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Letter to SECAF

Started by ELTHunter, November 10, 2006, 04:48:59 AM

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The "slapping" photo was actually of a person with a particular medical condition and had no abuse connection at all.  That he used a "fake" picture in that case is pretty much enough for me to ignore all his other claims. 


I may have the title wrong. Required Staff Training. Supposed to be required for any Cadet event lasting more than 48 or 72 Hrs. as I recall (It's been a while). I
ll see if I can find the pic. and context. As I recall, it was to stimulate discussion on CPP (Hazing) and if you can infer the circumstances from the picture.I'm pretty sure that I saved it to my hard drive.
Great leaders are the first to give the credit for successful results to the team.
These same great leaders are the first to accept the blame personally when the
team fails to perform.


Quote from: RiverAux on November 11, 2006, 03:50:04 AM
The "slapping" photo was actually of a person with a particular medical condition and had no abuse connection at all.  That he used a "fake" picture in that case is pretty much enough for me to ignore all his other claims. 

So he did what, have a cadet lay down on a cot and tie him up for a photo op to "prove" that a cadet had been abused?   Good thing that wasn't an assult of a carnal nature he was "documenting".
Jamie Kahler, Capt., CAP
(C/Lt Col, ret.)


Slides 21 and 22 of the PPT presentation "Avoiding the Hazing Trap" in the Required Staff Training. You would need to view the photos with the comments and look at the "guide" to get the proper context. Also, this cadet does not have anything over his mouth and the photo was sent to NHQ as part of a photo contest.

I'm not sure about the slapping photo. I haven't seen it. My guess as to the pic displayed by the good Dr. is that Cadets were possibly doing a litter carry/securing the patient exercise and were trying to conceal the identity of the Cadet or just got a little too into it.
Great leaders are the first to give the credit for successful results to the team.
These same great leaders are the first to accept the blame personally when the
team fails to perform.


These photos (from "Avoiding the Hazing Trap") were presented to get discussion going. The final verdict (per the course) is that taping a cadet to a chair, even if he is smiling and co-operating, is Hazing.
Great leaders are the first to give the credit for successful results to the team.
These same great leaders are the first to accept the blame personally when the
team fails to perform.


Quote from: Cobra_Bubbles on November 11, 2006, 04:18:45 AM
These photos (from "Avoiding the Hazing Trap") were presented to get discussion going. The final verdict (per the course) is that taping a cadet to a chair, even if he is smiling and co-operating, is Hazing.

As it should be!  If I walked into a room and a Senior or cadet was taping a cadet to a chair, someone's head would be on a platter.
Jamie Kahler, Capt., CAP
(C/Lt Col, ret.)


Yup. It's a pretty good course. I actually presented it to all of my Cadets with emphasis going to Cadet Staff and prospective staff members (which is all of the others). Cadets met it with reservation and a couple tried to pervert it to their own ends when they were counseled about their hair (said they were being singled out). We have lost more cadets by sticking to CPP than most any other reason. Parents have even complained about it... but that's another thread ;) . Seems that most perfer th Young Marine approach.
Great leaders are the first to give the credit for successful results to the team.
These same great leaders are the first to accept the blame personally when the
team fails to perform.


Got to go but thanks for keeping me thinking!
Great leaders are the first to give the credit for successful results to the team.
These same great leaders are the first to accept the blame personally when the
team fails to perform.

Johnny Yuma

Blansett and his "group" STARRSWON, consists of himself and another TNWG clown. Their only sounding boards beyond their website is NOTF and the CAP Talk II discussion board, where of late they've been ignored except for one guy who will go toe to toe with Blansett on every point.

Blansett will take one incident in CAP, even one as small as a local unit problem, and try to blow it up as evidence of an all encompassing national CAP corruption plot. He really has it in for TNWG, SER and (right or wrong) Pineda. He also cries racism at the drop of a hat, which may be a problem in TNWG and/or SER but my Wing's had 2 black Wing Kings in 10 years.

