CAP Talk

General Discussion => The Lobby => Topic started by: SDF_Specialist on October 03, 2007, 08:50:58 PM

Title: With Pineda Out, What's Next?
Post by: SDF_Specialist on October 03, 2007, 08:50:58 PM
What's next for CAP? I proposed a question to a fellow CAPTalker the other day. The question was, "Do you think that if TP is removed, will CAP ask the people who were unfairly kicked out by him if they are interested in coming back?" I know that there were others other than Ray Hayden. So what's next? A better relationship with the AF? Less uniform and title drama? I'm excited to see what happens with Brig. Gen. Courter in the seat. Maybe even better morale for those members who don't care about the program. What are your thoughts?
Title: Re: With Pineda Out, What's Next?
Post by: JAFO78 on October 03, 2007, 08:57:49 PM
I will take a wait and see attitude for now.

"Ladies and Gentleman this is your Capt. speaking we have just left the turbulence behind us but please keep your seats belts on, because we could fly into rough weather again. Oh and thank you for flying CAPExpress Airlines."
Title: Re: With Pineda Out, What's Next?
Post by: jeders on October 03, 2007, 09:42:54 PM
Quote from: RobG on October 03, 2007, 08:57:49 PM
I will take a wait and see attitude for now.

I'd have to agree.

I think for the next month or two, it'll be sort of a damage control and stop the plane from crashing type attitude. After that, we'll probably see some reversals of what Pineda handed down during his term. Hopefully this will include some uniform change reversals as well as getting rid of Vangaurd as the sole supplier for CAP stuff. Additionally I think that we are going to get a little bit of a closer relationship with the Air Force, since many of the rifts were supposedly caused by Pineda.

Once we get our house back in order, I think that we'll carry on with business as usual.
Title: Re: With Pineda Out, What's Next?
Post by: SDF_Specialist on October 03, 2007, 09:48:00 PM
Granted there is a lot of damage, but we do need to keep pushing on, sit back and enjoy the smooth ride from here. Hopefully it will be a smooth ride.
Title: Re: With Pineda Out, What's Next?
Post by: CAP_truth on October 05, 2007, 09:38:35 PM
I just found this today on CAPBlog. It is suppose to be a letter that TP wrote to members of congress.
Title: Re: With Pineda Out, What's Next?
Post by: mikeylikey on October 05, 2007, 09:44:32 PM
^ Garbage written by MR Hayden!
Title: Re: With Pineda Out, What's Next?
Post by: Grumpy on October 05, 2007, 09:48:16 PM
Notice that he complains about being relieved without warning or the ability to defend himself.  What happened to those wing commanders that he did the same thing to?  Is the shoe on the other foot now?

I'm also tired of listening to that race thing.  Although I'm sure it does happen, it doesn't happen all that much any more and people use it as a crutch.

Title: Re: With Pineda Out, What's Next?
Post by: Eagle400 on October 05, 2007, 10:01:47 PM
Quote from: mikeylikey on October 05, 2007, 09:44:32 PM
^ Garbage written by MR Hayden!

Nope.  The letter came from the one and only Tony Pineda.  You can deny it all you want, but this man truly stinks to high heaven (and doesn't mind showing it to anyone, including Congress!) 

Title: Re: With Pineda Out, What's Next?
Post by: SJFedor on October 05, 2007, 10:08:20 PM
The thing I found interesting about that letter, as read on CAPBlog, is that no where does he deny the allegations of cheating on the test.

I'll start w/ the second quote:

Quote from: TP
Hayden has a motive for making the allegations; however, I would have no motive to cheat on a test that I didn't need to take in the first place. 

In this, he only states that he'd have no motive to cheat on it, that there was no stand-out reason for him to.

Quote from: TP
He then threatened to tell them that he had taken some Air Force Staff and Command College tests for me back in 2002.   It should be noted that these were courses and tests I took to further my knowledge and they weren't required for my rank or any promotions I received.

This REALLY tickles me. It's like he's saying "Who cares if I did or if I didn't, it's not like I promoted faster!" Again, no denying of the cheating, just saying he didn't get anything special for taking the test besides his own personal knowledge.

Colgan thinks Congress is going to ignore it. I think he's right. They've got bigger fish to fry, and maybe the BoG hasn't blasted this all over the place because they want to save the man (and the organization) some dignity. If he runs down the street screaming injustice, and ends up getting slammed either by the BoG with the release of their full findings, or, worse, slammed by a congressional hearing or SECAF, it's not going to be a pretty day for anyone in grey epaulets.
Title: Re: With Pineda Out, What's Next?
Post by: Skyray on October 05, 2007, 10:09:17 PM
So much for the good of the organization.  This is just going to rip CAP more frequently and more deeply than it has already been ripped.  The Board of Governors is Congress' creature, what does he expect them to do, over rule the board that they put in place?  If there is a Congressional Investigation, I am available and willing to testify.  Maybe now the congress will listen to just another former disgruntled member.  I am just peachy keen sure that Ileana Ros Lehtenin is just dying to have the letter that I wrote her on the [redacted] affair read to the congress.

Due Process Requires a hearing and an opportunity to be heard.  He had a deposition before the IG, that was his opportunity to be heard.  Even federal District courts have mostly dispensed with oral argument.

Another interesting thing is that I was present at many of the things he enumerates, and if it weren't for him naming names, I would not have recognized the incidents.
Title: Re: With Pineda Out, What's Next?
Post by: Eagle400 on October 05, 2007, 10:14:53 PM
I'm going to reply to Tony Pineda's desperate letter. 

Mr. Pineda is a glittering jewel of hypocrisy.  He is the perfect example of denial, and has abused the rights of others for the last time.  He was treated with more respect and due process than the wing commanders he fired/members he terminated, and was given plenty of time to change his act.  Mr. Pineda has done everything in his power to distance the relationship between CAP and the USAF, and is an embarassment to every CAP member who wears the uniform proudly and takes their duties seriously.  Pineda got the punishment he deserved, and will forever serve as an example to all CAP personnel of a National Commander who abused his power and set a negative example for everyone in the organization.       

Now Senator Tom Harkin will be right when he calls Tony Pineda a "disgruntled former member."

Title: Re: With Pineda Out, What's Next?
Post by: Eclipse on October 05, 2007, 11:44:42 PM
Quote from: ♠1 on October 05, 2007, 10:14:53 PMMr. Pineda has done everything in his power to distance the relationship between CAP and the USAF, and is an embarrassment to every CAP member who wears the uniform proudly and takes their duties seriously. 

Want an indication what is attitude is?

"...I am the National Commander of the Civil Air Patrol (CAP), a Federally chartered non-profit volunteer organization which also performs missions for the U.S. Air Force..."

He makes it sound like we're some church group that occasionally helps the USAF.  We're the !@#$% Auxiliary!

IMHO this is a ploy to remove the idea that CAP is an Auxiliary of the USAF from the mind of the readers to
seek the kind of "rights" a typical civilian charity affords to a member, denying the realities of a paramilitary environment, the honor code, or the reflection on the RealMilitary® this nonsense brings down.

That's enough for me...