CAP Talk

General Discussion => Membership => Topic started by: mikeylikey on August 01, 2008, 04:10:02 AM

Title: New Staff/ Director Requirements for LEVEL 4/5
Post by: mikeylikey on August 01, 2008, 04:10:02 AM
Here is the July 30 ICL referencing the classes, courses and schools we can use to fulfill the Staff/ Director requirement for our Professional Development. (

Interesting that Encampment is now an eligible activity!  So you can be a TAC at Encampment and get "Staff Credit" for level 4 and 5.  I don't agree with that.................

New Staff/ Director Requirements for LEVEL 4/5
Title: Re: New Staff/ Director Requirements for LEVEL 4/5
Post by: lordmonar on August 01, 2008, 04:26:42 AM
Quote from: mikeylikey on August 01, 2008, 04:10:02 AMinteresting that Encampment is now an eligible activity!  So you can be a TAC at Encampment and get "Staff Credit" for level 4 and 5.  I don't agree with that.

What.....teaching and leading for a whole week does not equal teaching for a two days (and only just part of those days)?

They are just more or less block fillers why get our shorts in a bind?
Title: Re: New Staff/ Director Requirements for LEVEL 4/5
Post by: IceNine on August 01, 2008, 04:43:30 AM
TAC's are the most valuable, and hardest working part of an encampment team.  While it may be true that the level of mental gymnastics is not the same as directing a course, it can be said that the amount of critical thinking involved well surpasses that of a director of a course.

The benefit of directing SLS/CLC is that it is a box set curriculum.  There is truely little that can go wrong.

Which is the exact opposite of encampment
Title: Re: New Staff/ Director Requirements for LEVEL 4/5
Post by: mikeylikey on August 01, 2008, 05:04:21 AM
^ OK.  Then lets change TAC Officer to Cook.  Should the member who volunteers to cook for the Encampment get staff credit, the same as a person who runs an SLS/CLC.  I don't see the need to add more activities to the "Staff CLC/SLS" requirement.   
Title: Re: New Staff/ Director Requirements for LEVEL 4/5
Post by: IceNine on August 01, 2008, 05:39:46 AM
I believe the the director requirements should be more stringent, not the staff requirements.

Staffing for SLS/CLC are the people that wind up doing exactly the things you are talking about.  Arranging for food, equipment, hotels, check-in, etc.

But even that activity is so limited in actual amount of time required that it is pointless.

The Direct, or staff higher level course should require more than chief cook and bottle washer, or bus driver participation at any activity.

If we are talking about encampment specifically I would say that anyone participating for the duration of the encampment in any track should be given credit as "staff for level 4 (transport, communicator, etc)

However, you should be one of a list of officers that is engaged in management level decisions for it to count as director.

CC,DC,CoC, XO, comm director, Admin those types of things. 

But remember if you want this to be enacted all it takes is your wing commander saying he won't sign it unless it meets these quals. This letter is very clear that whether or not a course qualifies is at their discretion, so one could argue that they could also enact participation requirements

Title: Re: New Staff/ Director Requirements for LEVEL 4/5
Post by: lordmonar on August 01, 2008, 05:46:53 AM
Mikey....did you actually read the letter?

It specifically said that the approving authority has the option to approve the the encampment cook does not (if I were wing king) SLS staff credit.

If you actually read the information....instad of just spouting off at the mouth...we would have a lot more informative discussions here.
Title: Re: New Staff/ Director Requirements for LEVEL 4/5
Post by: mikeylikey on August 01, 2008, 01:28:29 PM
Quote from: lordmonar on August 01, 2008, 05:46:53 AM

If you actually read the information....instead of just spouting off at the mouth...we would have a lot more informative discussions here.

I don't hate you, even though it is apparent you HATE ME

^ I corrected your spelling above.  If you are going to bash someone, at least get the spelling right!!  If you don't it only looks like you couldn't wait to get in your insult quick enough. 

You sure put me in my place......   
Title: Re: New Staff/ Director Requirements for LEVEL 4/5
Post by: Pylon on August 01, 2008, 01:49:20 PM
*Ahem*  Topic.  Professionalism.
Title: Re: New Staff/ Director Requirements for LEVEL 4/5
Post by: mikeylikey on August 01, 2008, 01:54:13 PM
^Sorry.  I can see awarding Director credit for some of the courses/ activities listed if in fact you were the Director (like Encampment Commander).  I don't think everyone on staff should get staff credit just for showing up. 
Title: Re: New Staff/ Director Requirements for LEVEL 4/5
Post by: captrncap on August 01, 2008, 02:47:31 PM
Quote from: IceNine on August 01, 2008, 05:39:46 AM
However, you should be one of a list of officers that is engaged in management level decisions for it to count as director.

