CAP Talk

Operations => Emergency Services & Operations => Topic started by: Ranger75 on November 30, 2008, 07:50:45 PM

Title: Air Sovereignty Training and Exercises
Post by: Ranger75 on November 30, 2008, 07:50:45 PM
I'm in the process of drafting a wing operation plan for the conduct of air sovereignty training and exercises in support of NORAD's Eastern Air Defense Sector.  I would be interested in reviewing similar directives prepared by other participating wings.   Anyone have access to such a directive?  --  Regards
Title: Re: Air Sovereignty Training and Exercises
Post by: Duke Dillio on November 30, 2008, 08:36:37 PM
I only see the emails that come out of the server every once in a while.  In CA, they call them WADS exercises and as far as I know, the Air Force provides all of the operational stuff to the air crews.  Again, I don't know much about them myself.
Title: Re: Air Sovereignty Training and Exercises
Post by: RiverAux on November 30, 2008, 09:11:39 PM
You're probably going to want your Wing Commander to request copies of such plans from other wings rather than requesting them from a board like this.  Better to go through the chain of command when dealing with such a sensitive topic.
Title: Re: Air Sovereignty Training and Exercises
Post by: Ranger75 on November 30, 2008, 09:14:02 PM
You are correct that the participating Air Defense Sector and/or fighter squadron provide a Special Instruction (SPINS), which provides the operational details for an individual exercise/training sortie(s).  What I'm preparing is a directive that identifies staff and aircrew responsibilities across the spectrum of exercises, evaluations and training events conducted with NORAD units.  It covers the range of activities from training and qualification of participating aircrews to the conduct of debriefings following the completion of a mission.  As an OPLAN, it will not address the specifics of individual missions. 
Title: Re: Air Sovereignty Training and Exercises
Post by: Ranger75 on November 30, 2008, 09:41:57 PM
RiverAux  --  While specific operational details of a number of events conducted under the umbrella of the overall program are restricted to a minimal number of "trusted agents", the general operational scheme in which CAP provides support in the execution of these events is not classified or restricted to specific individuals.  I have participated in the briefings provided by both the Ops Section of National HQs and NORAD.  I am also cognizant of that with the possible inclusion of operational communications frequencies that might apply to all missions in the final OPLAN, there would be a requirement for FOUO markings and restricted distribution.  Again, I'm looking to prepare a generalized OPLAN, rather than a OPORD, which would contain "sensitive" (but still unclassified) information.   --  Regards
Title: Re: Air Sovereignty Training and Exercises
Post by: Fifinella on November 30, 2008, 11:22:57 PM
You should probably talk to the Falcon Virgo CAP guys - no point in re-inventing the wheel.
Title: Re: Air Sovereignty Training and Exercises
Post by: F16OBS on December 01, 2008, 02:24:01 AM
The above is precisely why CAP needs to have tactical USAF oversight..
NO concept of OPSEC..   too much  yacking...   
(Been there done that) :(
Title: Re: Air Sovereignty Training and Exercises
Post by: RiverAux on December 01, 2008, 03:15:22 AM
Ranger, I'm not so much talking about OPSEC so much as making sure your chain of command is aware of and supports you contacting other wings to obtain official documents, especially ones of somewhat sensitive nature.  I believe it is just common courtesy and common sense even if not officially required by regs. 
Title: Re: Air Sovereignty Training and Exercises
Post by: KyCAP on December 01, 2008, 03:41:30 AM
More to the point, probably more productive to network through channels to obtain this information from peers.   There are only a handful of CAP members who upon hearing SEADS, NEADS, or WADS...even know what it is...  (flown a SEADS mission although I am in NEADS)
Title: Re: Air Sovereignty Training and Exercises
Post by: Ranger75 on December 02, 2008, 12:04:39 AM
RiverAux  --  I appreciate your expressed concern and that of others.  As a principal staff officer at wing level, I work closely with the Wing CC to assure that I capture both his intent and guidance in appropriate operational directives.  He is aware of my efforts to cast a broad net to gather in information representing best practices established by others conducting similar missions.  My expectation was that was that by posting my request to this forum, I might identify an individual or sister wing with which I could establish a direct dialogue.  --  Regards   
Title: Re: Air Sovereignty Training and Exercises
Post by: DNall on December 02, 2008, 09:40:45 AM
Recommend you talk to TXWG. We've done quite a lot of these. WADS w/ & w/o intercept. I'm not really involved in that effort, but know OPLANs, old spins, etc are all available.
Title: Re: Air Sovereignty Training and Exercises
Post by: Duke Dillio on December 02, 2008, 09:27:56 PM
PM me and I can get you the name of our WADS coordinator.  You can see if that person has anything of interest to you.  I don't know if I have any contact information for them though...