Time to take down the Katrina stories

Started by RiverAux, November 17, 2006, 05:22:14 AM

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Okay, its been over a year since Hurricane Katrina operations have ended but CAP is still featuring a link to all the CAP Katrina stories one of its main pages
.  I will freely admit that CAP's web page is so complex and screwed up that not many people will get to this "main entry" page, but its still active. 

So, don't we think its about time to stop bragging that openly about Katrina?  Sure, put it in reports, articles, etc. but we need to stop treating it like its still a breaking news stories.

By the way, I've critized certain CG and CG Aux web sites for the same thing in the past. 


You don't like'em, don't read'em.  They're just stories.
Rick Hasha, Lt Col CAP


Did you ever think the reason that the story is still linked there is due to the fact that, yes, it has only been one year and the region is still devastated. If you look carefully the link that is ON TOP of the link to 'the story' says and I...

People are still hurting there, still struggling, and how many of them are our CAP brothers and sisters? This was one of the greatest natural tragedies to face our nation. Taking focus away from it now is the wrong move.


That's your biggest complaint about NHQ's web sites?!?

Don't get me started.  ;D :P


Oh no, it isn't my biggest complaint by far.  This is the worst designed website of many that I have visited.  I may have heard a rumor that they're redoing it which I hope is true. 

I don't have any object to leaving the donation link up, but featuring the Katrina stories so long after the fact borders on grandstanding in my opinion and is just bad web page management. 


Don't we still talk about depth charging submarines? I mean it was obviously breaking the enigma code & not CAP buzzing around that protected our coasts, but that doesn't stop us from acting like it's a big deal even though it happened a while before most of us were born. Was it brave & worthy of recognition, sure, but the reason it get's talked about (and say target towing or border patrol during the war does not) is cause it was a time when we were relevant as we played a front line role in an publiclly important aspect at a time & place where history was being made. Fram that time till now, CAP has been involved in a major way w/ civil defense during the cold war, and now played a minor role in Katrina. It'll be talked abou tuntil the next big thing comes along & it doesn't really matter how long that takes.


Like I said at the top, I don't have a problem including mention of it in articles and other similar doucments, but we don't have special links to news stories about sinking the subs still prominently featured as if they just happened. 

Our Katrina ops are history, we should stop treating them like breaking news....


Our Katrina ops are not only NOT history, they are shaping the nature of the organization as we speak.

In fact the entire scope and shape of ES response in the COUNTRY is being
changed because of Katrina.

For those of us who participated, it will likely be our "big one" - just as vets from the major wars generally fall back on things from 50 years ago, so will we.

Get used to it - it ain't going anywhere.

"That Others May Zoom"


The effects of Katrina on CAP will continue, but news stories about CAP participation in the response most definetely are!


Quote from: RiverAux on November 17, 2006, 09:00:07 PM
The effects of Katrina on CAP will continue, but news stories about CAP participation in the response most definetely are!


"That Others May Zoom"
