CAP Talk

Operations => Emergency Services & Operations => Topic started by: kirbahashi on August 19, 2013, 02:42:14 PM

Title: SAR Competition?
Post by: kirbahashi on August 19, 2013, 02:42:14 PM
I have a question I am throwing out to the masses. 

Does your Wing, Group, or Squadron have/hold a SAR Challenge?  I am trying to determine other methods in which to foster interest in ES ground operations.  And I am curious if a competition based on ES skills could foster more interest?  Obviously a competition based on written and practical assessments of ES Skills.  However, I am just taking initial steps on this and would rather not reinvent the wheel.  If you know of a Wing that does this, please let me know.  I have googled it, and looked at past posts here on CT.  While I did not go too far, the first two links I encountered were dead.

Thanks for any help.
Title: Re: SAR Competition?
Post by: sarmed1 on August 20, 2013, 03:11:49 AM
Pennsylvania Wing holds a Ranger Team competition every year and if I recall correctly friends of mine have told me that TXWG holds (or at least has held)  a cadet GT competition as well.  PA's comp has been in the past lack luster in my opionion, its squadron based and was relatively attended by the same teams every year, the winners pretty much being predictable.  Theirs was based more on the PAWG ranger concept of a 12 man team (so in my opinion limited in the fact that not many squadrons, even in a large state like PA could field enough members to have more than 3 or 4 teams)  It has improved somewhat over the years.  Teams are generally evaluated on qualifications of members, equipment inspection, then a series of Ranger/GTM specific tasks-ELT search, navigation, patient evacuation.....

I did have the most intereting experience representing CAP (and I guess the US) at Canada's International SARScene games back in '07 (
