CAP Talk

General Discussion => Membership => Topic started by: Pylon on February 05, 2007, 07:29:23 PM

Title: Requesting CAPRAP?
Post by: Pylon on February 05, 2007, 07:29:23 PM
This may be a question McClarty can answer.

From a unit's perspective, can one request the assistance of a reservist through the CAPRAP program, and if so, how does that process work?   I've seen the basic information on the CAPRAP program from NHQ's website and the Knowledgebase, but not much about how it is applied.

Can units request a CAPRAP reservist, especially if an Air Guard and/or AF Reserve unit is fairly nearby?  What's the justification process?  Is there a limit on slots? 

And last but not least... What are the typical things a CAPRAP reservist does for the unit they're assigned to?
Title: Re: Requesting CAPRAP?
Post by: Eclipse on February 05, 2007, 08:32:45 PM
Assuming you don't know who it is, just call your State Director and ask for assistance or contact information.

I believe they actually have service requirements, so assuming there is one assigned to your area (there isn't always), they should be visiting you on occasion, though what I think happens is that the units nearest to the CAPRAPs house gets the most attention.
Title: Re: Requesting CAPRAP?
Post by: Al Sayre on February 05, 2007, 08:33:14 PM
Good Question!
Title: Re: Requesting CAPRAP?
Post by: mikeylikey on February 05, 2007, 11:11:39 PM
Don't put too much into what the CAPRAP can do for you.  They usually visit units that are near their residence or the unit where their son or daughter are members.  They are in it for only one thing, POINTS!
Title: Re: Requesting CAPRAP?
Post by: A.Member on February 05, 2007, 11:19:51 PM
Quote from: mikeylikey on February 05, 2007, 11:11:39 PM
Don't put too much into what the CAPRAP can do for you.  They usually visit units that are near their residence or the unit where their son or daughter are members.  They are in it for only one thing, POINTS!
But don't sell them short either.  Some are much better than that.
Title: Re: Requesting CAPRAP?
Post by: afgeo4 on February 06, 2007, 08:20:48 AM
You can always try to request it, but the answer I received when I was still in the Reserves and already in CAP was... "You want to do what???? You think that's why we spent all this money to train you? So you can play with kids instead of doing work? Go back to your shop before the 1st shirt finds out!"
Title: Re: Requesting CAPRAP?
Post by: Nick on February 07, 2007, 04:56:42 AM
The first question I have is: What is your need for a CAPRAP member? Is it to provide an "Air Force presence" at your unit? Do you have a project you need some Air Force input or assistance with? Do you want to open a dialog with a local AFRC/ANG unit and want an Air Force member to make the connection for you? The answer to this question will play heavily in my final response.

Outside of that, generally speaking -- yes, if units have a need for a CAPRAP presence to advise and assist the local unit, they can make that request to the SD... but, you'll need to have an answer to the above question ready to go.  I do know of reservists that actively participate with local CAP units (beyond their 2 points for the unit visit), I also know of reservists that only do their one unit visit every two months and stop there.  I have six units across about 400 square miles I need to visit this year... if I have free time outside of that, I would be one of the ones willing to volunteer time to provide advice and assistance to units as they need it.  Your mileage may vary.
Title: Re: Requesting CAPRAP?
Post by: Dustoff on February 07, 2007, 05:51:02 AM

Nice answer.  I think that covered it well. 

Let me just add that the last time I checked, there were only about 300 of us total in the CAP-RAP program.  Divide that by 50.  And that's just the average. 

For a long while I was the ONLY person assigned to my state.  Those numbers are going to affect just how much assistance we can provide.

But if there is anything I can do to help, please don't heistate to contact me.   :)

TSgt Jim Laning
Title: Re: Requesting CAPRAP?
Post by: Eclipse on February 08, 2007, 03:54:16 PM
I will say that, as well intentioned as our CAPRAPs are, many are less than current in the program, and get themselves, and us, in trouble extending USAF regs and policies to CAP.

We have some great ones in ILWG, including some who were CAP Unit CC's, and a few who are literally in it for the points and offer very little in return.