CAP Talk

General Discussion => The Lobby => Topic started by: StevenAnderson on April 05, 2016, 05:53:29 AM

Title: New around here
Post by: StevenAnderson on April 05, 2016, 05:53:29 AM
Hello, so I'm really newish around here joined a month ago just got promoted to CADET Airman, is there anything I need to know like any pro tips or advice also my squadron really new as well. I'm in the newest squadron in Nebraska (Burke high school)  (ncr-ne-800)
Title: Re: New around here
Post by: Holding Pattern on April 05, 2016, 07:05:56 AM
Read a lot.
Promote often.
Whenever an opportunity presents itself, step up to the challenge.
Never wait for the last minute to accomplish something.
Keep a notebook of your accomplishments.
When you eventually leave CAP, ask for a copy of your personal file.
Title: Re: New around here
Post by: arajca on April 05, 2016, 01:38:18 PM
Congrats on the stripe. While not specific to CAP, some pointers to avoid getting piled on here:

1. If you ask a question, say what you've already done to get an answer. I.E. I'm looking for how to do XYZ, I've asked my chain of command and they don't know?
2. Ask for sources not answers. I.E. Where would I find information on ABC?
3. Read CAPM 39-1 - the uniform manual.
4. Read the USAF Drill and Ceremonies (D&C) manual. It's the source for CAP Drill and Ceremonies. When the CAP D&C manual comes out, read it.
5. Squadron specific information is usually not found here. Every unit has its own view on how to do things. If you don't think it's right, see 2 and talk to your chain of command.
6. Everyone here has an opinion or three. They are not usually the same, even on the same topic.
7. Wear Nomex undies.  ;D

Have fun.
Title: Re: New around here
Post by: CAPDCCMOM on April 05, 2016, 02:01:31 PM
Welcome Cadet. Congrats on the Curry :clap:.

Study your books. Take good notes. I tell my Cadets that to really promote rapidly, they need to spend 10-15 minutes every day on AE and Learn to Lead. Make sure that you have a good Cadet Mentor, listen to those that have been there before you.

Never Assume anything!!

Have fun
Title: Re: New around here
Post by: MrHawk on May 10, 2016, 03:32:43 PM
What is AE?  Like SteveAnderson, I just got promoted to Curry recently too.  I'm about to promote to Airman FirstClass, if I could complete a mile run in under 8.50.  What is the best way to do that, or is there a good method to use?  Thanks for any help!
Title: Re: New around here
Post by: CAPDCCMOM on May 10, 2016, 04:09:15 PM
AE is your Aerospace Education Modules.  To pass the run, run everyday. Train on two miles everyday, then you can easily pass the one mile test. Did I mention run everyday? You have to build the endurance and push yourself.
Title: Re: New around here
Post by: Sketch on May 15, 2016, 07:32:38 AM
Welcome to CT, and more importantly welcome to CAP. You two are already well ahead of your peers just by coming on here and asking for advice. As far as running goes, the best way to up your mile run time is constant 30 sec wind sprints with gradual increases over time. This worked for me way back when I was a cadet because it builds up your endurance and your lungs' ability to retain oxygen. After only one week of this I bumped my time down nearly a minute.
Title: Re: New around here
Post by: Hummingbird on May 17, 2016, 05:21:45 PM
CAP functions(fundraisers, O-flights, airport work, etc.) are the best, I would try to go to as many as possible

Make a few friends

Cleaning scuffs off the floor sucks

Shiny boots are always praised(at least in my squadron)

NEVER lock your legs, keep them slightly bent(Nearly fell over before I knew this)

Take good care of your uniform

Get ready for PT in advance(Drink a lot a water a few days in advance, do push-ups, planking, jumping jacks, runs, etc. on your own, and if you have a buddy you can do things like the curl-ups)

Don't be too lax, but don't be too uptight either


Ask how to shine your shoes, it's hard to learn for yourself

Tests can be online or on paper

Ribbons look good, work towards them(Recruiting ribbon might be the easiest for you if you have some friends who want to join)

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Always try to have access to water.

Memorize how to address the different ranks

Be smart(We have a person who broke her leg, so we used her and her wheelchair to help carry out our foam PT mats, so that we only made 1 trip)

Your boots will be hard to shine at first, but once you have a few coats on, it should be easy.

Ask questions. Chances are, you'll get an answer.