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June BoG meeting

Started by RiverAux, June 07, 2010, 09:40:48 PM

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Anyone got a bootleg copy of the agenda? 


Well, no, not a bootleg copy.  8)


An official copy would be satisfactory  :P


Paul M. Reed
Col, USA(ret)
Former CAP Lt Col
Wilson #2777


OK, folks - here is the plan (Ned, don't read this): we get the copy, then slip an agenda item on to address the issue of the insane governing structure (BoG, NB, NEC, volunteer leaders, NHQ staff), then quietly slip the revised agenda into their things.  This should help get things on a more clear, cohesive path.


Couple things.  First, I'll check and see why the agenda was not publicly released and advise.  It could be an oversight, or maybe it is a policy of some sort.  I know the minutes should be (and are) public records, but I'm less sure about agendas.  My bias is toward releasing them, but I'm the new guy, so let me check.

Second, the agenda looks pretty routine - review of budgets, financial investment strategies, etc.  And governance issues are definately in the mix.

And no uniform items, I promise.



Quote from: Ned on June 08, 2010, 03:15:39 AM
And governance issues are definately in the mix.

And no uniform items, I promise.

That sounds...surprisingly refreshing for a CAP governing body meeting.

There has been talk on here and off about governance issues for quite some time now.  It particularly came to light after the whole TP thing.  Not even TP knew who was really in charge of the organization apparently.  Many of us discuss this on the forum, on PM, by e-mail, and offline.  I and others think that it's an absolutely critical issue to address in order for the organization to move forward as one.

It seems nobody on the National Board (referred to by some as the "National Uniform Committee") never even took an interest in the governance issues until the NEC did their thing with the TPU.  Suddenly, there was all this backlash from the Wing Commanders over what the NEC could decide and that showed in the agenda for the NB meeting.

The CyBorg is destroyed

Quote from: bosshawk on June 07, 2010, 11:40:11 PM
Uniforms, perhaps?

IF there is, it should be focussed on being allowed to retain the CSU with General Courter's modifications.

However, I think that the brass is too scared of its own shadow on anything to do with the U word to consider such a thing.

One thing I think should be adopted is a mandatory picture ID.
Exiled from GLR-MI-011


The National Board needs to be dissolved IMHO. 
"Amateurs train until they get it right; Professionals train until they cannot get it wrong. "


They SHOULD be afraid to discuss uniforms.  They have to stop it.  It is costly.  I've talked to members from EVERY part of the country and I know that the terms like "Come And Pay" are pretty universally known and used.  Volunteer burden problem.  Morale problem.  RETENTION PROBLEM.  BIG PROBLEM.

I don't remember the BoG discussing uniforms before, but they may have.  It seems to me the BoG should focus more on issues of governance and strategic planning at this time and in general.  We've got all these components with a say in what we do - Air Force (CAP-USAF), BoG, National Board, National Executive Committee, National Headquarters.  NHQ isn't a governing body, but without question decides things that impact us and does things like create the Triangle Thingy which impact things like our marketing and branding.

Too many cooks in the kitchen - a major obstacle in moving forward IMO and in the opinion of others that I've spoken to on this.   


The usual agenda for the BoG meetings are formatted as such,
National Commander's and Executive Director's report
Audit Committee's report
New Business
Closed Session

Most of the meeting will be focused on "new business".  Word on the street is the possible decision to have an outside management group study our governance and recommend changes.

Cecil DP

The Governance of CAP is incestuous: NB elects the Commander and Vice Commander, who appoints the NEC, which appoints the Wing Commanders, who in turn elect the National Commander and Vice. When someone asks the wrong question or doesn't vote with the party who appointed them, they can become ex-board members. This situation  has existed from well before TP was National Commander and can still be seen today.
Michael P. McEleney
MSG  USA Retired
GRW#436 Feb 85


Sounds like a very unusual way to steer a ship, without rudder, by Committee, Boards, Appointed and the lucky people on salaries at National embedded forever.


Where is it mentioned that this ship is steered?  More like wallowing in the waves.
Paul M. Reed
Col, USA(ret)
Former CAP Lt Col
Wilson #2777


The meeting is over.  A day and a half of briefings and discussion.  While it was informative, nothing very dramatic occurred.  We ha a quorum and conducted business.  We had a briefing from the outside auditors and approved the budget.  We received reports from the national staff on things like safety, current missions, membership issues, MARB cases, the NHQ renovation, etc.

No fireworks, no drama, no uniform issues.  Just the business of running the corporation.


Cecil DP

Quote from: Ned on June 10, 2010, 02:02:27 AM
The meeting is over.  A day and a half of briefings and discussion.  While it was informative, nothing very dramatic occurred.  We ha a quorum and conducted business.  We had a briefing from the outside auditors and approved the budget.  We received reports from the national staff on things like safety, current missions, membership issues, MARB cases, the NHQ renovation, etc.

No fireworks, no drama, no uniform issues.  Just the business of running the corporation.


Are we going to have to wait until after the next BOG meeting for the minutes to be posted?
Michael P. McEleney
MSG  USA Retired
GRW#436 Feb 85


Quote from: Ned on June 10, 2010, 02:02:27 AM
No fireworks, no drama, no uniform issues.  Just the business of running the corporation.


Yes.  Is it possible to have that new format at the NB meetings?   :-\


Another meeting where the volunteering, dues paying, general membership was not told of the agenda or of the "reports" that were to be made, and even after the meeting is over, still do not know what happened, or is happening. Nothing like a semi closed door, "open meeting" to make us lowlife volunteers that do the work in this organization Happy about the way it is run. Great job leadership, cant wait till the next one!  (sarcasm)
In god we trust, all others we run through NCIC


Quote from: bosshawk on June 09, 2010, 03:56:57 PM
Where is it mentioned that this ship is steered?  More like wallowing in the waves.

Soap Box Mode!

I agree, no vision, no goals.  I know HQ listed "objectives" I am lost on creating a "Brand" how is that going to happen?  CAP Membership walking the streets with flyers?  We cannot continue with dependence on Senior Members that have to devote 20 hours a week or more to CAP Activities and PRing CAP.

You cannot create a "Brand" on AIR and no MONEY! We are the third largest Command in the Air Force just behind AETC. We are funded on an organization crushing budget. We need a plan here folks !

I have run into LCols in the Air Force that never heard of CAP. Now that is INVISIBILITY!

When I was a Cadet we did have National Ads featuring actors like Cliff Robertson. The CAP HQ was Ellington Air Force Base back then circa 1968ish. Fla Wing had 4000 Cadets!


Re Minutes.  I don't know when they will be available, as you probably know the minutes are public by law and past minutes of the BoG, NEC, and NB are available on the website.  I'm just not sure of the timing of the release.

I agree that minutes and agendas should be generally available as soon as possible.

Concerning publicity, this topic was not agendized or addressed at this meeting.  As a personal note, I don't think much has changed over the last 40 years or so that I have been in the organization - IOW, we have always had a public awareness issue.  Having said that, we are still incredibly successful at accomplishing or missions.  Our cadet membership is up significantly, we are performing more AF-assigned missions than ever.  Our relationship with the AF is sounded than I can remember it being in a long time.

Branding is cerainly important - and we have some incredibly well qualified volunteers on the national staff working that issue.

Anything else?