CC,DC,CoC, XO, comm director, Admin those types of things. 

I can only see the CC, DC, CoC and XO meeting this requirement because after all they are the only positions that requires much more then a weeks' commitment to the activity.

Each of those positions tend to have many hours of preparation before the encampment like conference calls to get the Cadet Commander, Cadet Deputy Commander, etc, planning the workshops before the encampment, review scheduling, contacts with the base, etc.

The other mentor positions are valuable but are not at the level of "Director" much like a staff position at a SLS/UCC/CLC that must read their presentation before teaching it but have very little to do with the actual running of the activity.
Title: Re: New Staff/ Director Requirements for LEVEL 4/5
Post by: Pylon on August 01, 2008, 04:43:21 PM
I can tell you that I put in a lot more work at encampment as the Public Affairs mentor than when I taught a session or two at SLS.   I can see how that should definitely qualify as staff credit.

As for director credit, I agree that an encampment command slot would be an appropriate equivalent - especially as far as experience with planning, preparation, and exercising leadership and providing vision to an activity.  CC, CD, XO, Commandant.
Title: Re: New Staff/ Director Requirements for LEVEL 4/5
Post by: IceNine on August 01, 2008, 04:48:06 PM
You can go ahead and add, the admin folks, chief tac, Comm's director, any of the various deputies to the commandant, medical officer, chaplain,

All of these folks do a double buttload more than an instructor at sls/clc, and are proving to do more than I am doing as the director of SLS/CLC.

I guess I'll remake my point. Directing and more importantly instructing a predeveloped curriculum like sls/clc, tlc, etc are infinitely easier and require almost no thinking than are an encampment which involves a couple hundred people, months of planning, and and simply the shell of a curriculum, there are no predesignated course outlines for use at encampment
Title: Re: New Staff/ Director Requirements for LEVEL 4/5
Post by: RiverAux on August 01, 2008, 05:12:02 PM
I've probably taught a half dozen sections in SLS/CLC/UCC courses and quite frankly didn't think any of them were anything special such that they would be part of a the professional development program.  On the other hand, I'm probably one of the 2-3% of members of my wing who have taught anything at those courses since I've been in it, so maybe it is worth some credit. 

Title: Re: New Staff/ Director Requirements for LEVEL 4/5
Post by: DNall on August 01, 2008, 08:18:19 PM
There is something to be said for bearing the responsibility as the one person ultimately in charge of an activity. That's not the case for a lot of the people mentioned on encampment sr (meaning upper) staff. I know they work a whole ton harder than an SLS/CLC director, but they aren't in charge. Being this is a leader/manager development process, I don't think effort is necessarily the key.
Title: Re: New Staff/ Director Requirements for LEVEL 4/5
Post by: IceNine on August 01, 2008, 08:32:43 PM
Aren't in charge of what?

I can't argue that the commander has ultimate go no go responsibility, however there is a very legitimate arguement that the commander has visibility into everything but makes only decisions impacting the entire encampment.

I was the deputy commandant this year at encampment, but I was being groomed to step up so I did a lot of the things the commandant would normally do as well.  That being said the commander asked for an update into what we were doing with the cadets but unless it was way off left base left me to do my job.  So I was in charge of the cadets.

The XO worked with the cadet support staff and cadet XO, was in charge of meals, transportation, and a whole list of other things.

There is no way you can argue especially at an activity that requires minimum 40 hours of curriculum is being run by 1 person.  Its just not that way. 

Title: Re: New Staff/ Director Requirements for LEVEL 4/5
Post by: DNall on August 01, 2008, 09:23:45 PM
I just read a story the other day about a 70mil fire on an aircraft carrier en route to San Diego that was caused by an unknown sailor smoking in an unauthorized area, caught some oil on fire & jacked up a bunch of electronics/etc. The Captain of the ship wasn't there. He doesn't make decisions or have any direct supervisory capacity over anything related to that situation. The people that do are about 10 echelons below him, and I doubt seriously he had visibility on anything related to the problems that led to the situation. Yet, that commander and his XO were relieved for cause & their careers/reputations are over for good.

