CAP Talk

General Discussion => Uniforms & Awards => Topic started by: UH60guy on June 05, 2013, 11:41:31 AM

Title: Service Coat- is this the right one?
Post by: UH60guy on June 05, 2013, 11:41:31 AM
First things first- I realize this is an enlisted coat (sans epaulets). I'm just checking whether I'm in the right ball park, or even playing the right sport. I am always weary before I buy clothes online, but my local AAFES doesn't have my size in stock. This guy on ebay seems to have a metric buttload of uniforms, but states they may be old. (

Has anyone bought from this seller or someone like this, and if so, are the service coats the right ones? Are there any nuances I should look for in these listings where people don't always list the full details and CAPR 39-1 paragraph and line number?

Alternate (preferred) means: I would love to buy a new uniform. I don't know the deal with the USAF, but the Army (and Navy!) have alternate authorized retailers out there like Marlow White where I can buy a full dress uniform and all my pieces of flair. I can't seem to find something similar for the USAF- does anyone know of such a vendor (TACTICAL vendors abound- can't find dress uniform vendors)? Actually that might even be better than AAFES as 3rd party sites like UltraThin, Marlow White, and Vanguard are often able to expedite and ship faster than AAFES ever does.

Edit: I found "" but their smallest size is 46... I'm a 39. Will keep looking...
Title: Re: Service Coat- is this the right one?
Post by: Eclipse on June 05, 2013, 12:42:54 PM
Looks correct, but pics are weird. Has buttons on different sides in different pics.

Search AAFES here to get a copy of the catalog with part numbers and instructions to order direct form them.
Title: Re: Service Coat- is this the right one?
Post by: UH60guy on June 05, 2013, 12:56:09 PM
Thanks- I have an AAFES order page queued up, but the thing that gets me is the stipulation "This item is shipped from MCSS supplier and your account will be charged at the time the order is placed. Please allow 30 days for shipment, plus an additional 3 days for delivery."

30 days? C'mon AAFES. I had (wrongly) assumed 3 weeks until encampment would be enough time- not so sure I'm willing to roll the dice on ordering through them. I had neglected to mention that I'm leaving for encampment on 21 June and was hoping to wear it then, but I am just wasting time waiting on this uniform item I can't seem to find.

If the ebay one looks right, I might pull the trigger there and get quick shipping, though I'd have to find the enlisted to officer conversion kit, which I hear AAFES stopped selling. (after searching some, I find that is a whole different bag of worms)
Title: Re: Service Coat- is this the right one?
Post by: Eclipse on June 05, 2013, 01:10:10 PM
There hasn't been an "officer conversion kit" for since ever - the only option some members find is buying a second jacket
for the material and taking it to the nice lady on the corner, with mixed results.

It sounds like you have online access to AAFES, most CAP members have to call and can't order online, so you're already ahead of the game.

Those jackets have been in short supply for a long time.
Title: Re: Service Coat- is this the right one?
Post by: Cliff_Chambliss on June 05, 2013, 01:14:41 PM
A "resource" that escapes most:  If you are close to a base check out the Thrift Shop.  (Skinny Lt's become well fed majors and the too tight uniforms go to the Thrift Shop.)  Prices are also far more reasonable than downtown.
Title: Re: Service Coat- is this the right one?
Post by: UH60guy on June 05, 2013, 01:39:44 PM
Great idea, thanks! There's a thrift shop right next to the MCSS, I hadn't even given it a second thought.

Funny you mention the LTs and Majors... This previously well-fed LT recently became a skinny Major. (got my butt into gear when the promotion list came out)
Title: Re: Service Coat- is this the right one?
Post by: Walkman on June 05, 2013, 02:48:17 PM
Quote from: Eclipse on June 05, 2013, 01:10:10 PM
There hasn't been an "officer conversion kit" for since ever - the only option some members find is buying a second jacket for the material and taking it to the nice lady on the corner, with mixed results.

I was lucky enough to get good results doing that, but my "nice lady" happens to be a seamstress who's also a great friend. Definitely check on their skills before proceeding and it helps if they have a familiarity with military uniforms.
Title: Re: Service Coat- is this the right one?
Post by: MIKE on June 05, 2013, 05:03:25 PM
Wonders why anyone would need service dress for a summer encampment.  I would think everyone would want to be in the short-sleeved service uniform.  Just saying... CAP doesn't expect members to equip themselves with a full clothing bag issue.
Title: Re: Service Coat- is this the right one?
Post by: UH60guy on June 05, 2013, 05:05:16 PM
Mostly I was just trying to look nice for the dinner the night before the graduation. A couple other TACs and I were trying to set a positive example etc. etc. etc. Though you're right, if I can't find one on time I won't be heartbroken. I was planning on getting a jacket at some point anyway though, might as well have an occaison for wear.

I just don't understand the lack of supply- when I see epaulet conversion kits and even alternate uniform suppliers for the other services I just have to wonder why the USAF never got on board with that. Honestly it's not like the USAF blues are super complicated compared with the Army or Navy uniforms.

Sites like these would make CAP life just a little easier (considering I can buy the uniform and components without a DoD ID card check): (
Title: Re: Service Coat- is this the right one?
Post by: Eclipse on June 05, 2013, 05:06:41 PM
^ You'll have to stand in line with the rest of on these issues.   No idea why the USAF does a lot of things the way they do.
Title: Re: Service Coat- is this the right one?
Post by: Private Investigator on June 06, 2013, 08:47:45 AM
Quote from: Eclipse on June 05, 2013, 12:42:54 PM
Looks correct, but pics are weird. Has buttons on different sides in different pics.

Search AAFES here to get a copy of the catalog with part numbers and instructions to order direct form them.

One is male, the other is female.
Title: Re: Service Coat- is this the right one?
Post by: UH60guy on June 06, 2013, 11:34:26 AM
Yeah, that looked weird to me. I ended up not wanting to chance it and just went to AAFES in person and put it on order. If it comes on time, sweet. If not, no big deal.

That ebay listing sounded like a good idea at the beginning too, but that was before I dug into the whole "conversion kit" (or lack thereof) world and figured it was more trouble than it was worth. In the end it will be nice to have a good looking uniform that I can wear for a few years, then donate to the squadron eventually.
Title: Re: Service Coat- is this the right one?
Post by: Storm Chaser on June 06, 2013, 07:26:10 PM
That was probably a smart move. Those pictures didn't look right. At least you know that you're not getting stuck with the "wrong" service coat.
Title: Re: Service Coat- is this the right one?
Post by: SarDragon on June 07, 2013, 01:27:52 AM
I checked it out, and there are pix of both male and female coats. I haven't gotten around to asking the seller why the pix are that way.