CAP Talk

Operations => Aerospace Education => Topic started by: denverpilot on May 10, 2012, 05:44:18 AM

Title: Sacrificed his career for his men...
Post by: denverpilot on May 10, 2012, 05:44:18 AM
Interesting lessons in integrity and leadership under difficult circumstances:

Also interesting to me, anyway, that even Robin Olds backed away from being caught up in the mess. That's a sure sign of serious trouble, considering his general (no pun intended) demeanor.
Title: Re: Sacrificed his career for his men...
Post by: NIN on May 10, 2012, 01:03:51 PM
I think Olds, rightly so, saw his prior knowledge as something that would have caused a reversal or other negative action by the 13th AF had the court-martial not gone the way that Ryan wanted.   If Broughton had been acquitted by the court, they could have said "Olds knew about it in advance, it tainted the proceedings. Retrial."  I'm pretty sure Robin Olds would not run out on a guy like Jack Broughton without a darn good reason. And I wouldn't count this as "running out".

Title: Re: Sacrificed his career for his men...
Post by: coudano on May 10, 2012, 05:33:46 PM
Also it seems to me like if you are willing to step into the middle of a fight and take a punch in the face, to save someone else... even if you successfully save them (which he did)...  then you still get punched in the face.

Seems like everyone here wanted everyone to get off scott free, which just isn't how it really works (nor really should work).

I suspect Broughton probably knew exactly what he was doing, and its probable consequences, when he did it.
Title: Re: Sacrificed his career for his men...
Post by: lordmonar on May 10, 2012, 08:49:24 PM
Strange.......that we have these conversations.

Two guys screw up.  Okay...that happens. 
They lie about it.  Okay....not so good. 
They go to their boss's boss and tell all.....very good.
He dicides that it is better to order an NCO to destroy the evidence.
He then lies to a General about it.

When he finally fesses up....they want to rake him over the coals.......shocking....I mean he only particpated in covering up an international incident.

That he also compares himself to Billy Mitchell is I think Billy got off lightly.

Bottom line.....yes we as leaders need to stand up for our troops.....but HOW you go about it is just as important as doing it in the first place.

Title: Sacrificed his career for his men...
Post by: denverpilot on May 11, 2012, 08:58:36 AM
It's also interesting that there's at least anecdotal evidence that the ground based weapons were what hit the ship. That would mean the "international incident" started with a lie by the Russians in the first place. No big surprise there.