CAP Talk

General Discussion => The Lobby => Topic started by: Spaceman3750 on July 13, 2011, 03:39:58 PM

Title: Regs regarding parent (non-member) involvement
Post by: Spaceman3750 on July 13, 2011, 03:39:58 PM
Can anyone point me towards a reg governing non-member parental involvement in the squadron?
Title: Re: Regs regarding parent (non-member) involvement
Post by: Eclipse on July 13, 2011, 03:43:38 PM
I'm not sure which reg you'd want to see.  Membership and level 1 / CPPT is a minimum requirement for anyone to be involved
with CAP, other than the occasional guest speaker, etc.

So CSM would be the minimum level of membership required, and those members are limited in what they may do.

See 39-2 and 52-16.

Note CSM's must have a cadet in the program and must term or convert if / when that cadet leaves.
Title: Re: Regs regarding parent (non-member) involvement
Post by: Spaceman3750 on July 13, 2011, 03:46:58 PM
Quote from: Eclipse on July 13, 2011, 03:43:38 PM
I'm not sure which reg you'd want to see.  Membership and level 1 / CPPT is a minimum requirement for anyone to be involved
with CAP, other than the occasional guest speaker, etc.

So CSM would be the minimum level of membership required, and those members are limited in what they may do.

See 39-2 and 52-16.

Note CSM's must have a cadet in the program and must term or convert if / when that cadet leaves.

I skimmed both prior to posting but didn't see anything along the lines of "non-members/parents may/may not contribute to the squadron in X way" which is kind of what I was looking for.
Title: Re: Regs regarding parent (non-member) involvement
Post by: Eclipse on July 13, 2011, 03:57:55 PM
You won't find it in the "do nots" as the "shalls" are clear in this case.
Title: Re: Regs regarding parent (non-member) involvement
Post by: cap235629 on July 13, 2011, 04:31:56 PM
we break it down simple. 

All parents are welcome to attend all squadron functions as a guest at any time.  This includes meetings and as day only guests at any overnight activities.

If they want to participate in meetings, they must become a CSM.

If they want to do anything else, full membership is required.

We are strict about this.

Funny enough we had a very protective Mother of a potential new 12 year old cadet ask us about these policies at length last night.  She left very satisfied that her concerns for her sons safety with "strangers" were addressed as well as they could be with any organization.

I don't know if this will help, but we also have a Booster Club that bestows membership based upon ones child being a member of the squadron.  This gives some parents an opportunity to help without being members of the squadron.
Title: Re: Regs regarding parent (non-member) involvement
Post by: titanII on July 13, 2011, 06:58:38 PM
Quote from: cap235629 on July 13, 2011, 04:31:56 PM
All parents are welcome to attend all squadron functions as a guest at any time.  This includes meetings and as day only guests at any overnight activities.

If they want to participate in meetings, they must become a CSM.

If they want to do anything else, full membership is required.
Kinda the same at my squadron. Parents are welcome to attend meetings with their cadets. They, however, don't attend overnight activities. Most parents will attend the meetings for the first month or two, and then either stop attending or join up as full-on SMs.
Title: Re: Regs regarding parent (non-member) involvement
Post by: jimmydeanno on July 13, 2011, 07:56:40 PM
Shucks, at my unit the parents push the kid out of the car as they drive by, only coming in to provide checks for whatever will get their kid out of the house longer.  But I digress...  >:D
Title: Re: Regs regarding parent (non-member) involvement
Post by: Woodsy on July 13, 2011, 08:52:33 PM
Let me pose a specific question, as I've been told yes and no...

Squadron is touring military base about an hour away.  Tour is on a weekday (only time they give tours) so hard to get enough SM's to go to drive all of the cadets.  Cadets will be turned away if more SM drivers can't be found.  Non-member parents have volunteered to go if needed so no cadets are turned away.  How does this work? 
Title: Re: Regs regarding parent (non-member) involvement
Post by: Eclipse on July 13, 2011, 09:01:17 PM
^ It doesn't.

How cadets get to an activity is specifically separated from CAP's responsibility, however once you make it a group activity, the drivers have to be at least CSM's.

Those who would suggest skirting the regs and "pretending" 11 cadets showed up together at the same time puts the drivers and the corporation at risk.
Title: Re: Regs regarding parent (non-member) involvement
Post by: lordmonar on July 13, 2011, 09:02:29 PM

Non-CAP-Member parents may only drive their children at the event.

If you ask other parents to drive...then you fall into liability issues.....and would have to be CAP members of some sort (at least sponsor members).

Also the transportation plan must be approved IN WRITING by the squadron commander.