CAP Talk

Cadet Programs => Encampments & NCSAs => Topic started by: Philipp Mohrhardt on February 04, 2009, 06:37:24 AM

Title: Soon to come or Spring Encampments
Post by: Philipp Mohrhardt on February 04, 2009, 06:37:24 AM
Are there any encampents that are going on in the next couple months (before spring) near nevada or in the midwest, or in the pacific region?
If not what are the type of encampments I can go to during spring? and is there any chance I can have CAP pay for my flight? I really need to promote past chief master sgt. 
Title: Re: Soon to come or Spring Encampments
Post by: Phil Hirons, Jr. on February 04, 2009, 06:32:10 PM
Would be a long trip to Rhode Island...

Title: Re: Soon to come or Spring Encampments
Post by: Nathan on February 04, 2009, 07:04:24 PM
That's kind of a tough time for most wings to hold an encampment, what with school and all...

Unless you're wanting to go out a ways, your best bet might be to get one during early summer.
Title: Re: Soon to come or Spring Encampments
Post by: Eclipse on February 04, 2009, 08:34:10 PM
Illinois Wing Spring Encampment at Great Lakes in April:

Love to have you, however we have no budget for airfare, nor can we transport from the airport.
Title: Re: Soon to come or Spring Encampments
Post by: DC on February 06, 2009, 02:38:52 AM
Quote from: Philipp Mohrhardt on February 04, 2009, 06:37:24 AM
I really need to promote past chief master sgt. 
Out of curiousity, is there a reason you need to promote so urgently, i.e. age, etc?

If not, I understand your enthusiasm, but what is wrong with waiting to go to a local encampment in June or July?

The few extra months as a C/CMSgt won't hurt you, at the very least it will make you a better, more experienced cadet officer.

But, if it is an age consideration or something else I'm not thinking of, Illinois is closer to you than RI. I doubt that CAP will pay for your airfare, but if you do some looking around you might find a business or organization in your area that is willing to sponsor you.