted?  If so where?



James Shaw

Well folks Neil Probst, Curt LaFond, and the folks at NHQ  have done a great job and put the CAP Learn To Lead Volume 1 Chapter 1-3 on the CAP Cadet webpage. I have provided a link. Click on the blue "play" button and it will give you a chance to download it in MP3 format. Please feel free to share this with the cadets.

If you like it then please let let me know, If you dont!...tell your pet  ;D

More may come depending on the feedback and response from this.

Jim Shaw
USN: 1987-1992
GANG: 1996-1998
CAP:2000 - SER-SO
USCGA:2019 - BC-TDI/National Safety Team
SGAUS: 2017 - MEMS Academy State Director (Iowa)

James Shaw

Received some feedback from CAP / NHQ about the audio book I did last year for Volume 1, It was put on the CAP website in May of 2011.

I have also done some estimated calculations based on their numbers for the three week cycle they measured.

CAP's Numbers from their email.

L2L chapter 1 audio file downloads: 126
L2L chapter 2 audio file downloads: 58
L2L chapter 3 audio file downloads: 67

This was measured on a three week cycle as indicated in the original email. Since this was put on there, it has been approximately 40 weeks. This is 13.3 cycles (three week cycles).

L2L chapter 1 audio file downloads: 126      126 x 13.3 cycles                   = 1676 downloads
L2L chapter 2 audio file downloads: 58      58 x 13.3 cycles       = 771 downloads
L2L chapter 3 audio file downloads: 67      67 x 13.3 cycles      = 891 downloads

251 Downloads/cycle   =3338 downloads for the year so far.
I will put a +/- of 10% for statistical purposes that is still 3000+
Even at 3000 that is 11 downloads and visits to the CAP website per day.

This is without advertising and marketing. They said they will publicize it more when the next Volume is done.
Jim Shaw
USN: 1987-1992
GANG: 1996-1998
CAP:2000 - SER-SO
USCGA:2019 - BC-TDI/National Safety Team
SGAUS: 2017 - MEMS Academy State Director (Iowa)


With the number of downloads listed, brings up the question, How Many DCP's know the download is available for their cadets?
Gil Robb Wilson # 19
Gil Robb Wilson # 104