CAP Talk

Operations => Aviation & Flying Activities => Topic started by: dbarbee on August 21, 2008, 09:57:51 PM

Title: Orientation Pilot
Post by: dbarbee on August 21, 2008, 09:57:51 PM
Hello all, new member here!

I'm taking my initial Form 5 check flight Saturday and I'd like to complete the Orientation Pilot portion while I'm at it. (I have completed and passed the Orientation Pilot Exam and have the certificate.) The problem is, I'm about 10 hours short of the 200hr PIC requirement.

Can I go ahead and get the Orientation Pilot sign-off requirement from the check pilot and then submit for approval after I get the 200 hrs?

If not, will I have to do another Form 5 flight once I get the 200hrs or will I just have to do the oral portion?


Title: Re: Orientation Pilot
Post by: FW on August 21, 2008, 11:41:48 PM
That's a real good question.  To be a Cadet O'flight pilot, you need the 200 hrs and the course certificate and the ability to show what you know to the check pilot during the check ride.  However, this is a verbal "test" on the syllabus.  When that is over, the wing/cc needs to add you to "the list".  I would go through the complete CAPF 5 ride and verbally demonstrate  your knowledge to the check pilot.  When  you accumulate your 200 hrs., send in a copy of your log book to the wing/dov for the commander's approval.  If you didn't take to long to accumulate the 10 hrs you needed, it should be a very straight forward process.

Good Luck.
Title: Re: Orientation Pilot
Post by: SJFedor on August 22, 2008, 12:56:00 AM
Typically what I have my pilots do, who have been in this situation, is to do the form 5 without the COP endorsement, since the Check Pilot cannot endorse you yet as you do not meet the regulatory requirements.

However, once you do, get back with that check pilot, have him do the appropriate verbal things that need to be done for COP, and have him write-in an endorsement for cadet orientation pilot on your form 5 once you meet those minimums. Then submit it up and up.

This keeps the check pilot from getting bit in the butt by signing off something you weren't yet qualified to be signed off on, but still gets it done once you meet the requirement.
Title: Re: Orientation Pilot
Post by: dbarbee on August 22, 2008, 08:52:10 PM
Thanks for the replies!

I'm looking forward to the check flight tomorrow!
Title: Re: Orientation Pilot
Post by: stratoflyer on August 22, 2008, 09:33:23 PM
Good luck!
Title: Re: Orientation Pilot
Post by: dbarbee on August 23, 2008, 07:27:12 PM
No check flight today.  :(

There was a big blob of yellow and red on the radar coming down from Kansas that could have affected our return trip so we decided to scrub and try again tomorrow. (We have to fly about 90nm to another squadron since we don't have a check pilot)

And wouldn't you know it, by the time I got home, the TS's had fallen apart and now it's clear blue skies out there! >SIGH<