CAP Talk

General Discussion => Membership => Topic started by: supertigerCH on December 07, 2015, 10:28:20 AM

Title: Air Force Association for CAP?
Post by: supertigerCH on December 07, 2015, 10:28:20 AM

Does anyone know if membership in the Air Force Association is open to CAP members?

What made me wonder... is now that CAP has been more formally recognized as part of the "total Air Force" team... would this be something worth it for CAP administration to pursue (or work out)?

It looks like this might be one example... of a good way to help connect/unify the CAP community to the rest of the Air Force team.

Does anyone wiser than me out there have some knowledge (or thoughts/ideas) about this?

Title: Re: Air Force Association for CAP?
Post by: MHC5096 on December 07, 2015, 12:26:47 PM
CAP members have always been able to join the Air Force Association. In fact, anyone can join the Air Force Association. Military service is not a requirement.
Title: Re: Air Force Association for CAP?
Post by: AirAux on December 07, 2015, 01:37:22 PM
Definitely a wonderful opportunity to keep up with the Air Force.  Many years ago, my Dad, a retired Major, called and wanted to know why I was listed in the AFA membership book as a Major.  I explained to him my involvement with CAP and he couldn't believe that I was listed as such.  He said he would salute me whenever I got my LtCol rank.  Unfortunately he passed before that happened.  One of the neat features is that they publish a periodical magazine and once a year it has the Air Force Almanac in it.  It lists all unit and Aircraft in the fleet and whether they are mission ready or not.  They also list the Aircraft of other nations and their readiness.  I have saved them over the years and it is a shame as to the state of our Air Force today.  You will be amazed when you read the Almanac.  You will also be amazed as to the responses some retired leaders post in the comment section.  I highly recommend joining and then see if there is a local Chapter near you that you can become involved with.  Another thing that is not mentioned often is that you can join what used to be called the Officer's Club on most bases.  Some have good weekend or season happenings, such as  a Valentine's Day Dance and Dinner (Prime Rib).  The only problem is that some if not most Air Force Bases are hard to get on anymore due to security.  The Club at Warner-Robbins has a most excellent Brunch on Sundays (Did I mention Prime Rib)..   
Title: Re: Air Force Association for CAP?
Post by: Garibaldi on December 07, 2015, 01:55:45 PM
I would think the Arnold Air Society would be more of a thing. That's just me, though.

Never mind...I just remembered what the AAS is for.
Title: Re: Air Force Association for CAP?
Post by: Capt Thompson on December 07, 2015, 03:52:09 PM
If you sign up for AFA on their website, there is a check box for CAP
Title: Re: Air Force Association for CAP?
Post by: MSG Mac on December 07, 2015, 04:41:31 PM
Been A Life member for over 30 years as a member of CAP.
Title: Re: Air Force Association for CAP?
Post by: MacGruff on December 07, 2015, 05:47:37 PM
I joined AFA about a year after CAP. No previous affiliation with U.S. Air Force.

Am also a member of a local AFA chapter. The president of that chapter used to be a CAP Squadron Commander...
Title: Re: Air Force Association for CAP?
Post by: SARDOC on December 07, 2015, 06:44:02 PM
I participated for three years with the local AFA chapter as a Member of CAP, I was on the executive committee as the CAP rep.

It was okay for a while but the chapter was small and semi defunct.  My membership has since lapsed but the volume of fundraising mailings I get from them sometimes is overwhelming.  The Air Force Magazine was usually a good read.
Title: Re: Air Force Association for CAP?
Post by: supertigerCH on December 08, 2015, 04:31:27 AM

Thanks everyone!!

I'm glad to find out that I was the one "out of the loop" on this (and to find out that AFA has been accepting CAP members into their ranks -- for many years).

MHC5096  --  it looks like you are correct, and that there are many categories of AFA membership (enough types... that anyone who wants to be part of AFA can join in one way or another.  I think at first glance I misread the AFA website, (

...and I mistakenly thought the civilian" members they talked about were DOD civilians.

Thank you Lieutenant Thompson.  Low and behold... there certainly IS a "Civil Air Patrol box" (that can be checked) when a person is signing up on the AFA website for membership.   :)

This is good news.  Thanks everyone for your feedback.  I'm happy that you all shared your knowledge with me on this.