A commander has responsibility for all the unit/activity does or fails to do, and no part of that can be delegated. It's not really about making decisions or running programs. That's tactical. Managing the decision makers is strategic. Being the one person ultimately responsible to the Wg/CC for the activity is not something that can be substituted. I'm a bit less concerned with the scale on which they do that.

We're talking about the top end of our professional development program. This isn't for Capts or even Majors. It's not even required to make LtCol. For people that want to reach out to that stage of the program, I really don't think a CC/director position on one of these items just one time at any point in their career is too much to ask.
Title: Re: New Staff/ Director Requirements for LEVEL 4/5
Post by: lordmonar on August 01, 2008, 09:51:10 PM
Yes...but being on staff of an SLS or CLC does not mean you are in charge of much of anything.

Both my SLS and CLC course had about 8 different instructors and two other SM who helped out with adminstration....and there were only about 15 students. 

So just about any job at encampment automatically has more responsibility and work involved just by the nature that it is a 7 day long job.  Even if it is the 2nd Assitant to the Cheif TAC officer.  :)  I would respect that more as a learning experince and developing leaders than just another instructor at the SLS.
Title: Re: New Staff/ Director Requirements for LEVEL 4/5
Post by: CadetProgramGuy on August 02, 2008, 12:16:32 AM
Is this letter to be retrospective as well, if so I have all the reqirements done. 

2 staff positions at seperate emcampments, director of TLC, staff for SLS and CLC, ect....
Title: Re: New Staff/ Director Requirements for LEVEL 4/5
Post by: Fifinella on August 02, 2008, 01:33:52 AM
^^The reg isn't very specific, but many requirements can be accomplished at any time in your career, unless specifically stated otherwise.  Of course, I'm not authorized to make that call.

The reg also doesn't specify how many hours constitutes "staffing".
Title: Re: New Staff/ Director Requirements for LEVEL 4/5
Post by: Dad2-4 on August 02, 2008, 03:37:56 PM
Quote from: CadetProgramGuy on August 02, 2008, 12:16:32 AM
Is this letter to be retrospective as well, if so I have all the reqirements done. 
2 staff positions at seperate emcampments...
Same here. If it's retroactive, I'm good to go if approved by my wing cc.
Title: Re: New Staff/ Director Requirements for LEVEL 4/5
Post by: DNall on August 02, 2008, 04:59:57 PM
Quote from: lordmonar on August 01, 2008, 09:51:10 PM
Yes...but being on staff of an SLS or CLC does not mean you are in charge of much of anything.

Both my SLS and CLC course had about 8 different instructors and two other SM who helped out with adminstration....and there were only about 15 students. 

So just about any job at encampment automatically has more responsibility and work involved just by the nature that it is a 7 day long job.  Even if it is the 2nd Assitant to the Cheif TAC officer.  :)  I would respect that more as a learning experince and developing leaders than just another instructor at the SLS.

I understand. I'm not arguing the "staff" requirement for level 4. I know where the bar is for current SLS/CLC contribution. The change seems reasonable that the same standard would be applied across to these other activities - which means showing up to help sign people into encampment for a couple hours then leaving is perfectly acceptable. If you want to argue the standard should be raised to instructor versus support staff, and that it should then translate to TAC or similar at encampment, versus 2nd asst food service officer, then I'll agree with that too, but that's not my call, nor is it the current or proposed standard.

I'm actually focusing more on the "director" requirement for level 5. In that case, I don't think it's the scale of responsibility/contribution. I think it's more about sitting at least once in that hot seat of being the single go-to guy for the event. If you want to argue that previous Sq/Gp command should also count for that credit, I'm very sympathetic to that as well. My only hesitation would be that part of the reason behind the requirement is to incentivize participation in these other outside activities.
Title: Re: New Staff/ Director Requirements for LEVEL 4/5
Post by: lordmonar on August 03, 2008, 06:18:16 AM
Oh sure....for the director slot....SLS, CLC are already on the list.  A TLC if not already on the list is about the same.  But what about local wing stuff?   CAWG does a lot of cadet leadership week ends.  The have the same scope of responsibility as the director of an SLS.

I would not give director credit for everyone who was on encampment staff.  Sure the encament director...maybe his chief of logistics, ops cheif, cheif of staff, cheif TAC officer....but not much below that level.

