CAP Talk

Cadet Programs => Cadet Programs Management & Activities => Topic started by: mynetdude on January 24, 2010, 02:21:16 AM

Title: What is on the Drill & Ceremony practical exam for basic cadets?
Post by: mynetdude on January 24, 2010, 02:21:16 AM
I am not a cadet, and I believe regulations forbid the discussion of the test itself so hence my question is pretty vague which is why I am writing to give my question a better meaning.

I want to know what is on the test for my own educational knowledge, as i do help supervise cadets at my squadron and sometimes new cadets will be tested in D&C so they can receive their first stripe.  I am not sure it is appropriate to ask the testing officer to show me (not take) a blank scoring sheet for the curry D&C test.

Is there another way I can glance at one, or are all the commands listed in Chapter 1 of the leadership module/book to be tested on? I did read leadership 1 of the cadet leadership module (my sister is a cadet, so I sometimes need to be able to help her) and I presume that all the stationery and non stationery commands are prominently tested during the curry D&C practical exam.

Thank you for your time in sharing your knowledge and expertise and for helping out in CAP :)
Title: Re: What is on the Drill & Ceremony practical exam for basic cadets?
Post by: Camas on January 24, 2010, 03:54:55 AM
Check out AFMAN 36-2203. You'll find it on this page (
Title: Re: What is on the Drill & Ceremony practical exam for basic cadets?
Post by: mynetdude on January 24, 2010, 04:20:36 AM
Quote from: Camas on January 24, 2010, 03:54:55 AM
Check out AFMAN 36-2203. You'll find it on this page (

Ok dumb question and I know this sounds like a "duh" thing... and I know I don't have to be told that we are an extension of the USAF that is why we are the Auxiliary.

Are you telling me that the Airman basic testing for D&C practical to become Airman in CAP is identical to what they would do in the USAF? I'll have a look here and see if I have any further questions that refute this one.
Title: Re: What is on the Drill & Ceremony practical exam for basic cadets?
Post by: PHall on January 24, 2010, 04:31:30 AM
CAP uses the Air Force Drill and Ceremonies manual. Why reinvent the wheel?

As for your original question, get with your Test Administrator (aka Testing Officer). They can show you what is covered on the Drill Eval for the Curry Achievement.
It's pretty basic stuff.
Title: Re: What is on the Drill & Ceremony practical exam for basic cadets?
Post by: CadetProgramGuy on January 24, 2010, 04:32:50 AM
While I will not knowingly violate the regs from giving you the actual tested material, look at page 17 of chapter 1 of the leadership manual.  There is a published list.

Look here:

They include:

Stationary Drill Commands
Hand Salute
Present Arms
Order Arms
Parade Rest
At Ease
About Face
Right (Left) Face
Eyes Right
Ready Front

Movement Drill Commands
Forward March
Quick Time
Double Time
Mark Time
Half Step
Right (Left) Step
Change Step
To the Rear
Right (left) Flank
Route Step
Title: Re: What is on the Drill & Ceremony practical exam for basic cadets?
Post by: mynetdude on January 24, 2010, 04:40:50 AM
Quote from: CadetProgramGuy on January 24, 2010, 04:32:50 AM
While I will not knowingly violate the regs from giving you the actual tested material, look at page 17 of chapter 1 of the leadership manual.  There is a published list.

Look here:

They include:

Stationary Drill Commands
Hand Salute
Present Arms
Order Arms
Parade Rest
At Ease
About Face
Right (Left) Face
Eyes Right
Ready Front

Movement Drill Commands
Forward March
Quick Time
Double Time
Mark Time
Half Step
Right (Left) Step
Change Step
To the Rear
Right (left) Flank
Route Step

This is exactly what the cadet sees in their leadership book chapter 1 (I have seen it for myself) my question is are ALL of these on the test? and without being a TCO there'd be no way of knowing for myself obviously.

Thanks for the answer, I believe I have the answer.
Title: Re: What is on the Drill & Ceremony practical exam for basic cadets?
Post by: CadetProgramGuy on January 24, 2010, 04:45:03 AM
the old addage is very true, as i tell my cadets......If it is in the chapter, then it is testable material. 

The commands are easy to know.  They don't have to be perfect, as the cadets are new cadets, being in the program only 60 days before being tested.  for most cadets thats only 8 practice sessions with the cadet corps.
Title: Re: What is on the Drill & Ceremony practical exam for basic cadets?
Post by: SarDragon on January 24, 2010, 04:48:51 AM
It sez:

The following are the drill commands you will need to learn to complete this achievement.

That pretty much tells me that all of them will be tested.
Title: Re: What is on the Drill & Ceremony practical exam for basic cadets?
Post by: mynetdude on January 24, 2010, 05:12:49 AM
Quote from: SarDragon on January 24, 2010, 04:48:51 AM
It sez:

The following are the drill commands you will need to learn to complete this achievement.

That pretty much tells me that all of them will be tested.

I have seen non CAP tests randomized, the book might say "the following may be on the test, or will be on the test" so does that mean when a cadet basic is tested they may not necessarily be tested on all of the aforementioned commands?
Title: Re: What is on the Drill & Ceremony practical exam for basic cadets?
Post by: SarDragon on January 24, 2010, 05:17:23 AM
WIWAC, and later as a CDC, the test was on everything in the list. These are skill items, not knowledge items.
Title: Re: What is on the Drill & Ceremony practical exam for basic cadets?
Post by: raivo on January 24, 2010, 06:17:00 AM
They are supposed to be tested on all the items on the list.

IIRC, though, it's "scored" as if it were a T/F test (T if they do it right, F if they don't) and then "graded" so they can still pass even if they miss a few commands.