CAP Talk

Operations => Emergency Services & Operations => Topic started by: RiverAux on April 23, 2011, 07:10:55 PM

Title: AFRCC 2010 Annual Report
Post by: RiverAux on April 23, 2011, 07:10:55 PM
The AFRCC has released their annual report for 2010:

Some highlights:
Number of missions has dropped by almost 2/3 from the highest number in the last 10 years with obviously most of that drop in 2009-10 from the ELT changes.  Incidents rose a bit, but are still below the average. 

Missing person searches accounted for almost twice as many saves as aircraft and beacon-related incidents.  (one of the reasons I've always harped on the fact that CAP is missing the boat by not focusing more on this mission type). 

CAP NHQ received credit for 22 saves?  Maybe that was the cell phone guy?  Otherwise I can't see how they managed that. 

MS Wing received credit for 330 saves?  There goes Smithsonia's work on CAP's largest single mission save, I'm sure.  However, I think there may be an error in the report because in another table it looks like this mass rescue was in TN. 

Boy, I'd really like to see those missions broke down by mission type for CAP like they have done at the state level. 

You know, it would be nice if CAP actually did an annual report showing our ES work in a similar level of detail....
Title: Re: AFRCC 2010 Annual Report
Post by: DH on April 23, 2011, 10:36:49 PM
I believe the part about MS Wing is correct. Much of that occured as a result of the severe flooding in TN. At the time, much of the TNWG was grounded due to the weather moving through, and I suspect from many TNWG personnel being affected. MSWG was tasked to come in behind the storm to begin operations. From what I hear, they did a great job.
Title: Re: AFRCC 2010 Annual Report
Post by: Smithsonia on April 24, 2011, 02:53:46 AM
I saw that same number a few months back and thought the same thing. The largest single mission save in CAP history may be in jeopardy. No worries, it is a record that was meant to be broken. Meaning, all good deeds done by all fine members should be rewarded and regarded with the highest respect from each of us... I offer my deepest respects to Tennessee, Mississippi, or who ever else provides vital services in times of great need. God Bless us all and God Bless our commitment to duty.