Title: Re: New Staff/ Director Requirements for LEVEL 4/5
Post by: CadetProgramGuy on August 03, 2008, 07:42:07 AM
Well if we go by staffing for Level 4, then I have COC for the NCR 2006 Encampment, and Level 5 I was the Director of TLC.

I think this makes me good to go.  If not, then I will take on the director of the next SLS to get it done.

But the question I have is....Do the new requirements eliminate the need for RSC or NSC?

Also they have First Responder traning as a qualifier for Level 4/5, what about EMT or higher for Level 5 completion?
Title: Re: New Staff/ Director Requirements for LEVEL 4/5
Post by: arajca on August 03, 2008, 02:55:24 PM
No. RSC is still required for Level IV and NSC is still required for Level V. Or their authorized military PME replacements.

I think part of the idea of expanding what counts for the staff/director credit is to encourage more training to be held. We have ops geeks who wouldn't consider directing an SLS/CLC/etc, but would staff or direct ICS-300/400. Would they do it without getting credit, maybe - maybe not, but at least this provides AN incentive.
Title: Re: New Staff/ Director Requirements for LEVEL 4/5
Post by: DNall on August 03, 2008, 05:32:40 PM
Quote from: lordmonar on August 03, 2008, 06:18:16 AM
Oh sure....for the director slot....SLS, CLC are already on the list.  A TLC if not already on the list is about the same.  But what about local wing stuff?   CAWG does a lot of cadet leadership week ends.  The have the same scope of responsibility as the director of an SLS.

I would not give director credit for everyone who was on encampment staff.  Sure the encament director...maybe his chief of logistics, ops cheif, cheif of staff, cheif TAC officer....but not much below that level.

I'm open to allowing Wg/CC to request approval for certain major Wg level activities. We do a cadet trng & education program (ALS-NCOA-SNCOA-OTS-CCSC, plus TLC) wknd pgm twice a year which certainly meets that standard. It's not a national dictated activity, which is why it doesn't make the list, and I guess they have to draw the line somewhere, but it's certainly comparable experience.

I'm actually arguing on the director point, that I'm very hesitant to extend credit below the commander/director level, be it encampment or otherwise. I understand that a CoS/commandant/etc all are serious responsibility levels & more work than running an SLS. My issue is that they are not singularly responsible to the Wg/CC for success or failure of a whole event (regardless of scale). As I said, I really don't think that's too much to ask to hold such a command just once in a career in order to reach level 5.
Title: Re: New Staff/ Director Requirements for LEVEL 4/5
Post by: IceNine on August 03, 2008, 05:40:21 PM
There is no request.

This letter is very clear that any course that is 12 hours or more qualifies for credit.  And ultimate approval lies with the approving authority.

So if you want staff credit as long as the course is 12 hours and the wing/cc approves its good to go.

Same with director credit, except the region/cc is the approver.

There is no reason to wish and pray, just talk to your wing cc and have them add these courses to the list
Title: Re: New Staff/ Director Requirements for LEVEL 4/5
Post by: chiles on August 04, 2008, 11:59:55 PM
Quote from: lordmonar on August 03, 2008, 06:18:16 AM
Oh sure....for the director slot....SLS, CLC are already on the list.  A TLC if not already on the list is about the same.  But what about local wing stuff?   CAWG does a lot of cadet leadership week ends.  The have the same scope of responsibility as the director of an SLS.

I would not give director credit for everyone who was on encampment staff.  Sure the encament director...maybe his chief of logistics, ops cheif, cheif of staff, cheif TAC officer....but not much below that level.

I suppose the Encampment qualifier will end up being a case by case dependent upon the amount of education that takes place and the opinion of he approving authority. Using Mikey's example of a cook, having someone toss burgers probably doesn't meet the intent of the regulation. But, a cook who also trains their cadet counterparts in meal planning, meal preparation, and the logistics of calculating needed food supplies and food ordering is another matter altogether. I was the Health Supervisor (MD state required title) at this years 2008 TWE. Simply patching kids up doesn't really meet the intent but I also held basic Anatomy and Physiology courses and basic pathophysiology courses for the cadet health staff that were first aid/CPR only and charting, advanced assessment, and mass casualty response to the EMT's. Doing your job is one thing but living by the rule of "everyone learns at Encampment" is something completely different.
Title: Re: New Staff/ Director Requirements for LEVEL 4/5
Post by: lordmonar on August 05, 2008, 12:21:34 AM
They all are going to be a case by case situation.