CAP Talk

General Discussion => The Lobby => Topic started by: flyguy06 on May 04, 2009, 02:45:34 PM

Title: 2009 National Board dates
Post by: flyguy06 on May 04, 2009, 02:45:34 PM
What are the dates for the National Board conference this summer?
Title: Re: 2009 National Board dates
Post by: IceNine on May 04, 2009, 02:53:24 PM
2009 National Convention and National Board Meeting will be held 2-5 September 2009 at the Marriott San Antonio Rivercenter, San Antonio, TX.  Details will be posted in January.

Of course the details are not posted, and the you can see HERE ( that they have "postponed" updating the webpage and have passed both the January and April dates they set all by themselves

Title: Re: 2009 National Board dates
Post by: BrandonKea on May 27, 2009, 03:31:38 AM

Does anyone know what the deal with this is? It's almost June and still no details.
Title: Re: 2009 National Board dates
Post by: billford1 on May 27, 2009, 03:45:59 AM
Why not put off today what you can then put off tomorrow? What's a couple of years when the members' opinions don't really matter?
Title: Re: 2009 National Board dates
Post by: heliodoc on May 27, 2009, 04:22:57 AM
With all the talk of CAP wanting MORE DHS missions and their consistent not getting any important info to the membership is a telling of an organization that needs more than help

IF CAP wants missions and is receiving Federal money then it is time NHQ gets a move on in info delivery.  If the current crop of CAPers think "just because we are CAP" and our business is no one elses.....then it is time for another scathing GAO check on our activities

AN organization that consistently has ICL after ICL for uniform "stuff" and can not get the basic info out about previous Board meetings shows a COMPLETE lack of getting things done in/ on a timely manner

Anyone criticizing Guv workers ....  this procrastination shows nothing more than a bunch of adults TRYING to be important thinking they are busier than the rest of us with families, work, etc

These folks at NHQ are not that special....  May be want to be on top of the ball when getting those DHS missions you all are dreaming about.....cuz when somebody says jump about doing an AAR after a mission and you do not complete it on time, and funding dries will make making BoG and Natl board Metting look like being on time...

Alot of the REAL responders are looking at this........and in many cases CAP sure brings on its own problems.  Call me pessimistic and negative toward CAP

NHQ lacks real time on target for alot of timely needs or deadlines.  If I were an employer looking at some of those adults....I would really be wondering
Title: Re: 2009 National Board dates
Post by: Cecil DP on May 27, 2009, 02:35:01 PM
To get back on subject. National usually starts sending out e-mail and snail mail announcements about the Conference in May and June. Allowing you to preregister for the conferences.
Title: Re: 2009 National Board dates
Post by: BrandonKea on June 11, 2009, 09:40:07 PM
Just got the e-mail announcement...