The other clown is real number. He'll ask a question on a discussion board about CAP abuse and if someone answers contrary to his beliefs the flaming begins.

They believe they can pull out of their rear ends a Congressional Review of CAP in hopes to destroy the organization. I don't think so.
"And Saint Attila raised the Holy Hand Grenade up on high saying, "Oh Lord, Bless us this Holy Hand Grenade, and with it smash our enemies to tiny bits. And the Lord did grin, and the people did feast upon the lambs, and stoats, and orangutans, and breakfast cereals, and lima bean-"

" Skip a bit, brother."

"And then the Lord spake, saying: "First, shalt thou take out the holy pin. Then shalt thou count to three. No more, no less. "Three" shall be the number of the counting, and the number of the counting shall be three. "Four" shalt thou not count, and neither count thou two, execpting that thou then goest on to three. Five is RIGHT OUT. Once the number three, being the third number be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade to-wards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuffit. Amen."

Armaments Chapter One, verses nine through twenty-seven:


You forget that they claim that such a review is already underway even though there is no evidence of that.


All I know about the Cadet abuse allegations is that it was supposedly reported to the authorities.  It has been several months, at least, and no action was ever taken.  I think he'd like people to think that Pineada and CAP have some kind of power to suppress civil investigations by independent agencies, however, I'd like to think that if abuse did occur, it would have been exposed by these investigations.
Maj. Tim Waddell, CAP
Deputy Commander of Cadets
Emergency Services Officer





 Herr Doktor seems to think that everyone in CAP is either a latent KKK member or a latent pedophile. His idea of 'reasoned discourse' seems to consist solely of playing the race card or abusing the caps-lock key.

MAJ Tony Rowley CAP
Lansdowne PA USA
"The passion of rescue reveals the highest dynamic of the human soul." -- Kurt Hahn


This 'clown' and his NOTF buddy are interested only in pursueing their agenda of bringing down CAP.  Unfortunately there are those "Sheepel" that take what they spew as gospel and fail to see the real truth through the fog of lies and distorted truth.

I may have some issues with the way TP is running the show but I'm not out to bring down the organization as these two are.

(Sheepel...people who can be lead like sheep).
Chuck Cranford
Virginia Army National Guard


Quote from: ELThunter on November 11, 2006, 04:51:31 PM
All I know about the Cadet abuse allegations is that Blansett claims it was reported to the authorities.  It has been several months, at least, and no action was ever taken.  I think he'd like people to think that Pineada and CAP have some kind of power to suppress civil investigations by independent agencies, however, I'd like to think that if abuse did occur, it would have been exposed by these investigations.

I'm surprised he hasn't joined this little discussion yet.  He must not know about CAP Talk.

Thank you sir.  As I said, I was just curious.  I'd like to think that if real cadet abuse was going on that we, as an organization, would be demanding a public execution of the perpetrator on the court house lawn.  That I've not heard of this prior and given that no official report has been issued, I'm leaning toward believing it's a fabrication.

Jamie Kahler, Capt., CAP
(C/Lt Col, ret.)


Quoteno official report has been issued
I don't think we ever issue "official reports" on anything like that, at least not publicly. 


Folks: having spent more time in the Pentagon than the average bear, let me pass on some info on the subject of this letter.

Anything over one typed page is relegated to an underling: who likely will read it and toss it.  At best, the writer will get a terse note to the effect that his letter has been received and will be considered. 

I have to believe that the contributors to this blog have lots better things to do with their time and energy than chipping teeth on the nonsense contained in this letter.  Even if there is some truth contained in it, the rest of the rant makes it hard to believe any of it.
Paul M. Reed
Col, USA(ret)
Former CAP Lt Col
Wilson #2777


Though I am not an avid environmentalist...I am thinking that was sure a waste of a good sapling  ::)
Disclaimer:  Not to be confused with the other user that goes by "Chappy"   :)